Recent Publications

To search full list of publications by SSB staff member names go to the NEFSC Publications page.

Chhandita Das, An overview of the annual cost survey protocol and results in the northeastern region (2007-2009). NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-226, 2014. Available online

Jepson, M., Colburn L.L. 2013. Development of Social Indicators of Fishing Community Vulnerability and Resilience in theU.S. Southeast and Northeast Regions. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-129, 64 p. Available online

Kitts, Andrew and Chad Demarest. Impact of quota trading on net revenues in the Northeast U.S. groundfish fishery. NEFSC Reference Document 13-19, 2013. Available online

Olson, Julia, Patricia M. Clay and Patricia Pinto da Silva (2014) “Putting the Seafood in Sustainable Food Systems,” Marine Policy 42: 104-111. Available online

Scott Steinback and Ayeisha Brinson, The Economics of the Recreational For-hire Fishing Industry in the Northeast United States, 2nd Ed. NEFSC Referece Document, 2013 Available online

Lee, M-Y. A and E.M. Thunberg. An Inverse Demand System for New England Groundfish. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. In Press. Available online

Clay, PM, A Kitts and P Pinto da Silva. Measuring the socio-economic performance of catch share programs: definition of metrics and application to the Northeast U.S. groundfish fishery. Marine Policy. In press. Available online

Murphy T., Kitts A., Records D., Demarest C., McPherson M., Walden J., Caless D., Bing-Sawyer E., Steinback S., Olson J. 2011 Final Report on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2011 - April 2012). US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 12-30; 111 p.

Lee M-Y., 2012. Examining Bargaining Power in the Northeast Multispecies Days-at-Sea Market. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 32(5): 1017-1031

Magnusson GM, Bisack KD, Milliken HO. 2012. The Cost-effectiveness of Gear Research Relative to a Closure: Pound Nets and Sea Turtles as an Example. US Dept Commer, NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 12-01; 25 p.

Brinson A, Lee M-Y, Rountree B. 2011. Direct marketing strategies: The rise of community supported fishery programs. Mar Pol 35 (2011) 542-548

Abbott-Jamieson S, Clay PM. 2010. The long voyage to including sociocultural analysis in NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. Mar Fish Rev.72 (2):14-33

Brinson A, Die D, Bannerman P, Diatta Y. 2009. Socioeconomic performance of West African fleets that target Atlantic Billfish. Fish Res 99(1): 55-62

Chapman D, Donovan C, Bishop R. 2009. Study of the economic benefits of right whale protection in the northwest Atlantic:phase 1, year 2 report. NOAA Contract No. EA133F-05-NC3251. Final Report 221 p.

Clay PM, Pinto da Silva P, Kitts A. 2010. Defining social and economic performance measures for catch share systems in the Northeast U.S. 2010. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 13-16, 2010, Montepellier, France: Economics of Fish Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Balancing Uses, Balancing Costs.

Clay PM, Olson J 2011. Defining and Applying Sustainability: Connecting Sociocultural, Economic and Biological Concepts. Anthropology News, In Focus Commentary, pp. 7, 10.

Clay PM, Olson J 2011. Social Science in Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management: a Focus on Sociocultural Aspects, pp21-22. In: ICES. Report of the Working Group on the Northwest Atlantic Regional Sea (WGNARS), 8–10 February 2011, Halifax, Canada. ICES CM 2011/SSGRSP:01. 65 pp.

Colburn LL, Clay PM. 2009. Oral histories as a tool in Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in northeast US fisheries. [abstract]. International Marine Conservation Congress; 2009 May 20-24; Fairfax (VA) 4 p.

Colburn LL, Clay PM, Olson J, Pinto da Silva P, Smith SL, Westwood A, Ekstrom J. 2010. (Introduction) Community Profiles for the Northeast US Marine Fisheries. Informal report.

Colburn LL, Clay PM. 2011. The role of oral histories in the conduct of fisheries social impact assessments in the Northeast US. J Ecological Anthropology 15(1):74-80.

Colburn LL, Jepson M. 2012. Social Indicators of Gentrification Pressure in Fishing Communities: A Context for Social Impact Assessment. Coastal Management, Vol. 40:289-300.

Färe, R., J.E. Kirkley, and J.B. Walden (senior authorship shared). 2011. Measuring fishing capacity when some outputs are undesirable. Eastern Economic Journal 37(4):553-70.

Holland D, Pinto da Silva P, Weirsma J. 2010. A survey of social capital and attitudes toward management in the New England groundfish fishery. NEFSC Ref Doc 10-12; 13 p

Kirkley, J.E., J.B. Walden, and R Färe. 2011. A general equilibrium model for Atlantic sea herring (Clupea harengus) with ecosystem considerations. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68(5): 860-866.

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, McPherson M, Olson J, Walden J. 2011. Interim Report for Fishing Year 2010 on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery (May 2010 - January 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc 11-07; 41 p.

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, McPherson M, Olson J, Walden J. 2011. Report for fishing year 2010 on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishery (May 2010-April 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc 11-12; 44 p.

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, Walden J, Demarest C, McPherson M, Christman P, Steinback S, Olson J, Clay P. 2011. 2010 final report on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishery (May 2010-April 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc 11-19; 97 p.

Lee M-Y., 2012. Examining Bargaining Power in the Northeast Multispecies Days-at-Sea Market. *North American Journal of Fisheries Management. *32(5): 1017-1031

Nutters H., Pinto da Silva P., 2012. Fishery stakeholder engagement and marine spatial planning: Lessons from the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP and the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan. P. 9-18. Vol 67. Ocean and Coastal Management. NEFSC Ref Doc 11-19; 97 p.

Olson J. 2010. Seeding nature, ceding culture: redefining the boundaries of the marine commons through spatial management and GIS. Geoforum 41(2):293-303

Olson J. 2011. Producing nature and enacting difference in ecosystem-based fisheries management: An example from the Northeastern US. Marine Policy 35(4):528-35.

Olson, J. 2011. Understanding and Contextualizing Social Impacts from the Privatization of Fisheries: An Overview. Ocean and Coastal Management 54(5): 353-363.

Pollnac, R. B, Colburn L. L., Seara T., Weng C., and Yentes K. 2011. Job Satisfaction, Well-being and Change in Southern New England Fishing Communities. Final Report to Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation. Online at

Smith CL , Clay PM. 2010. Measuring subjective and objective well-being: analyses from five marine commercial fisheries. Hum Organ 69(2):158-168

Smith, S. L, R. B. Pollnac, L. L. Colburn and J. Olson. 2011. Classification of Coastal Communities Reporting Commercial Fish Landings in the Northeast Region: Developing and Testing a Methodology. Marine Fisheries Review 73(2). Online at

Steinback S, Wallmo K, Clay P. 2009. Saltwater sport fishing for food or income in the northeastern US: statistical estimates and policy implications. Mar Pol 33(1):49-57

Thunberg E, Portman M, Jin D. 2009. Waterfront land use change and marine resource conditions; the case of New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Ecol Econ 68; 2354-2362

Walden J. 2011. Summary of findings by the Center for Independent Experts regarding setting excessive share limits for ITQ fisheries. NEFSC Ref Doc 11-22; 104 p

Walden J, Kirkley J, Fare R. 2010. Measuring and managing fishing capacity.Chapter 40 In: Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management. New York (NY): Oxford University Press 546-552

Walden J, Tomberlin D. 2010. Estimating fishing vessel capacity: a comparison of nonparametric frontier approaches. Mar Resour Econ 25(1): 22-36.

Walden JB, McGuire CJ. 2011. Who owns the fish? Moving from the commons to federal ownership of our national fisheries. Am Bar Assn Marine Resources Newsletter 14:2

Clay, P. 1998. Sociocultural Data Indicators pp. 31-35, In: Guidelines for the Routine Collection of Capture Fishery Data. Prepared at an Expert Consultation held at Bangkok, Thailand 18-30 May, organized and funded by the FAO/DANIDA Project Training in Fish Stock Assessment and Fishery Research Planning GCP/INT/575/DEN. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 382. Rome, FAO. 1998. 98pp. Available online
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