Fisheries Resources
Pacific Region

Reports and Publications

Pacific Region Fisheries Program biologists work collaboratively with other scientists to publish reports or studies detailing research and fieldwork on a variety of topics relating to the conservation and management of inter-jurisdictional fishes, hatchery production, threatened and endangered aquatic species, non-indigenous aquatic nuisance species, habitat restoration, and other high priority aquatic resources.

In This Section You Can:

Read the Pacific Region Fishery Resources Pilot Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Winthrop National Fish Hatchery:


Visit the Reports and Publications pages of Pacific Region Fisheries Program field stations:

Read Our Station Monthly Reports/Newsletters:

Abernathy FTC July/August 2013 Newsletter
Dworshak NFH June 2013 Montly Report
Hagerman NFH June 2013 Monthly Report

Annual Program Highlights Reports

Net Worth: The Economic Value of Fisheries Conservation

68,000 American jobs are attributable to the economic contribution of the national Fisheries Program; for every $1 invested into our federal program results in a $28 return to our economy.

Read More

Learn more about the economic benefits of habitat restoration activities in the Columbia River Basin


Cover of the Winter 2011 Edition of Eddies

Read Eddies, The Service Fishery Resources' Award-Winning Quarterly Publication

Eddies: Reflections on Fisheries Conservation

Eddies Receives 2011 Honors! (News Release)

Browse Servicewide Scientific Publications:

Visit the Service's Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management:


Find Our Facilities:

Pacific Region Map State of Idaho Map State of Oregon Map State of Washington Map State of Hawaii & other Pacific Islands

Fisheries in the News

12/29/16 Steelhead Season starts New Year's Day    

12/28/16 Spring Steelhead Season Opens January1    

11/17/16 Oregon Offers Free Fishing/Clamming Crabbing Nov. 25-26 (ODFW Website)    

10/3/16 Working to kick start nature with wetland restoration (Gazette-Tribune)    

9/25/16 Day Trippin: Hagerman Fish Hatchery (    

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Last updated: October 17, 2016

Pacific Region Fisheries Resources
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