Market News Fish Prices

The primary function of this joint Federal/industry program is to provide accurate and unbiased reports depicting current conditions affecting the trade in fish and fishery products.

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% Change from Previous Report
lbs Landed


% Change from Previous Report
lbs Landed


% Change from Previous Report
lbs Landed

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Disclaimer: The quick look graphs are timeseries of daily prices and and total quantities for selected species aggregated across all of the auctions in the Northeast region. However, certain auctions report only High and Low prices instead of an average price. For these auctions, we have used the midpoint of the "High" and "Low" prices in the construction of our graphs. Therefore, the graphed prices should not be interpreted as an average price.

Price and landings data are posted with a 1-2 day delay. Please use caution when interpreting the most recent prices and landings, they may be incomplete.

The data provided on the Market News page do not go through the rigorous quality-assurance processes that are used for the Seafood Dealer Reporting systems in the Northeast Region. This webpage is intended to provide insight into market conditions in New England; however, the data provided here are less accurate than those collected by the Seafood Dealer reporting system. Accordingly, we advise against using the data on this webpage as a primary source in scholarly research.
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(File Modified Apr. 06 2016)