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Conservation Plant Releases

The Plant Materials Program has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Release Name   sorting arrow Scientific Name    sorting arrow Common Name  sorting arrow Uses Year sorting arrow   Release Brochure PMC sorting arrow  
Westwater Germplasm Muhlenbergia asperifolia alkali muhly erosion control, wildlife food and cover, restoration of disturbed sites and increasing plant diversity of riparian areas. 2006 NMPMC
'Salado' Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton forage and ground cover, range improvement, mine land reclamation, highway revegetation 1983 Brochure (PDF; 171 KB) NMPMC
'Saltalk' Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton saline, alkaline soil stabilization, critical area revegetation, range seeding 1981 Brochure (PDF; 400 KB) TXPMC
Vegas Germplasm Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton restoration and rehabilitation of riparian systems, wildlife habitat improvement, restoration of disturbed areas and for increasing plant diversity 2006 Brochure (PDF; 686 KB) AZPMC
'Cape' Ammophila breviligulata American beachgrass restoration and stabilization of coastal dunes and critical areas 1970 Brochure (PDF; 140 KB) NJPMC
Riverview Germplasm Ribes americanum American black currant wildlife plantings, agroforestry (fruit production), field windbreaks, wildlife habitat and food, and riparian areas 2010 Brochure (PDF; 1.5 MB) NDPMC
Midwest Premium Germplasm Prunus americana American plum wildlife habitat, erosion control, and for windbreaks 2006 Brochure (PDF; 463 KB) MOPMC
'Flame' Acer ginnala Amur maple windbreaks, landscape and beautification 1978 MOPMC
'Zorro' Vulpia myuros annual fescue erosion control, cover crop, revegetation 1977 Brochure (PDF; 233 KB) CAPMC
'Wimmera 62' Lolium rigidum annual ryegrass erosion control 1962 CAPMC
Maybell Source Purshia tridentata antelope bitterbrush rangeland and reclamation seedings; spring and winter browse for livestock and wildlife; for erosion control on light textured soils; as a low maintenance xeriscape landscape species 1997 Brochure (PDF; 413 KB) COPMC
La Salle Germplasm Digitaria californica Arizona cottontop rangeland seeding 2007 Brochure (PDF; 358 KB) STPMC
'Loetta' Digitaria californica Arizona cottontop forage, rangeland seeding, erosion control, increasing plant community diversity 2000 Brochure (PDF; 828 KB) AZPMC
PMT-389 Digitaria californica Arizona cottontop range seeding, critical area planting, wildlife TXPMC
'Redondo' Festuca arizonica Arizona fescue range revegetation and slope stabilization on steep infertile sites 1973 Brochure (PDF; 260 KB) NMPMC
'Homestead' Crataegus ×anomala Arnold hawthorn windbreaks, wildlife habitat, and urban corridors 1993 Brochure (PDF; 296 KB) NDPMC
'Konza' Rhus aromatica var. serotina aromatic sumac multi-row windbreak, wildlife habitat, recreation areas 1980 Brochure (PDF; 208 KB) KSPMC
'Amclo' Trifolium vesiculosum arrowleaf clover cover crop, cattle forage 1963 GAPMC
'Meechee' Trifolium vesiculosum arrowleaf clover cover crop, hay, grazing, and wildlife food for game birds. 1966 MSPMC
'Rogue' Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow stream bank stabilization, rehabilitation of riparian zones, improvement of freshwater fisheries, field windbreak and natural area landscaping on moist sites, wetland creation or enhancement, soil bioengineering 1990 Brochure (PDF; 362 KB) ORPMC
Cajun Sunrise Germplasm Helianthus mollis ashy sunflower Conservation/Restoration; livestock; Wildlife and Ornamental 2012 Brochure (PDF; 276 KB) LAPMC
Makakupa`ia Germplasm Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo erosion control, ecosystem restoration, enhancing cultural sites, increasing plant diversity and wildlife cover and food. 2007 HIPMC
'Plateau' Simsia calva awnless bush sunflower range seeding, wildlife food, landscape 1987 Brochure (PDF; 302 KB) TXPMC
Venado Germplasm Simsia calva awnless bushsunflower range restoration and wildlife habitat 2013 Brochure (PDF; 296 KB) STPMC
'Pensacola' Paspalum notatum Bahiagrass critical stabilization and cattle forage 1944 GAPMC
'Seco' Hordeum vulgare barley standing mulch crop, cover crop, critical area stabilization nurse crop. 1987 Brochure (PDF; 312 KB) AZPMC
'Continental' Leymus cinereus basin wildrye restoration of disturbed rangeland to improve wildlife habitat and provide site stabilization 2008 COPMC
'Magnar' Leymus cinereus basin wildrye range, wildlife, erosion control 1979 Brochure (PDF; 140 KB) IDPMC
'Trailhead' Leymus cinereus basin wildrye fall/winter livestock grazing, reclamation, wildlife food and cover 1991 Brochure MTPMC
Washoe Germplasm Leymus cinereus basin wildrye erosion control, wildlife habitat and mine land reclamation 2002 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) MTPMC
'Wildwood' Morella pensylvanica bayberry back dune stabilization, windbreaks, field borders, wildlife, and vegetative barrier 1993 Brochure (PDF; 152 KB) NJPMC
'Ocean View' Prunus maritima beach plum back dune stabilization, landscaping, and wildlife 1993 Brochure (PDF; 357 KB) NJPMC
'Flora Sun' Helianthus debilis ssp. debilis beach sunflower beach dune stabilization and beautification 1991 Brochure (PDF; 137 KB) FLPMC
'Rio' Leymus triticoides beardless wildrye bank and shoreline protection, range improvement, soil stabilization (wet areas), revegetation 1991 Brochure (PDF; 403 KB) CAPMC
'Shoshone' Leymus multicaulis beardless wildrye saline - irrigated and sub irrigated, pasture and hay 1980 Brochure (PDF; 219 KB) MTPMC
'Quickstand' Cynodon dactylon bermudagrass turf and grazing 1992 WVPMC
'Tufcote' Cynodon dactylon bermudagrass critical area planting, recreational use, and heavy wear situations 1962 Brochure (PDF; 89 KB) MDPMC
101 Lespedeza bicolor bicolor lespedeza quail food, deer browser and erosion control 1947 NATPM
'Sherman' Poa secunda big bluegrass stabilization of dry land soils, dry land pasture, restoration of natural areas 1945 Brochure (PDF; 219 KB) WAPMC
'Bison' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range seeding, pasture and hay land planting, wildlife habitat 1989 Brochure (PDF; 217 KB) NDPMC
'Bonilla' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range seedings, pasture and hay land plantings, wildlife habitat 1987 Brochure (PDF; 765 KB) NDPMC
Bounty Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem Conservation cover, erosion Control, pasture and hayland plantings, wildlife habitat, Range seedings, prairie revegetation and landscaping 2012 Brochure (PDF; 514 KB) NDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1998 Brochure (PDF; 503 KB) MOPMC
'Earl' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range seeding; erosion control plantings; wildlife habitat plantings; and plantings for water quality improvement 1996 Brochure (PDF; 299 KB) TXPMC
Hampton Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem forage production, erosion control, wildlife habitat and water quality improvement 2007 Brochure (PDF; 84 KB) ARPMC
'Kaw' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range and pasture plantings, erosion control 1950 Brochure (PDF; 215 KB) KSPMC
'Niagara' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem critical area, pasture, & hay land, stream bank & shore protection, wildlife upland habitat management 1986 Brochure (PDF; 249 KB) NYPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem roadside plantings, prairie restoration and enhancement, landscaping, and for increasing species diversity 2001 Brochure (PDF; 503 KB) MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
OH 370 Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem wildlife habitat and food and restoration 1997 MOPMC
OZ-70 Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem forage production, erosion control, vegetative buffers and filter strips. 2004 Brochure (PDF; 198 KB) MOPMC
Prairie View Indiana Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem provide food/cover for wildlife, increase species diversity, erosion control and restoring native plant environments. 2005 MIPMC
Refuge Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem wildlife habitat, vegetative buffers, and landscape use 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.2 MB) MOPMC
'Rountree' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem pasture, hay and wildlife plantings 1983 Brochure (PDF; 857 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 Brochure (PDF; 503 KB) MOPMC
Southlow Michigan Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem wildlife food and cover, erosion control, restoring native plant environments, and increasing species diversity 2001 Brochure (PDF; 685 KB) MIPMC
'Sunnyview' Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range seedings, pasture and hay land plantings, and wildlife habitat 1998 NDPMC
Suther Germplasm Andropogon gerardii big bluestem roadside revegetation, critical areas, wildlife habitat, parks, recreational areas, landscapes and prairie restoration 2002 Brochure (PDF; 251 KB) NJPMC
Falfurrias Germplasm Sporobolus wrightii big sacaton livestock forage, restoration of native vegetation, revegetating alkaline and saline sites, grass hedge terrace, wind strips for erosion control, and stabilization of watershed structures, stream banks and floodplain areas 1999 Brochure (PDF; 1.1 MB) STPMC
'Windbreaker' Sporobolus wrightii big sacaton windbreaks, windstrips, vegetative barriers, early season grazing or hay, and as a low water use ornamental 2011 Brochure (PDF; 393 KB) NMPMC
'Casa' Atriplex lentiformis big saltbush upland wildlife habitat 1979 Brochure (PDF; 585 KB) CAPMC
Fourchon Germplasm Panicum amarum bitter panicum coastal beach and barrier island dune stabilization and enhancement 1998 Brochure (PDF; 179 KB) LAPMC
'Northpa' Panicum amarum bitter panicum wind erosion, beach and sand dune stabilization, and wildlife cover 1992 Brochure (PDF; 133 KB) FLPMC
'Southpa' Panicum amarum bitter panicum wind erosion, beach and sand dune stabilization, and wildlife cover 1992 FLPMC
'Lassen' Purshia tridentata bitterbrush wildlife habitat, erosion control 1984 Brochure (PDF; 621 KB) CAPMC
'McKenzie' Photinia melanocarpa black chokeberry wildlife plantings, farmstead and field windbreaks, single-row wind barrier plantings, fruit production, ornamental/recreational plantings 2008 Brochure (PDF; 264 KB) NDPMC
Colorow Germplasm Prunus virginiana black chokecherry wildlife habitat, shelterbelts, and conservation plantings 2009 Brochure (PDF; 228 KB) COPMC
'Nogal' Bouteloua eriopoda black grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined land reclamation 1971 Brochure (PDF; 268 KB) NMPMC
'Algonquin' Robinia pseudoacacia black locust reforestation of surface mined land and other sites; post and pole production 1987 Brochure (PDF; 135 KB) MDPMC
'Allegheny' Robinia pseudoacacia black locust reforestation of surface mined lands and other sites; post and pole production 1987 Brochure (PDF; 135 KB) MDPMC
'Appalachia' Robinia pseudoacacia black locust reforestation of surface-mined lands and other sites; post and pole production 1987 Brochure (PDF; 135 KB) MDPMC
Pelican Germplasm Avicennia germinans black mangrove shoreline stabilization, intertidal areas, and for wildlife benefits; extremely salt tolerant 1994 Brochure (PDF; 307 KB) LAPMC
'Golden Jubilee' Rudbeckia hirta black-eyed Susan critical areas, land reclamation, land reconstruction, recreation area improvement, wetland, wildlife upland habitat 1985 Brochure (PDF; 329 KB) NYPMC
'Dorado' Cleome isomeris bladderpod wildlife habitat 1979 Brochure (PDF; 322 KB) CAPMC
Meriwether Germplasm Gaillardia aristata blanketflower species diversity in native seed mixes for reveg disturbed areas, pollinator-friendly, and wildlfie food, cover, and nesting 2011 Brochure (PDF; 378 KB) MTPMC
Floral Passion Germplasm Liatris elegans blazing star roadside plantings, landscaping, mine land restoration, and wildlife food 2003 Brochure (PDF; 182 KB) FLPMC
Blanchard Origin Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea blue elderberry riparian zone revegetation; erosion control; wildlife upland habitat and food; native revegetation of disturbed areas 1996 Brochure WAPMC
'Alma' Bouteloua gracilis blue grama range improvement, erosion control and low maintenance turf for rec areas 1992 Brochure (PDF; 407 KB) NMPMC
Bad River Ecotype Bouteloua gracilis blue grama rangeland seeding; reduced maintenance plantings; prairie restoration; xeric landscaping 1996 Brochure (PDF; 223 KB) NDPMC
'Hachita' Bouteloua gracilis blue grama revegetation and rangeland seedings 1980 Brochure (PDF; 265 KB) NMPMC
'Lovington' Bouteloua gracilis blue grama revegetation of abandoned farm land and depleted ranges 1963 Brochure (PDF; 264 KB) NMPMC
'Arlington' Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus blue wildrye rapid cover as a pioneer plant, erosion control, wildlife habitat, and forage, herbage production, site rehabilitation after fire or logging, cover under trees in open woodlands 1995 Brochure (PDF; 441 KB) ORPMC
'Elkton' Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii blue wildrye rapid cover as a pioneer plant, erosion control, wildlife habitat and forage, herbage production, site rehabilitation after fire or logging, cover under trees in open woodlands. 1997 Brochure (PDF; 504 KB) ORPMC
'Mariposa' Elymus glaucus blue wildrye erosion control, quick self-perpetuating cover, fair to good forage for cattle, horses, and deer 2002 Brochure (PDF; 216 KB) CAPMC
Union Flat Germplasm Elymus glaucus blue wildrye restoration of Palouse Prairie and roadside revegetation 2008 WAPMC
White Pass Germplasm Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus blue wildrye reforestation and reclamation plantings and establishing vegetative cover on disturbed soils 2010 Brochure (PDF; 171 KB) WAPMC
Anatone Germplasm Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata bluebunch wheatgrass erosion control and rangeland restoration 2004 Brochure (PDF; 228 KB) IDPMC
'Goldar' Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. spicata bluebunch wheatgrass range, critical area stabilization 1989 Brochure (PDF; 144 KB) IDPMC
'Whitmar' Pseudoroegneria spicata ssp. inermis bluebunch wheatgrass long term stabilization of soils subject to wind and water erosion 1946 Brochure WAPMC
Angleton Dichanthium aristatum bluestem range seeding 1942 TXPMC
Pueblo Germplasm Elymus elymoides bottlebrush squirreltail erosion control, fire restoration, domestic livestock and wildlife forage prodution. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 182 KB) COPMC
Sand Hollow Elymus elymoides bottlebrush squirreltail ecosystem restoration and reclamation 1996 IDPMC
Tusas Germplasm Elymus elymoides bottlebrush squirreltail erosion control, wildlife habitat, restoration of disturbed sites, fire restoration seedings, and rangeland seedings 2001 Brochure (PDF; 162 KB) NMPMC
Wapiti Germplasm Elymus elymoides bottlebrush squirreltail erosion control, domestic livestock, wildlife forage production, and fire restoration. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 150 KB) COPMC
Amcorae Paspalum nicorae Brunswickgrass vegetating waterways 1969 NATPM
Bismarck Ecotype Bouteloua dactyloides buffalograss low maintenance cover; erosion control; prairie restoration; xeric landscaping 1996 Brochure (PDF; 206 KB) NDPMC
'Texoka' Bouteloua dactyloides buffalograss soil conservation and forage production 1974 KSPMC
'Llano' Pennisetum ciliare buffelgrass range, pasture seeding 1977 TXPMC
'Nueces' Pennisetum ciliare buffelgrass range, pasture seeding 1977 TXPMC
'Boomer' Quercus macrocarpa bur oak windbreaks, landscape plant for urban and recreation areas, wildlife food and shelter 1994 Brochure (PDF; 364 KB) TXPMC
Ekalaka Germplasm Quercus macrocarpa bur oak windbreaks, shelterbelts, riparian forest buffers, xeriscapes 2009 Brochure (PDF; 394 KB) MTPMC
'Lippert' Quercus macrocarpa bur oak multi row windbreaks, reforestation for watershed protection, and wildlife habitat plantings 1994 Brochure (PDF; 133 KB) KSPMC
Glacial Lake Albany Germplasm Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed butterfly habitat restoration or enhancement, landscaping, dry site meadows, and roadside plantings 2001 Brochure (PDF; 231 KB) NYPMC
'Keystone' Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush wildlife habitat improvement, wetland restoration or riparian area development 1996 Brochure (PDF; 369 KB) NYPMC
'AU Ground Cover' Lathyrus hirsutus caley pea cool season cover crop for conservation tillage systems and as a cattle forage 1994 Brochure (PDF; 572 KB) GAPMC
Central Coast 2600 Germplasm Bromus carinatus California brome habitat restoration, revegetation, erosion control and ranges 2008 Brochure (PDF; 271 KB) CAPMC
Central Sierra 3200 Germplasm Bromus carinatus California brome habitat restoration, revegetation, erosion control and ranges 2008 CAPMC
Coastal 500 Germplasm Bromus carinatus California brome habitat restoration, revegetation, erosion control and ranges 2008 Brochure (PDF; 126 KB) CAPMC
'Cucamonga' Bromus carinatus California brome erosion control, cover crop 1949 Brochure (PDF; 191 KB) CAPMC
Northern Cal 40 Germplasm Bromus carinatus California brome habitat restoration, revegetation, erosion control and ranges. 2008 Brochure (PDF; 131 KB) CAPMC
Southern Cal 1000 Germplasm Bromus carinatus California brome habitat restoration, revegetation, erosion control and ranges 2008 Brochure (PDF; 287 KB) CAPMC
'Duro' Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat erosion control, insect habitat 1983 Brochure (PDF; 242 KB) CAPMC
Bayou Lafourche Germplasm Schoenoplectus californicus California bulrush erosion control along shorelines, canal banks, levee banks, and other areas of soil-water interface 2007 Brochure (PDF; 968 KB) LAPMC
Baskett Slough Germplasm Danthonia californica California oatgrass erosion control, critical area stabilization, grassland and prairie restoration, rangeland and woodland plantings, and wildlife habitat 2001 Brochure (PDF; 562 KB) ORPMC
Foothills Germplasm Poa compressa Canada bluegrass erosion control, critical area plantings, recreation areas, low-maintenance landscapes, and for forage and grazing 2001 Brochure (PDF; 282 KB) MTPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 Brochure (PDF; 196 KB) MOPMC
Icy Blue Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye prairie restoration, erosion control and wildlife habitat enhancement 2004 Brochure (PDF; 550 KB) MIPMC
Lavaca Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye cool season forage on pastureland and rangeland 2000 Brochure (PDF; 858 KB) STPMC
'Mandan' Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye range seedlings, pasture and hay land plantings 1946 Brochure (PDF; 85 KB) NDPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 MOPMC
'Canbar' Poa secunda Canby bluegrass stabilization of soils subject to wind erosion, restoration of natural areas 1979 Brochure WAPMC
Grant Germplasm Bothriochloa barbinodis cane bluestem erosion control, wildlife habitat, restoration of disturbed sites, forage, rangeland seedings, and xeriscaping 2001 Brochure (PDF; 238 KB) NMPMC
Saltillo Origin Germplasm Bothriochloa barbinodis cane bluestem erosion control on degraded rangelands and critical areas 2002 Brochure (PDF; 232 KB) AZPMC
'Imperial' Populus ×canadensis Carolina poplar windbreaks (especially around orchards) and pulpwood 1979 Brochure (PDF; 268 KB) MIPMC
'Cuesta' Ceanothus ×flexilis ceanothus erosion control 1991 Brochure (PDF; 95 KB) CAPMC
'Aroostook' Secale cereale cereal rye winter cover crop in the Northeast. Also spring forage production and fed as pasture, green chop or haylage 1981 Brochure (PDF; 299 KB) NYPMC
Ghost Rider Germplasm Andropogon glaucopsis chalky bluestem forage, wetland restoration, and wildlife cover 2006 Brochure (PDF; 186 KB) FLPMC
Chisholm Germplasm Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum wildlife habitat plantings, recreation area beautification, and erosion control on sandy soils 2010 Brochure (PDF; 294 KB) KSPMC
'Copper' Castanea pumila chinquapin wildlife food and cover 2005 Brochure (PDF; 542 KB) NYPMC
'Lutana' Astragalus cicer Cicer milkvetch non-bloat legume for hay and pasture 1971 Brochure (PDF; 162 KB) MTPMC
Dune Crest Germplasm Schizachyrium littorale coastal little bluestem disturbed sites such as sand and gravel mines, diversify plant communities in coastal sand dune systems, beach replenishment projects and back dune areas 2007 Brochure (PDF; 205 KB) NJPMC
'Atlantic' Panicum amarum coastal panicgrass coastal dune stabilization, mined land restoration 1981 Brochure (PDF; 348 KB) NJPMC
'Multnomah' Salix sessilifolia Columbia river willow stabilization of stream banks, sandbars, dredge spoils and shorelines; wildlife food and cover, windbreaks and natural area landscaping on moist sites, wetland enhancement, soil bioengineering 1988 Brochure (PDF; 388 KB) ORPMC
Vintage Germplasm Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis common elderberry streambank stabilization, wildlife habitat and riparian corridor enhancement 2010 Brochure (PDF; 633 KB) MIPMC
Prairie Harvest Germplasm Celtis occidentalis common hackberry windbreaks, riparian buffers, wildlife, and ornamental planting as an alternative to ash 2009 Brochure (PDF; 1.2 MB) NDPMC
'Shoreline' Phragmites australis common reed shoreline stabilization, critical area planting wildlife food and cover 1978 TXPMC
'Southwind' Phragmites australis common reed soil stabilization on wet sites, rehabilitation of polluted water, filter strips, and artificial wetlands 1998 Brochure (PDF; 154 KB) KSPMC
Okanogan Selection Symphoricarpos albus common snowberry wildlife habitat, erosion control along roadways, hillside plantings and riparian areas, hilltop snow fences, and for plant diversity in natural landscapes 1997 Brochure WAPMC
Prospectors Germplasm Symphoricarpos albus common snowberry restoration of acid and heavy metal contaminated soils, erosion control, wildlife food and habitat. 2002 Brochure (PDF; 189 KB) MTPMC
'Redstone' Cornus mas cornelian cherry dogwood wildlife food and cover, windbreaks landscape, and beautification 1991 MOPMC
'Centennial' Cotoneaster integerrimus cotoneaster shelterbelts, wildlife habitat, recreation areas 1987 Brochure (PDF; 512 KB) NDPMC
'Silvar' Salix exigua coyote willow stream bank stabilization, riparian site restoration, bioengineering projects, wildlife habitat, and shelterbelts 1993 Brochure WAPMC
'Big-O' Malus coronaria crabapple wildlife food and cover, beautification of urban landscapes, windbreaks, screens and hedgerows. 1993 GAPMC
Leflore Source Echinodorus cordifolius creeping burhead wetland mitigation plantings, constructed wetlands, and for natural areas which are moist 1996 MSPMC
'Garrison' Alopecurus arundinaceus creeping foxtail pasture and hay land plantings, waterways 1963 Brochure (PDF; 143 KB) MTPMC
'Douglas' Agropyron cristatum crested wheatgrass forage on range sites 1994 Brochure IDPMC
'Ephraim' Agropyron cristatum crested wheatgrass range, dry land pasture, erosion control, critical area stabilization 1983 Brochure (PDF; 178 KB) IDPMC
'Hycrest II' Agropyron cristatum × A. desertorum crested wheatgrass range, dry land pasture, erosion control 1984 COPMC
'Nordan' Agropyron desertorum crested wheatgrass range seeding, pasture and hay land planting 1953 Brochure (PDF; 334 KB) NDPMC
'NU-ARS AC2' Agropyron cristatum ssp. pectinatum crested wheatgrass cool season pastures and rangelands 2002 NDPMC
'AU Sunrise' Trifolium incarnatum crimson clover early legume cover in conservation tillage systems 1997 Brochure (PDF; 290 KB) GAPMC
'AU Sunup' Trifolium incarnatum crimson clover cover crop and green manure in conservation tillage systems, for organic farming, and for pollinator habitat 2009 Brochure (PDF; 227 KB) GAPMC
'Tioga' Dichanthelium clandestinum deertongue critical area planting, forest land erosion control, land reclamation, land reconstruction, revegetating disturbed areas 1975 Brochure (PDF; 259 KB) NYPMC
Blythe Germplasm Atriplex polycarpa desert saltbush erosion control on denuded range sites and critical areas 2002 Brochure (PDF; 190 KB) AZPMC
'Barranco' Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings 1977 Brochure (PDF; 325 KB) NMPMC
'Hope' Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings 1980 Brochure (PDF; 371 KB) NMPMC
'Regal' Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings 1989 Brochure (PDF; 214 KB) NMPMC
Batamote Germplasm Zinnia acerosa desert zinnia restoration of disturbed areas, wildlife habitat and to improve plant diversity in conservation plantings 2008 Brochure (PDF; 260 KB) AZPMC
'Kuiaha' Desmodium aparines desmodium pasture improvement, cover crop and erosion control 1969 Brochure (PDF; 732 KB) HIPMC
Alcona Germplasm Desmodium glabellum Dillenius' ticktrefoil wildlife habitat 2006 Brochure (PDF; 701 KB) MIPMC
Marion Germplasm Desmodium glabellum Dillenius' ticktrefoil food for upland gamebirds, songbirds as well as other wildlife 2009 Brochure (PDF; 271 KB) MIPMC
'Curlew' Salix drummondiana Drummond willow stream bank stabilization, riparian site restoration, landscaping, wildlife habitat, and shelterbelts 1993 Brochure WAPMC
'Clatsop' Salix hookeriana dune willow stabilizing banks of low velocity streams and older sand dunes near the coast, natural area landscaping, screens and windbreaks on moist sites, soil bioengineering, and fish and wildlife food and cover. 1988 Brochure (PDF; 376 KB) ORPMC
'Tegmar' Thinopyrum intermedium dwarf intermediate wheatgrass erosion control, critical area stabilization 1968 Brochure (PDF; 446 KB) IDPMC
'Catskill' Prunus pumila var. depressa dwarf sand cherry stream bank and shoreline protection, in sandy and gravelly areas where short vegetation is needed, and in low maintenance landscapes 1996 Brochure (PDF; 273 KB) NYPMC
'Bankers' Salix ×cottetii dwarf willow stream bank stabilization, erosion control 1983 WVPMC
'Bumpers' Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass primarily for livestock forage and hay production. Also has potential use as a perennial silage crop, as a silt/nutrient buffer and in vegetative barriers. 2005 ARPMC
'Highlander' Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass hay production and pasture plantings, buffers, conservation cover, and wildlife habitat 2003 Brochure (PDF; 246 KB) MSPMC
Martin Germplasm Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass buffers and xeriscape landscaping 2000 Brochure (PDF; 129 KB) FLPMC
'Nacogdoches' Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamagrass native forage, wildlife habitat improvement, restoration, filter strips 2012 Brochure (PDF; 210 KB) ETPMC
'Pete' Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass warm-season pasture, hay production 1988 Brochure (PDF; 171 KB) KSPMC
San Marcos Germplasm Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass pasture and hay plantings, range seeding, wildlife food and cover, conservation buffers, erosion control 2006 Brochure (PDF; 267 KB) TXPMC
SG4X-1 Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass plant breeding and further cultivar development 1995 NYPMC
St. Lucie Germplasm Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass xeriscape plantings and buffer strips 2000 Brochure (PDF; 129 KB) FLPMC
'Verl' Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass hay or pasture 2005 Brochure (PDF; 101 KB) KSPMC
'Meadowcrest' Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gramagrass wildlife and vegetative filter strips in conjunction with other plants, and for forage production. 2006 Brochure (PDF; 447 KB) NYPMC
'Eldorado' Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann daisy high quality, forage wildlife, livestock, range seedings, revegetation landscape, beautification 1985 Brochure (PDF; 261 KB) TXPMC
'Placer' Salix ligulifolia erect willow stabilizing the banks of low velocity streams, renovating riparian areas, and improving shoreline and aquatic habitat for fish and wildlife. Other uses include soil bioengineering, natural area landscaping and windbreaks on moist sites 1988 Brochure (PDF; 372 KB) ORPMC
Illinois Covey Germplasm Amorpha fruticosa false indigo bush wildlife cover/shelter and for erosion control along shorelines, streams, and wetlands 2005 Brochure MOPMC
Iowa Covey Germplasm Amorpha fruticosa false indigo bush establish wildlife food/cover, enhance wetland riparian areas, and for erosion control. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 206 KB) MOPMC
Missouri Covey Germplasm Amorpha fruticosa false indigo bush to establish wildlife food/cover and address erosion control of shorelines, streams, and wetlands. 2005 Brochure MOPMC
Survivor Germplasm Amorpha fruticosa false indigo in combination with other native riparian species for stream bank erosion control, lake shore stabilization, wildlife habitat, windbreaks, and potentially for landscaping. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 680 KB) NDPMC
Kinney Germplasm Trichloris crinita false Rhodes grass early season forage and native range restoration 1999 Brochure (PDF; 1.3 MB) STPMC
'Midas' Heliopsis helianthoides false sunflower recreational area planting, roadside revegetation, wildlife food 1984 Brochure (PDF; 156 KB) KSPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Heliopsis helianthoides false sunflower roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1997 MOPMC
Richfield Selection Penstemon eatonii firecracker penstemon erosion control, diversity, and beautification 1994 Brochure (PDF; 349 KB) IDPMC
Kamiloloa Germplasm Dodonaea viscosa Florida hopbush ecosystem restoration, revegetation of eroded areas, wildlife food and cover, windbreaks, and for landscaping 2000 HIPMC
Harrison Germplasm Paspalum floridanum Florida paspalum wildlife food and cover, forage, mine reclamation, prairie restoration, and highway and utility right of way uses 2004 Brochure (PDF; 193 KB) ETPMC
Mid-Atlantic Germplasm Paspalum floridanum Florida paspalum soil stabilization, filter strips, wildlife and forage 2009 Brochure (PDF; 138 KB) MDPMC
LK415f Germplasm Nassella cernua foothill needlegrass restoration, critical area plantings, cover crop, and wildlife habitat 1999 CAPMC
'Immigrant' Bassia prostrata forage kochia range, erosion control 1984 NATPM
'Marana' Atriplex canescens fourwing saltbush upland game cover, environmental enhancement 1979 Brochure (PDF; 381 KB) CAPMC
'Santa Rita' Atriplex canescens fourwing saltbush Critical area stabilization, shelterbelts, erosion control on rangeland, wildlife habitat improvement, range improvement 1987 AZPMC
'Wytana' Atriplex ×aptera fourwing saltbush include in native reclamation mixes, fall and winter wildlife use 1976 Brochure (PDF; 310 KB) MTPMC
Old Works Germplasm Penstemon eriantherus var. eriantherus fuzzytongue penstemon reclamation of mine lands, adding species diversity to restoration mixtures on acidic, heavy metal-affected sites, restoration of dry open landscapes 2002 Brochure (PDF; 265 KB) MTPMC
'Viva' Pleuraphis jamesii Galleta grass stabilization, range revegetation and revegetation of surface mined land 1979 Brochure (PDF; 351 KB) NMPMC
'Restorer' Schoenoplectus californicus giant bulrush constructed wetlands and to treat non point source pollution; also for use in wetland restoration and creation 1993 GAPMC
'Wetlander' Zizaniopsis miliacea giant cutgrass constructed wetlands to treat non point source pollution and wetland restoration 1993 GAPMC
'Golden' Castanea pumila golden chinquapin wildlife habitat 1983 WVPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Ratibida pinnata grayhead coneflower range and pasture seeding, prairie restoration, prairie landscaping, wildlife cover, and roadside restoration. 2004 Brochure (PDF; 197 KB) MOPMC
'Sunglow' Ratibida pinnata grayhead prairie coneflower prairie restoration, recreation area beautification 1978 Brochure (PDF; 169 KB) KSPMC
'Cardan' Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash shelterbelts, wildlife habitat 1979 Brochure (PDF; 300 KB) NDPMC
'Lodorm' Nassella viridula green needlegrass range seeding and pasture plantings 1970 Brochure (PDF; 515 KB) NDPMC
'Van Horn' Leptochloa dubia green sprangletop range seeding, pasture and hay land planting. filler grass, critical area, revegetation mined land 1988 Brochure (PDF; 325 KB) TXPMC
'Altura' Arctostaphylos patula greenleaf manzanita critical area stabilization for dry, rocky slopes and droughty, well drained soils; 3-4 yr. old plants provide good cover and erosion control 1989 CAPMC
Sea Islands Germplasm Muhlenbergia filipes gulfhairawn muhly coastal restoration and basket making 2009 Brochure (PDF; 172 KB) FLPMC
'Oahe' Celtis occidentalis hackberry shelterbelts, wildlife plantings, urban plantings 1982 Brochure (PDF; 392 KB) NDPMC
Morning Mist Germplasm Muhlenbergia capillaris hairawn muhly xeriscaping, and as an ornamental 2006 FLPMC
Purple Haze Germplasm Muhlenbergia capillaris hairawn muhly ornamental 2012 Brochure (PDF; 303 KB) FLPMC
Chaparral Germplasm Bouteloua hirsuta hairy grama critical areas, roadsides and reclamation sites 2007 Brochure (PDF; 356 KB) STPMC
'Americus' Vicia villosa hairy vetch winter cover crop in conservation tillage systems 1993 GAPMC
'AU Early Cover' Vicia villosa hairy vetch cover crop for conservation tillage systems and as an early green manure crop 1994 Brochure (PDF; 254 KB) GAPMC
Goliad Germplasm Wedelia texana hairy wedelia range restoration, native landscaping and wildlife habitat 2008 Brochure (PDF; 309 KB) STPMC
Oso Germplasm Panicum hallii var. filipes Hall's panicum, Filly panic Wildlife, Highways, Rangeland, Saline sites 2011 Brochure (PDF; 311 KB) STPMC
'Durar' Festuca brevipila hard fescue long term stabilization of critical areas, perennial low maintenance cover of recreational areas 1949 Brochure WAPMC
'Panbowl' Alnus serrulata hazel alder streambank and shoreline stabilization, riparian area restoration, wetland restoration, and wetland wildlife habitat 2007 Brochure (PDF; 1.4 MB) WVPMC
Sun Harvest Germplasm Corylus americana hazelnut windbreaks and wildlife food and habitat 2007 MOPMC
Crockett Germplasm Mimosa strigillosa herbaceous mimosa ground cover for surface mine reclamation and disturbed areas 2006 Brochure (PDF; 265 KB) ETPMC
Leelanau Germplasm Viburnum opulus var. americanum highbush cranberry windbreaks (especially on wet or organic soils} and wildlife habitat 1999 Brochure (PDF; 527 KB) MIPMC
Amethyst Germplasm Machaeranthera canescens hoary tansyaster CRP, Pollinator, Sage-grouse habitat 2014 Brochure (PDF; 119 KB) IDPMC
Mariah Germplasm Chloris cucullata hooded windmill grass roadside plantings, range seeding, critical site revegetation 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
STN-561 Germplasm Plantago hookeriana Hookers plantain cool season upland wildlife plantings and range seedling mixes 2009 Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB) STPMC
'Magenta' Malus hybrid crabapple small tree for single row windbreaks & beautification 1990 Brochure (PDF; 658 KB) MIPMC
'Prairie Red' Prunus hybrid plum windbreaks and wildlife 2006 Brochure (PDF; 420 KB) NDPMC
'Spike' Populus ×canadensis hybrid poplar biomass fuel wood production; screening and windbreaks 2005 Brochure NYPMC
'Canam' Populus hybrid popular field and farmstead windbreaks, wildlife habitat, and fuel wood plantings 1995 NDPMC
Reno Germplasm Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois bundleflower rangeland, critical area, and recreational plantings, and wildlife food and cover 1999 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) KSPMC
'Sabine' Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois bundleflower range, pasture seeding, wildlife food, revegetation, critical area planting 1983 Brochure (PDF; 201 KB) TXPMC
'Nezpar' Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass range, critical area stabilization 1978 Brochure (PDF; 433 KB) IDPMC
'Paloma' Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass soil stabilization and range revegetation 1974 Brochure (PDF; 101 KB) NMPMC
'Rimrock' Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass wildlife food and cover, livestock forage, and mixes on sandy soil for reclamation 1996 Brochure (PDF; 125 KB) MTPMC
Star Lake Germplasm Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass ecosystem restoration 2004 NMPMC
White River Germplasm Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass restoration, reclamation and rehabilitation of rangelands 2007 MTPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration 1996 MOPMC
Cheyenne Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range seedlings 1945 Brochure (PDF; 164 KB) KSPMC
Coastal Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass enhance native warm season grass habitat 2007 Brochure (PDF; 142 KB) NJPMC
'Llano' Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass soil stabilization and range revegetation 1963 Brochure (PDF; 279 KB) NMPMC
'Lometa' Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range seeding mixtures, pasture hay production, wildlife, filter strips, erosion control revegetation, landscape 1981 Brochure (PDF; 262 KB) TXPMC
Newberry Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass erosion control, wildlife habitat improvement, natural plant restoration. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 341 KB) GAPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1997 MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
'Osage' Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range, pasture seedlings 1966 Brochure (PDF; 151 KB) KSPMC
Prairie View Indiana Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass provide food/cover for wildlife, increase species diversity, erosion control, and restore native plant environments. 2005 MIPMC
'Rumsey' Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass pasture, wildlife food and habitat 1983 Brochure (PDF; 349 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass roadside revegetation, forage, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1998 MOPMC
Southlow Michigan Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass wildlife food and cover, erosion control, restoring native plant environments, and increasing species diversity 2001 Brochure (PDF; 388 KB) MIPMC
'Tomahawk' Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range seeding, pasture and hay land planting 1988 Brochure (PDF; 504 KB) NDPMC
Western Missouri Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
LK517f Germplasm Distichlis spicata inland saltgrass stream restoration and erosion control 2002 Brochure (PDF; 434 KB) CAPMC
'Haymaker' Thinopyrum intermedium intermediate wheatgrass hay production and pasture plantings 2003 NDPMC
'Manifest' Thinopyrum intermedium intermediate wheatgrass grazing and hay production 2007 Brochure (PDF; 212 KB) NDPMC
'Reliant' Thinopyrum intermedium intermediate wheatgrass pasture and hay land planting 1991 Brochure (PDF; 727 KB) NDPMC
'Rush' Thinopyrum intermedium intermediate wheatgrass erosion control, forage, wildlife cover, mine spoil rehabilitation, filter strips, critical area stabilization, irrigated pastures 1994 Brochure (PDF; 313 KB) IDPMC
'Chiwapa' Echinochloa frumentacea Japanese millet food and cover for water fowl, quail, and dove; livestock forage. 1965 MSPMC
Baldwin Echinochloa colona jungle rice waterfowl feed NATPM
Kahoolawe Germplasm Eragrostis variabilis kawelu ecosystem restoration, erosion control, enhancing diversity in riparian areas, and for wildlife cover and food. 2005 HIPMC
'Cougar' Poa pratensis Kentucky bluegrass stabilization of soils subject to water erosion, and as a cool season turf 1965 Brochure WAPMC
'Selection 75' Panicum coloratum kleingrass pasture, hay land planting, range seeding, critical area wildlife, food and cover 1969 Brochure (PDF; 199 KB) TXPMC
'Verde' Panicum coloratum kleingrass range seeding, seeding wildlife food and cover 1981 TXPMC
'Perla' Phalaris aquatica koleagrass range improvement 1970 Brochure (PDF; 524 KB) CAPMC
Morton Germplasm Salix koriyanagi kori-yanagi willow stream bank control, riparian buffers, urban conservation, basket making, and wildlife habitat 2001 MSPMC
ARS 2678 Trifolium ambiguum Kura clover dry land forage and pasture; soil fertility and cover cropping 1988 COPMC
'Rhizo' Trifolium ambiguum Kura clover soil erosion control and pasture legume 1989 WVPMC
'Elsmo' Ulmus parvifolia lace bark elm landscape and beautification, farmstead and field windbreaks, urban and forestry recreation area development. 1990 MOPMC
'Legacy' Syringa villosa late lilac farmstead/field windbreaks, wildlife habitat, and recreational development plantings 1999 Brochure (PDF; 802 KB) NDPMC
Aberdeen Selection Salix pentandra laurel willow wind erosion control, soil stabilization, wildlife habitat, plant diversity, beautification 1997 Brochure (PDF; 155 KB) IDPMC
'Palouse' Salix lemmonii Lemmon's willow riparian zone conservation plantings, erosion control, water quality, and wildlife habitat enhancement 1993 Brochure WAPMC
Colfax Germplasm Philadelphus lewisii Lewis' mock orange riparian area restoration, wildlife forage, shelterbelts, stream bank erosion control and native landscaping 2002 Brochure WAPMC
St. Maries Germplasm Philadelphus lewisii Lewis' mock orange riparian area restoration, wildlife habitat, and native landscaping 2002 Brochure WAPMC
'Aldous' Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range, pasture seedlings 1966 Brochure (PDF; 247 KB) KSPMC
Badlands Ecotype Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem rangeland seeding; prairie restoration; and xeric landscaping 1996 Brochure (PDF; 203 KB) NDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration, and pasture 1997 Brochure (PDF; 248 KB) MOPMC
'Cimarron' Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range seeding 1979 Brochure (PDF; 177 KB) KSPMC
Coastal Plains Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem restoration, longleaf pine understory, critical area planting, native range, filter strips, upland wildlife habitat improvement, 2016 Brochure (PDF; 390 KB) ETPMC
Itasca Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem component in native range seedings, wildlife plantings, and prairie landscaping 2001 Brochure (PDF; 251 KB) NDPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
OK Select Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range and pasture seedings, wildlife habitat, erosion control, and buffers 2003 Brochure (PDF; 183 KB) TXPMC
Ozark Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem pasture seeding, prairie restoration, wildlife cover 2010 Brochure (PDF; 197 KB) MOPMC
'Pastura' Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem soil stabilization and range revegetation 1963 Brochure (PDF; 252 KB) NMPMC
Prairie View Indiana Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem provide food/cover for wildlife, increase species diversity, erosion control, and to restore native plant environments. 2005 MIPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem roadside revegetation, forage, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildlife plantings 1999 MOPMC
Southern Missouri Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range and pasture seeding, prairie restoration, prairie landscaping, wildlife cover and roadside restoration 2004 MOPMC
Southlow Michigan Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem wildlife food and cover, erosion control, restoring native plant environments, and increasing species diversity 2001 Brochure (PDF; 351 KB) MIPMC
STN-176 Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium little bluestem range plantings and wildlife habitat improvement 2015 Brochure (PDF; 280 KB) STPMC
STN-461 Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium little bluestem range plantings and wildlife habitat improvement 2015 Brochure (PDF; 280 KB) STPMC
Suther Germplasm Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem roadside revegetation, critical areas, wildlife habitat, forage, prairie restoration, parks and recreational areas 2002 Brochure (PDF; 136 KB) NJPMC
Yellowpuff Leucaena retusa littleleaf lead tree wildlife food, beautification, critical area plantings 1981 Brochure (PDF; 258 KB) TXPMC
Osceola Blue Germplasm Sorghastrum secundum lopsided indiangrass forage, restoration of native areas for wildlife 2009 FLPMC
'Summit' Artemisia ludoviciana Louisiana sage erosion control 1986 COPMC
Hoverson Germplasm Vicia ludoviciana Louisiana vetch upland wildlife plantings, range seed mixes, and as a cool season legume cover crop. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 186 KB) STPMC
'Rivar' Salix prolixa Mackenzie willow stream bank stabilization, riparian site restoration, landscaping, wildlife habitat, and shelterbelts 1993 Brochure (PDF; 85 KB) WAPMC
Citrus Germplasm Panicum hemitomon maidencane erosion control along streams, channels and pond banks, and for forage in moist pastures 1999 Brochure (PDF; 212 KB) FLPMC
'Halifax' Panicum hemitomon maidencane controlling erosion on toe slopes of stream channels and preventing erosion long shorelines of ponds and reservoirs caused by wave action (shoreline erosion control) 1974 Brochure (PDF; 659 KB) MSPMC
'Volga' Leymus racemosus mammoth wildrye critical area stabilization, sand dune stabilization, mine land reclamation, wildlife cover 1949 Brochure (PDF; 385 KB) WAPMC
'Midwest' Malus mandshurica Manchurian crabapple shelterbelts, wildlife habitat, recreation areas 1973 Brochure (PDF; 331 KB) NDPMC
'Flageo' Spartina patens marshhay cordgrass coastal stabilization 1990 Brochure (PDF; 332 KB) GAPMC
'Gulf Coast' Spartina patens marshhay cordgrass marsh restoration and shoreline stabilization 2003 Brochure (PDF; 282 KB) LAPMC
'Sharp' Spartina patens marshhay cordgrass vegetating and stabilizing coastal back dunes, inland waterways, road banks, mine spoils, shoreline stabilization, and saline oil seep areas, and for nutrient reclamation in filter strips 1994 Brochure (PDF; 289 KB) FLPMC
'Aztec' Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower wildlife food cover livestock, forage, natural hedge, screen, filter strips, landscape plant, provides color & beautification 1978 Brochure (PDF; 287 KB) TXPMC
Medicine Creek Germplasm Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower range and pasture seedings, wildlife habitat, prairie restoration and landscaping, hedge or screen, and has potential for use in filter strips 2000 NDPMC
'Prairie Gold' Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower critical area reseeding, wildlife food planting 1978 Brochure (PDF; 161 KB) KSPMC
Jackson-Frazier Germplasm Hordeum brachyantherum meadow barley wetland restoration, wildlife habitat, critical area erosion control, cover crop in certain perennial crops 2008 Brochure (PDF; 445 KB) ORPMC
'Regar' Bromus biebersteinii meadow brome pasture, hay land, critical area stabilization 1966 Brochure (PDF; 177 KB) IDPMC
Armex Lupinus elegans Mexican lupine winter cover crop 1962 FLPMC
'Chapingo' Zea mexicana Mexican teosinte wildlife (including deer, turkey, quail, and dove) benefits in conservation programs 1995 Brochure (PDF; 147 KB) FLPMC
'Scarlet' Prunus fruticosa Mongolian cherry farmstead windbreaks, wildlife plantings 1984 NDPMC
'Bromar' Bromus marginatus mountain brome quick stabilization of critical areas, short term pasture/hay land 1946 Brochure (PDF; 181 KB) WAPMC
Garnet Germplasm Bromus marginatus mountain brome quick cover and erosion control, in mixes for range seeding, and critical area stabilization 2000 COPMC
'Montane' Cercocarpus montanus mountain mahogany used for any purpose where woody plants are desired 1978 Brochure (PDF; 336 KB) NMPMC
'Maleza' Ceanothus cordulatus mountain whitethorn critical area stabilization for dry, rocky slopes and droughty, well drained soils; preferred deer food; 3-4 yr. old plants provide good ground cover and erosion control 1989 Brochure (PDF; 292 KB) CAPMC
Gator Germplasm Amphicarpum muehlenbergianum Muhlenberg maidencane stream or canal bank stabilization, wetland restoration and constructed wetlands 2007 FLPMC
Hidalgo Germplasm Trichloris pluriflora multiflower false Rhodes grass Range Seeding and Upland Wildlife Habitat 2011 Brochure (PDF; 216 KB) STPMC
San Juan Germplasm Penstemon angustifolius narrow leaf penstemon erosion control, wildlife food and cover, restoration of disturbed sites, increasing plant diversity, and xeriscaping 2000 NMPMC
Bismarck Germplasm Echinacea angustifolia narrow-leaved coneflower CRP mixes, landscaping, highway right-of-way plantings, medicinal purposes 2000 NDPMC
Opportunity Germplasm Poa secunda Nevada bluegrass heavy-metal contaminated mine land reclamation, post-fire reclamation, native range restoration, wildlife habitat and logging road revegetation 2007 Brochure (PDF; 974 KB) MTPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster roadside plantings, prairie creation and restoration, and landscaping 2002 MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster roadside plantings, prairie creation and restoration, and landscaping 2002 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster roadside plantings, prairie creation and restoration, wildlife habitat, and landscaping 2002 MOPMC
'Jemez' Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens New Mexico forestiera soil stabilization and beautification plantings 1978 Brochure (PDF; 318 KB) NMPMC
'Affinity' Thuja occidentalis northern white cedar field and farmstead windbreaks and as screen or border planting in urban situations; important source of winter browse 1993 Brochure (PDF; 415 KB) MIPMC
T-587 Dichanthium Old World bluestem range, pasture seeding hay land, stabilization critical area, filter strips 1981 TXPMC
'Akaroa' Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass pasture, hay, silage, range improvement, erosion control, cover crop, wildlife 1953 CAPMC
'Augusta' Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass forage production, mine reclamation sites 2008 Brochure (PDF; 294 KB) WVPMC
'Berber' Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass pasture, hay, silage, range improvement, erosion control, cover crop, wildlife 1981 Brochure (PDF; 348 KB) CAPMC
'Latar' Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass late summer forage, stabilization of soils subject to water erosion 1957 Brochure WAPMC
'Paiute' Dactylis glomerata orchardgrass range, critical area stabilization 1983 Brochure (PDF; 186 KB) IDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Heliopsis helianthoides oxeye false sunflower native plantings along roadsides, conservation plantings, and wildlife habitat 1996 Brochure (PDF; 131 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Heliopsis helianthoides oxeye false sunflower roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1997 Brochure (PDF; 131 KB) MOPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower roadside and wildlife plantings, prairie creations and restorations, landscaping and for increasing plant diversity in prairie communities. 2006 MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower roadside plantings, prairie creation and restoration, and landscaping 2002 MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower prairie restoration projects, roadside, wildlife and landscaping 2009 Brochure (PDF; 468 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower roadside plantings, landscaping, and for prairie creation, restoration and diversity 2002 MOPMC
Western Missouri Germplasm Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower prairie restorations projects, roadside, wildlife and landscaping 2009 Brochure (PDF; 468 KB) MOPMC
'Cedar' Penstemon palmeri var. palmeri Palmer's penstemon wildlife forage 1985 NMPMC
Grant Germplasm Desmodium paniculatum panicledleaf ticktrefoil wildlife food and as a alternative to introduced plant species. 2006 Brochure (PDF; 177 KB) MIPMC
'Comanche' Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea critical area stabilization, land reclamation, cover crop, beautification 1985 Brochure (PDF; 211 KB) TXPMC
Lark Selection Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea temporary soil stabilization and for wildlife food 1997 MSPMC
'Riley' Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea wildlife habitat improvement, critical area erosion control and for beautification of roadsides, parks and recreation areas 2007 Brochure (PDF; 206 KB) KSPMC
'Tropic Lalo' Paspalum hieronymi paspalum ground cover for orchards, waterways, roadsides 1984 Brochure (PDF; 394 KB) HIPMC
'Florigraze' Arachis glabrata perennial forage peanut forage 1978 FLPMC
'Lancer' Lathyrus latifolius perennial pea erosion control plant, wildlife cover plant, land reclamation, brush management, roadside seeding mixtures, critical area planting where objective includes beautification 1984 Brochure (PDF; 141 KB) MIPMC
'Arbrook' Arachis glabrata perennial peanut forage, cover crop 1985 FLPMC
Brooksville 67 Germplasm Arachis glabrata perennial peanut low growing ground cover in citrus groves, roadway median strips, and xeriscape plantings in urban areas 2002 Brochure (PDF; 236 KB) FLPMC
Brooksville 68 Germplasm Arachis glabrata perennial peanut ground cover in groves, median strips, roadways, and xeriscape plantings 2002 Brochure (PDF; 157 KB) FLPMC
'Tropic Verde' Neonotonia wightii perennial soybean pasture improvement, cover crop and erosion control 1992 HIPMC
Kahoolawe Germplasm Heteropogon contortus piligrass ecosystem restoration, erosion control, wildlife habitat, increasing diversity in riparian and other communities, and for enhancing cultural sites 2003 HIPMC
Maverick Germplasm Pappophorum bicolor pink pappusgrass rangeland seeding and highway right-of-way plantings 2010 Brochure (PDF; 2.4 MB) STPMC
'Nekan' Salvia azurea var. grandiflora pitcher sage prairie reclamation 1977 Brochure (PDF; 363 KB) KSPMC
Kika 648 Germplasm Setaria vulpiseta plains bristlegrass range seeding, wildlife habitat 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
'Stevan' Setaria leucopila plains bristlegrass revegetation of eroded rangelands, retired croplands and critical areas 1994 Brochure (PDF; 406 KB) AZPMC
Bonita Germplasm Eragrostis intermedia plains lovegrass ecological restoration of disturbed areas and for wildlife habitat 2010 Brochure (PDF; 194 KB) AZPMC
Hunter Germplasm Pinus ponderosa ponderosa pine windbreaks and shelterbelts, and for native landscaping 2002 Brochure (PDF; 146 KB) MTPMC
Indian Bayou Source Thalia dealbata powdery thalia wetland mitigation plantings; constructed wetlands; for natural areas which are moist 1996 MSPMC
Plains Germplasm Acacia angustissima prairie acacia grazing, range seeding, wildlife habitat, cover crops and critical area plantings 2008 Brochure (PDF; 254 KB) TXPMC
Rio Grande Germplasm Acacia angustissima var. hirta prairie acacia wildlife habitat, range, landscaping 2012 Brochure (PDF; 249 KB) STPMC
Stillwater Germplasm Ratibida columnifera prairie coneflower species diversity for rangelands, mine lands, roadsides, park and recreation areas, prairie restoration projects and conservation plantings 2004 Brochure (PDF; 376 KB) MTPMC
Atkins Germplasm Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass soil stabilization on wet sites, wetland restoration, erosion control on watershed structures, and wave action dissipation 1998 Brochure (PDF; 286 KB) KSPMC
Kingston Germplasm Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass erosion control in wetlands, streambank stabilization, wildlife habitat, critical area treatments on wet soils, waster water renovation, providing quick cover on restoration sites 2013 Brochure (PDF; 233 KB) NYPMC
Red River Natural Germplasm Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass wetland restoration, enhancement, stream bank stabilization, wind strip barriers, filter strips, riparian buffers, prairie landscaping 1998 Brochure (PDF; 481 KB) NDPMC
Southampton Germplasm Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass streambank & shoreline stabilization, biofuel 2013 Brochure (PDF; 184 KB) NJPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Coreopsis palmata prairie coreopsis roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 Brochure (PDF; 246 KB) MOPMC
Western Missouri Germplasm Coreopsis palmata prairie coreopsis roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 MOPMC
'Appar' Linum perenne prairie flax range, critical area stabilization, beautification, diversity 1980 Brochure (PDF; 335 KB) IDPMC
Maple Grove Germplasm Linum lewisii prairie flax erosion control, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and beautification 2004 Brochure (PDF; 321 KB) IDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass roadside plantings, creating and restoring prairie, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities 2003 MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass roadside plantings, creating and restoring prairie, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities. 2003 MOPMC
'Goshen' Calamovilfa longifolia prairie sandreed reclamation and range renovation - sandy soils 1976 Brochure (PDF; 276 KB) MTPMC
Koch Germplasm Calamovilfa longifolia prairie sandreed erosion control, dune stabilization, and water quality improvement 2007 Brochure (PDF; 779 KB) MIPMC
'Pronghorn' Calamovilfa longifolia prairie sandreed range and pasture plantings in sandy soil conditions 1988 Brochure (PDF; 136 KB) KSPMC
'Dove' Panicum miliaceum Proso millet wildlife food 1972 Brochure (PDF; 270 KB) GAPMC
Balli Germplasm Desmanthus virgatus prostrate bundleflower wildlife habitat, range 2013 Brochure (PDF; 241 KB) STPMC
'Manska' Thinopyrum intermedium pubescent intermediate wheatgrass pasture and hay land planting 1992 Brochure (PDF; 342 KB) NDPMC
'Luna' Thinopyrum intermedium pubescent wheatgrass hay and pasture grass 1963 Brochure (PDF; 95 KB) NMPMC
LK115d Germplasm Nassella pulchra purple needlegrass restoration, critical area plantings, cover crop, and wildlife habitat 1998 CAPMC
LK215e Germplasm Nassella pulchra purple needlegrass restoration, critical area plantings, cover crop, and wildlife habitat 1998 CAPMC
LK315d Germplasm Nassella pulchra purple needlegrass restoration, critical area plantings, cover crop, and wildlife habitat 1998 CAPMC
Bismarck Germplasm Dalea purpurea purple prairieclover range and pasture seed mixtures, wildlife habitat, rangeland restoration, prairie landscaping, livestock and wildlife forage 2000 NDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Dalea purpurea purple prairieclover roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping 1998 MOPMC
Cuero Germplasm Dalea purpurea var. purpurea purple prairieclover range seeding, revegetation, and wildlife habitat 2003 Brochure (PDF; 225 KB) TXPMC
'Kaneb' Dalea purpurea purple prairieclover component of warm-season grass planting, forage, roadside revegetation 1975 Brochure (PDF; 125 KB) KSPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Dalea purpurea purple prairieclover roadside and wildlife plantings, creating and restoring prairie, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities. 2003 MOPMC
'Streamco' Salix purpurea purpleosier willow channel vegetation, critical area, farmstead & feedlot windbreak, hedgerows, stream bank protection, wetland restoration, biotechnical slope stabilization 1975 Brochure (PDF; 132 KB) NYPMC
Union Germplasm Tridens flavus purpletop erosion control, wildlife habitat improvement and native plant restoration 2005 Brochure (PDF; 237 KB) GAPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildflower gardens 1999 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildflower gardens 1998 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Eryngium yuccifolium rattlesnake master roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildflower gardens 1999 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) MOPMC
Duval Germplasm Eragrostis secundiflora ssp. oxylepis red lovegrass range seeding mixtures, upland wildlife planting, roadside planting, and conservation planting 2016 Brochure (PDF; 285 KB) STPMC
Harrington Origin Cornus sericea ssp. sericea redosier dogwood bioengineering, riparian rehabilitation, wildlife food and cover, and landscaping 1999 Brochure WAPMC
'Ruby' Cornus sericea ssp. sericea redosier dogwood stream bank protection, windbreaks, fish and wildlife habitat improvement, borders, ornamental, biotechnical slope stabilization 1988 Brochure (PDF; 387 KB) NYPMC
Wallowa Selection Cornus sericea ssp. sericea redosier dogwood riparian area restoration, stream bank stabilization, wildlife habitat improvement, native landscaping, shelterbelts, roadside beautification, and food plant for wildlife 1998 Brochure WAPMC
STN-496 Germplasm Plantago rhodosperma redseed plantain upland wildlife plantings and range seeding mixes 2009 Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB) STPMC
'Ioreed' Phalaris arundinacea reed canarygrass grazing land 1946 NATPM
Chapel Hill Bromus catharticus rescuegrass 1947 NATPM
'Quail Haven' Glycine max reseeding soybean food and cover for upland game birds, soil improvement, and hay crop 1986 MSPMC
Zapata Germplasm Polanisia dodecandra ssp. riograndensis Rio Grande clammyweed upland wildlife plantings and range seeding mixes 2009 Brochure (PDF; 3.3 MB) STPMC
'Hederma' Lupinus rivularis riverbank lupine erosion control for critical sites, cover crop for reforestation and wildlife food and cover, green manure, native forb for naturalized landscape uses, sand dune and dredge spoil stabilization. Can be used to over seed existing stands of grass. 1981 Brochure (PDF; 268 KB) ORPMC
Bridger-Select Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain juniper windbreaks and shelterbelts as a midsized evergreen in multiple row designs 1998 Brochure (PDF; 766 KB) MTPMC
'Bandera' Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain penstemon stabilization, roadside plantings 1973 Brochure (PDF; 277 KB) NMPMC
Klamath Mountains Germplasm Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri Roemer's fescue Upland prairie and oak savanna restoration, wildlife habitat and rangeland improvement, and erosion control. Potential for low input turf and vineyard cover crop. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 299 KB) ORPMC
Northwest Maritime Germplasm Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri Roemer's fescue Restoration of upland prairies and oak savanna, wildlife habitat improvement, and erosion control. Potential low input turf grass and cover crop in vineyards and young orchards. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 302 KB) ORPMC
Puget Germplasm Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri Roemer's fescue Restoration of upland prairies and oak savanna, wildlife habitat improvement, and erosion control. Potential uses include low input turf and cover crop for vineyards and young orchards. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 290 KB) ORPMC
San Juan Germplasm Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri Roemer's fescue Restoration of upland prairies and oak savanna, wildlife habitat improvement, and erosion control. Potential for low input turf and cover crop in vineyards and young orchards. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 218 KB) ORPMC
Willamette Valley Germplasm Festuca idahoensis ssp. roemeri Roemer's fescue Restoration of upland prairies and oak savanna, wildlife habitat improvement, and erosion control. Potential uses include low input turf and cover crop in vineyards and young orchards. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 315 KB) ORPMC
'Monte Frio' Trifolium hirtum rose clover erosion control, range improvement, dry land pasture, cover crops, wildlife, revegetation 1991 CAPMC
'Overton R18' Trifolium hirtum rose clover pasture reseeding, forage 1991 TXPMC
'Wilton' Trifolium hirtum rose clover erosion control, range improvement 1967 CAPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Liatris aspera rough blazing star roadside plantings, prairie creations and restorations, landscaping, and increase plant diversity in prairie communities 2003 MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Liatris aspera rough blazing star roadside plantings, creating and restoring prairie, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities. 2003 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Liatris aspera rough blazing star roadside plantings, creating and restoring prairie, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities 2003 MOPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Lespedeza capitata roundhead lespedeza native plantings along roadsides, conservation plantings, and wildlife habitat 1996 Brochure (PDF; 160 KB) MOPMC
'Kanoka' Lespedeza capitata roundhead lespedeza roadside vegetation, park and recreational area plantings, component of warm-season grass plantings, forage, and for wildlife food 1998 Brochure (PDF; 205 KB) KSPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Lespedeza capitata roundhead lespedeza roadside plantings, prairie restoration and enhancement, landscaping, and for increasing species diversity 2001 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Lespedeza capitata roundhead lespedeza roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 1997 MOPMC
'NewHy' Elymus hoffmannii RS wheatgrass grazing lands 1989 NATPM
'Sandy' Rosa rugosa rugosa rose dune stabilization and landscape plantings 1993 NJPMC
'Regal' Prunus tenella Russian almond windbreaks, wildlife habitat, and recreation and urban development plantings 1997 Brochure (PDF; 331 KB) NDPMC
'Bozoisky-Select' Psathyrostachys juncea Russian wildrye dry land and irrigated pasture, often in alternate rows with legumes 1984 Brochure (PDF; 142 KB) MTPMC
'Mankota' Psathyrostachys juncea Russian wildrye pasture and hay land planting 1991 Brochure (PDF; 455 KB) NDPMC
'Avalon' Spartina patens saltmeadow cordgrass tidal shoreline stabilization, mitigation-restoration, revegetation and stabilizing tidal stream banks and restoring wetlands 1986 Brochure (PDF; 126 KB) NJPMC
'Centennial' Andropogon hallii sand bluestem rangeland-forage production system, soil stabilization, reclamation of marginal croplands. 2013 Brochure (PDF; 452 KB) KSPMC
'Chet' Andropogon hallii sand bluestem pasture or hay, rangeland forage, and soil stabilization or reclamation of marginal croplands 2004 Brochure (PDF; 288 kb) KSPMC
Cottle County Germplasm Andropogon hallii sand bluestem range and pasture seedings, wildlife habitat, critical area plantings, buffers, and on sandy soils 2003 Brochure (PDF; 244 KB) TXPMC
'Elida' Andropogon hallii sand bluestem reseeding on sandy plains and deep sand range sites 1963 Brochure (PDF; 328 KB) NMPMC
'Garden' Andropogon hallii sand bluestem range seeding and revegetation of sandy range sites 1960 Brochure (PDF; 286 KB) KSPMC
Borden County Germplasm Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed range seeding, conservation reserve plantings, stabilizing sandy soils, wildlife food and ground nesting cover 2000 Brochure (PDF; 215 KB) TXPMC
Nueces Germplasm Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed wildlife plantings, range mixes, critical site revegetation, erosion control, and right-of-way planting 2016 Brochure (PDF; 216 KB) STPMC
'Bend' Eragrostis trichodes sand lovegrass range seedings 1971 Brochure (PDF; 167 KB) KSPMC
'Mason' Eragrostis trichodes sand lovegrass range seeding, erosion control, wind strips, warm season pasture, wildlife cover 1971 Brochure (PDF; 749 KB) TXPMC
'Nebraska 27' Eragrostis trichodes sand lovegrass 1949 NATPM
'Greenbank' Salix interior sandbar willow stream bank and shoreline protection, riparian area development, restoration, and fish habitat 2008 Brochure (PDF; 143 KB) NYPMC
Silver Sands Germplasm Salix interior sandbar willow in combination with other native riparian species for stream bank erosion control, lake shore stabilization, wildlife habitat, and in windbreaks on moist sites with good weed control. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 680 KB) NDPMC
High Plains Germplasm Poa secunda Sandberg bluegrass a component of native seed mixes, wildlife habitat plantings, and native plant community restoration 2000 Brochure (PDF; 213 KB) MTPMC
'Roselow' Malus sargentii Sargent crabapple farm and field windbreaks 1978 Brochure (PDF; 357 KB) MIPMC
Kendrick Germplasm Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry riparian areas, reclamation projects, wildlife plantings, shelterbelts, and for species diversity enhancement 2000 Brochure WAPMC
Newport Germplasm Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry riparian areas, reclamation projects, wildlife plantings, shelterbelts, and for species diversity enhancement 2000 Brochure WAPMC
Okanogan Germplasm Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry riparian areas, reclamation projects, wildlife plantings, shelterbelts, and for species diversity enhancement 2000 Brochure WAPMC
'Gobbler' Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak wildlife food and cover 1986 WVPMC
Moapa Germplasm Muhlenbergia asperifolia scratchgrass riparian restoration and rehabilitation, wildlife habitat improvement, restoration of disturbed areas; increasing plant diversity, and for rehabilitation of areas following salt cedar removal 2007 Brochure (PDF; 502 KB) AZPMC
Timbalier Germplasm Schizachyrium maritimum seacoast bluestem back dune stabilization, and to increase species diversity for plants used to stabilize coastal beaches and barrier islands. 2006 Brochure (PDF; 363 KB) LAPMC
Caminada Germplasm Uniola paniculata seaoats coastal restoration for beach dune and barrier island stabilization 2001 Brochure (PDF; 974 KB) LAPMC
Brazoria Germplasm Paspalum vaginatum seashore paspalum coastal wetland restoration as a pioneer species, especially on bare soils in fresh or brackish areas, and provides wildlife food 1999 Brochure (PDF; 162 KB) LAPMC
'Tropic Shore' Paspalum vaginatum seashore paspalum primarily for stabilizing the shorelines and banks of aquaculture ponds, canals, and streams with brackish or salty water 1988 Brochure (PDF; 398 KB) HIPMC
Monarch Germplasm Solidago sempervirens seaside goldenrod dune stabilization and wildlife habitat 2010 Brochure (PDF; 237 KB) NJPMC
'Appalow' Lespedeza cuneata sericea lespedeza low maintenance, ground cover to prevent erosion and stabilize soil 1978 WVPMC
'Covar' Festuca ovina sheep fescue stabilization of dry land soils, suppression of weeds 1977 Brochure WAPMC
'Emerald Sea' Juniperus conferta shore juniper landscape and shore plantings 1971 NJPMC
Welder Germplasm Chloris ×subdolichostachya shortspike windmill grass roadside plantings, critical area revegetation 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
Alexander Germplasm Desmodium canadense showy ticktrefoil wildlife food and cover and prairie restoration 1998 Brochure (PDF; 211 KB) MOPMC
VA-70 Lespedeza thunbergii shrub lespedeza wildlife habitat, riparian corridors, critical areas 1952 NJPMC
'Vavilov' Agropyron fragile Siberian wheatgrass forage on range sites 1994 IDPMC
'Vavilov II' Agropyron fragile Siberian wheatgrass rangeland seedings, pasture, critical area stabilization 2008 Brochure (PDF; 160 KB) IDPMC
'Butte' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama erosion control and grazing lands 1958 NATPM
Central Iowa Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 Brochure (PDF; 231 KB) MOPMC
'El Reno' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama soil conservation and forage production 1944 Brochure (PDF; 259 KB) KSPMC
'Haskell' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range seeding, pasture, hay land planting, revegetation mined lands turf, erosion control, waterways, wildlife food cover 1983 Brochure (PDF; 326 KB) TXPMC
Killdeer Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range seeding, wildlife habitat, low maintenance ground cover 1963 NDPMC
'Niner' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined-land reclamation 1984 Brochure (PDF; 190 KB) NMPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama roadside and wildlife plantings, prairie restorations, field borders, buffers, landscaping and for increasing plant diversity in prairie communities. 2008 MOPMC
'Pierre' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range seeding, critical area plantings, low maintenance ground cover 1961 Brochure (PDF; 824 KB) NDPMC
'Premier' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range seeding, pasture, revegetation, erosion control, waterways, wildlife cover 1960 TXPMC
South Texas Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula var. caespitosa sideoats grama upland wildlife, highway rights-of-way, energy exploration reclamation, and range plantings in south Texas. 2012 Brochure (PDF; 191 KB) STPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama erosion control, roadside stabilization, for improving wildlife habitat and for general conservation uses 1995 MOPMC
'Trailway' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range seeding 1958 NATPM
'Vaughn' Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined land reclamation 1940 Brochure (PDF; 372 KB) NMPMC
'Indigo' Cornus amomum silky dogwood single row windbreak under center pivot irrigation. Field and farmstead windbreak. Soil bioengineering. Wildlife food. 1982 Brochure (PDF; 512 KB) MIPMC
Riverbend Germplasm Salix sericea silky willow stream bank and shoreline restoration and riparian corridors 2003 Brochure (PDF; 420 KB) MIPMC
Mill Creek Germplasm Shepherdia argentea silver buffaloberry mineland reclammation, critical area stabilization, salt affected soils, riparian restoration, windbreak, shelterbelts, living snowfences, and wildlife habitat 2010 Brochure (PDF; 457 KB) MTPMC
'Sakakawea' Shepherdia argentea silver buffaloberry mine land restoration, farmstead windbreaks, wildlife habitat 1984 Brochure (PDF; 540 KB) NDPMC
Dupuyer Streambank Germplasm Elaeagnus commutata silverberry stream bank stabilization, windbreaks, and shelterbelts, wildlife food and cover 2000 Brochure (PDF; 166 KB) MTPMC
Pondera Floodplain Germplasm Elaeagnus commutata silverberry upper stream bank stabilization, windbreaks, and shelterbelts, wildlife food and cover 2000 Brochure (PDF; 166 KB) MTPMC
Skamania Germplasm Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata Sitka alder stream bank stabilization, riparian restoration, wildlife habitat, reclamation of eroded, disturbed, low fertility sites, companion nurse tree in conifer plantations, soil building 2006 Brochure (PDF; 451 KB) ORPMC
'Plumas' Salix sitchensis Sitka willow stabilizing banks of low velocity streams, renovating riparian areas and improving shoreline and aquatic habitat for wish and wildlife. Also used for soil bioengineering, windbreaks, natural area, landscaping and screens in moist environments 1988 Brochure (PDF; 370 KB) ORPMC
'Autumn Amber' Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac ground cover for erosion control and beautification 1983 Brochure (PDF; 192 KB) NMPMC
'Bighorn' Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac windbreaks, revegetation of minded or disturbed areas, roadside plantings and landscape plantings 1979 NMPMC
Dilley Germplasm Bouteloua repens slender grama critical area sites, roadsides, reclamation sites, buffers and filter strips 2007 Brochure (PDF; 355 KB) STPMC
Copperhead Germplasm Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus slender wheatgrass reclamation of roadsides, acid-impacted mine land, rangeland, and urban disturbances 2006 Brochure (PDF; 368 KB) MTPMC
'Pryor' Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus slender wheatgrass inclusion as a quick establishing species in seeding mixes, reclamation, highways, CRP, etc. 1988 Brochure (PDF; 227 KB) MTPMC
'San Luis' Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus slender wheatgrass high elevation erosion control recommended for ski slopes range and wildlife habitat improvement 1984 Brochure (PDF; 217 KB) COPMC
'Delar' Sanguisorba minor small burnet range, critical area stabilization, diversity 1981 Brochure (PDF; 193 KB) IDPMC
'Fischer' Bromus inermis smooth brome 1943 NATPM
'Bayshore' Spartina alterniflora smooth cordgrass revegetating and stabilizing tidal stream banks and restoring wetlands 1992 NJPMC
'Vermilion' Spartina alterniflora smooth cordgrass saline marsh restoration and shoreline stabilization 1989 Brochure (PDF; 409 KB) LAPMC
'Secar' Elymus wawawaiensis Snake River wheatgrass long term stabilization of semi arid land soils 1980 Brochure (PDF; 163 KB) WAPMC
'Umatilla' Eriogonum niveum snow buckwheat critical area stabilization, mine land reclamation, restoration of natural areas 1991 Brochure WAPMC
'Bonita' Yucca elata soaptree yucca beautification, soil stabilization and ornamental landscaping 1978 Brochure (PDF; 324 KB) NMPMC
'Blando' Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus soft chess erosion control, cover crop, range improvement 1954 Brochure (PDF; 339 KB) CAPMC
Sumter Germplasm Juncus effusus Soft Rush wetland wildlife (cover), residential septic systems, constructed wetlands, wetland restoration and riparian buffers 2008 Brochure (PDF; 397 KB) GAPMC
Bobwhite Glycine soybean wildlife food and cover 1975 MOPMC
Cochise Germplasm Sporobolus contractus spike dropseed revegetation of denuded range sites, abandoned cropland, and critical areas. 2005 Brochure (PDF; 170 KB) AZPMC
Potter County Germplasm Sporobolus contractus spike dropseed range seedings, conservation reserve plantings, stabilizing sandy soils with high erosion potential, livestock forage, wildlife food and cover 2000 Brochure (PDF; 209 KB) TXPMC
Ramadero Germplasm Eragrostis spicata spike lovegrass critical site revegetation and range seeding 2015 Brochure (PDF; 373 KB) STPMC
'El Vado' Muhlenbergia wrightii spike muhly soil stabilization and range vegetation 1973 Brochure (PDF; 307 KB) NMPMC
Fort Cooper Germplasm Andropogon ternarius splitbeard bluestem critical areas, native area restoration, rangeland, wildlife habitat and ornamental plantings 2008 Brochure (PDF; 157 KB) FLPMC
Fish Creek Germplasm Elymus elymoides ssp. elymoides squirreltail ecosystem restoration and for resource conservation practices 2003 IDPMC
Toe Jam Creek Germplasm Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus squirreltail ecosystem restoration and for resource conservation practices. 2003 IDPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum stiff goldenrod roadside plantings, prairie creation and restoration, and landscaping 2002 MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum stiff goldenrod roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping 1998 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum stiff goldenrod roadside plantings, landscaping, prairie creation and restoration, and for increasing plant diversity in prairie communities 2002 MOPMC
Bismarck Germplasm Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. pauciflorus stiff sunflower prairie restoration, native landscaping, range improvement 2000 NDPMC
'Sodar' Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus streambank wheatgrass erosion control, critical area stabilization 1954 Brochure (PDF; 121 KB) IDPMC
Kika 677 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting, erosion control, wildlife habitat and water quality improvement 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
Kika 819 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting, erosion control, wildlife habitat, and water quality improvement 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
Kika 820 Germplasm Setaria leucopila streambed bristlegrass rangeland planting,erosion control, wildlife habitat, and water quality improvement 2006 Brochure (PDF; 1.7 MB) STPMC
'Sierra' Eriogonum polyanthum sulphur flower buckwheat erosion control, landscape, wildlife, revegetation 1987 Brochure (PDF; 201 KB) CAPMC
'Tropic Sun' Crotalaria juncea sunn hemp primarily used as a green manure crop for soil improvement. Also useful as a source of fiber 1982 Brochure (PDF; 224 KB) HIPMC
Spirit Germplasm Hierochloe odorata sweetgrass cultural significance in Native American ceremonies, stabilization of riparian and wetland ecosystems 2004 Brochure (PDF; 394 KB) MTPMC
'Alamo' Panicum virgatum switchgrass range seedings, pasture, hay land, erosion control, shoreline stabilization, revegetation wind strips, wildlife habitat 1978 Brochure (PDF; 251 KB) TXPMC
'Blackwell' Panicum virgatum switchgrass range seeding - revegetation of disturbed areas 1944 Brochure (PDF; 258 KB) KSPMC
'Carthage' Panicum virgatum switchgrass wildlife habitat, buffers, pastures, and as a component of native plant mixes 2006 Brochure (PDF; 200 KB) NJPMC
'Cave-In-Rock' Panicum virgatum switchgrass summer pasture, wildlife food and habitat 1974 Brochure (PDF; 239 KB) MOPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Panicum virgatum switchgrass roadside plantings, creating and restoring prairies, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities 2003 MOPMC
'Dacotah' Panicum virgatum switchgrass range seeding, pasture and hay land planting, wildlife habitat, waterways 1989 Brochure (PDF; 499 KB) NDPMC
'Forestburg' Panicum virgatum switchgrass pasture or hay land, range seeding, wildlife habitat, waterways 1987 Brochure (PDF; 260 KB) NDPMC
Grenville Panicum virgatum switchgrass soil stabilization and range revegetation 1940 NMPMC
High Tide Germplasm Panicum virgatum switchgrass freshwater stabilization of streambanks and shoreline and for herbaceous riparian buffers 2007 Brochure (PDF; 145 KB) NJPMC
'Kanlow' Panicum virgatum switchgrass wet soil lowland areas, biofuel 1963 Brochure (PDF; 268 KB) KSPMC
KY 1625 Panicum virgatum switchgrass cover & forage plant on marginal low fertility, hillside pasture 1977 WVPMC
Miami Panicum virgatum switchgrass dune stabilization, hay production, range site improvement, wildlife habitat improvement, cut green forage, waterway vegetation, mine reclamation, and windbreaks 1996 Brochure (PDF; 78 KB) FLPMC
'Nebraska 28' Panicum virgatum switchgrass forage and stabilization 1949 NATPM
Penn Center Germplasm Panicum virgatum switchgrass coastal erosion control 2010 Brochure (PDF; 223 KB) GAPMC
'Shawnee' Panicum virgatum switchgrass pasture and hay 1995 MOPMC
'Shelter' Panicum virgatum switchgrass forage, wind barriers, critical area treatment, spring nesting habitat, wildlife cover plant 1987 Brochure (PDF; 405 KB) NYPMC
Southlow Michigan Germplasm Panicum virgatum switchgrass wildlife food and cover, erosion control, restoring native plant environments, and increasing species diversity 2001 Brochure (PDF; 390 KB) MIPMC
Stuart Panicum virgatum switchgrass hay production, range site improvement, wildlife habitat improvement, cut green forage, waterway vegetation, coastal area stabilization, mine reclamation, and windbreaks 1996 Brochure (PDF; 78 KB) FLPMC
Timber Germplasm Panicum virgatum switchgrass biomass production, critical areas, buffers and vegetative barriers 2009 Brochure (PDF; 285 KB) NJPMC
Wabasso Panicum virgatum switchgrass hay production, range site improvement, wildlife habitat improvement, cut green forage, waterway vegetation, coastal area stabilization, and mine reclamation 1996 Brochure (PDF; 78 KB) FLPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Sporobolus compositus tall dropseed native plantings along roadsides, conservation plantings, and wildlife habitat 1996 Brochure (PDF; 176 KB) MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Sporobolus compositus tall dropseed roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 Brochure (PDF; 176 KB) MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Sporobolus compositus tall dropseed roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Sporobolus compositus tall dropseed roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, and prairie restoration 2002 Brochure (PDF; 176 KB) MOPMC
'Tropic Coral' Erythrina variegata tall erythrina primarily developed for windbreak for soil and water conservation 1985 Brochure (PDF; 378 KB) HIPMC
'Ruffner' Arrhenatherum elatius var. elatius tall oatgrass forage, hay, wildlife habitat, and critical area stabilization 2009 WVPMC
'Alkar' Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass reclamation of saline soils, summer pasture, wildlife cover 1951 Brochure (PDF; 139 KB) WAPMC
'Jose' Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass hay and pasture grass 1965 Brochure (PDF; 318 KB) NMPMC
'Largo' Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass hay and pasture grass 1961 NMPMC
Duck Creek Germplasm Sporobolus texanus Texas dropseed range seeding, saline/alkaline soil revegetation, erosion control on moist sites 2000 Brochure (PDF; 268 KB) TXPMC
Atascosa Germplasm Bouteloua rigidiseta Texas grama critical areas, roadsides, and reclamation sites 2007 Brochure (PDF; 355 KB) STPMC
Kerr Germplasm Pavonia lasiopetala Texas swampmallow range seeding, beautification and low-input native landscaping, wildlife and livestock forage 2000 Brochure (PDF; 281 KB) TXPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildflower gardens 1999 MOPMC
'Eureka' Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather prairie restoration, roadside revegetation, recreational area planting 1975 Brochure (PDF; 145 KB) KSPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather roadside revegetation, wildlife plantings, prairie restoration and landscaping, and wildflower gardens 1999 MOPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 Brochure (PDF; 157 KB) MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather roadside plantings and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 MOPMC
Western Missouri Germplasm Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather roadside planting and prairie restoration and enhancement 2001 Brochure (PDF; 157 KB) MOPMC
'Bannock' Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus thickspike wheatgrass erosion control, forage, and cover, mine spoil reclamation, critical area stabilization, and filter strips 1995 Brochure (PDF; 174 KB) IDPMC
'Critana' Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus thickspike wheatgrass reclamation, native species for CRP, xeriscaping, range renovation 1971 Brochure (PDF; 2 MB) MTPMC
Clanton Desmodium perplexum tick clover seed production for quail food and deer browse 1958 NATPM
Hopefield Selection Strophostyles helvola trailing wildbean wildlife food source, food source for upland game birds, and temporary soil stabilization 1997 MSPMC
'Peru Creek' Deschampsia cespitosa tufted hairgrass revegetation of mine sites at high elevations (9,000-12,000') with acidic soils (pH 3.5-6.0) 1994 COPMC
Tillamook Germplasm Deschampsia cespitosa tufted hairgrass wetland restoration, stream bank and channel stabilization, and pastures 2002 Brochure (PDF; 449 KB) ORPMC
Willamette Germplasm Deschampsia cespitosa tufted hairgrass freshwater wetland restoration, stream bank stabilization, and pasture 2002 Brochure (PDF; 472 KB) ORPMC
Union Germplasm Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar woodland revegetation, timber production, landscaping, riparian areas 1998 MOPMC
'McDermand' Pyrus ussuriensis Ussurian pear shelterbelts, wildlife habitat, urban plantings 1990 Brochure (PDF; 646 KB) NDPMC
Long Ridge Germplasm Amelanchier utahensis Utah serviceberry surface disturbance reclamaion, wildlife habitat enhancement and xeric landscaping 2008 Brochure (PDF; 251 KB) COPMC
'Timp' Hedysarum boreale Utah sweetvetch rangeland, mined land, critical areas, and to improve upland wildlife habitats; established stands can be used for forage in early spring to midsummer 1994 Brochure (PDF; 148 KB) COPMC
Hondo Germplasm Desmanthus velutinus velvet bundleflower range seeding, wildlife habitat, and erosion control 2003 Brochure (PDF; 217 KB) TXPMC
Pilgrim Germplasm Dichanthelium scoparium velvet rosettegrass wildlife food 2007 Brochure ETPMC
Clearwater Selection Penstemon venustus Venus penstemon erosion control, diversity, and beautification 1994 Brochure (PDF; 319 KB) IDPMC
Fort Polk Vetiveria zizanioides vetivergrass grass hedges, erosion control, conservation plantings 1995 LAPMC
Cuivre River Germplasm Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye forage, erosion control, vegetative buffers and filters, wildlife food/cover, plant diversity in wetland and riparian plantings, and as a cover crop for woody plantings 2002 Brochure (PDF; 208 KB) MOPMC
Kinchafoonee Germplasm Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye erosion control for field borders, logging roads, critical area treatments, and cool season cover crop 2004 GAPMC
Northern Missouri Germplasm Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye riparian areas, soil stabilization, forage, wildlife food and cover, and prairie plantings 1999 MOPMC
'Trailar' Clematis ligusticifolia western clematis critical area stabilization, Wildlife habitat 1992 Brochure WAPMC
Cheney Selection Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis western dogwood riparian area restoration, stream bank stabilization, wildlife habitat improvement, native landscaping, shelterbelts, roadside beautification, and food plant for wildlife 1998 Brochure WAPMC
'Mason' Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis western dogwood stabilizing banks of low velocity streams, improving fish and wildlife habitat, windbreaks and screens, soil bioengineering, wetland enhancement and creation 1992 Brochure (PDF; 302 KB) ORPMC
LK621e Germplasm Achnatherum occidentale western needlegrass erosion control and quick, self perpetuating-cover, forage for cattle, sheep, horses and deer before maturity 2006 CAPMC
Trapper Germplasm Symphoricarpos occidentalis western snowberry site stabilization, land reclamation, living snow fences, and wildlife habitat applications 2004 Brochure (PDF; 193 KB) MTPMC
'Arriba' Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass revegetation of rangeland 1973 Brochure (PDF; 368 KB) NMPMC
'Barton' Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass range seedlings, stabilization of earth structures 1970 Brochure (PDF; 140 KB) KSPMC
'Recovery' Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass erosion control, range and pasture renovation, livestock forage 2009 Brochure (PDF; 190 KB) IDPMC
'Rodan' Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass range seedings, cool season pastures, mine land reclamation 1983 Brochure (PDF; 261 KB) NDPMC
'Rosana' Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass mined-land reclamation, native grass for CRP, range renovation 1972 Brochure (PDF; 507 KB) MTPMC
Great Northern Germplasm Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis western yarrow species diversity for rangeland, mineland, and roadside revegetation projects 2004 Brochure (PDF; 353 KB) MTPMC
Pima Germplasm Pappophorum vaginatum whiplash pappusgrass erosion control, wildlife food and cover, restoration of disturbed areas, and rangeland rehabilitation 2006 Brochure (PDF; 477 KB) AZPMC
Webb Germplasm Pappophorum vaginatum whiplash pappusgrass rangeland seeding, highway right-of-ways, and for upland wildlife 2010 Brochure (PDF; 2.1 MB) STPMC
Antelope Germplasm Dalea candida white prairie clover forage, nitrogen source for associated grasses, wildlife, and for use in seed mixes 2000 Brochure (PDF; 248 KB) MTPMC
Central Iowa Germplasm Monarda fistulosa wild bergamont prairie restoration programs, roadside and wildlife platings and landscaping. 2007 Brochure (PDF; 169 KB) MOPMC
Northern Iowa Germplasm Monarda fistulosa wild bergamont prairie restoration projects, roadside, wildlife, and landscaping 2007 MOPMC
Southern Iowa Germplasm Monarda fistulosa wild bergamont roadside and wildlife plantings, creating and restoring prairies, landscaping, and to increase plant diversity in prairie communities 2003 MOPMC
Glacial Lake Albany Germplasm Lupinus perennis wild lupine butterfly habitat restoration or enhancement, landscaping, dry site meadows, and roadside plantings 2001 Brochure (PDF; 189 KB) NYPMC
Rainbow Prunus wild plum erosion control, critical area planting, wildlife food, cover landscape, windbreak 1981 Brochure (PDF; 490 KB) TXPMC
'Pink Lady' Euonymus bungeanus winterberry euonymus multi-row windbreaks, wildlife habitat, living screens 1973 Brochure (PDF; 102 KB) KSPMC
'Hatch' Krascheninnikovia lanata winterfat winter forage in sagebrush and pinon-juniper communities 1985 COPMC
Open Range Germplasm Krascheninnikovia lanata winterfat reclamation, range renovation, forage, and wildlife habitat in semi-arid grasslands 2002 Brochure (PDF; 229 KB) MTPMC
Leaf River Selection Scirpus cyperinus woolgrass wetland mitigation plantings, constructed wetlands, and for natural areas which are moist 1996 MSPMC
Muckalee Germplasm Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass residential septic systems, constructed wetlands for waste treatment, wildlife cover in riparian areas, and to restore wetlands where obligate plants dominate 2008 Brochure (PDF; 385 KB) GAPMC
'Lana' Vicia villosa ssp. varia woollypod vetch range improvement, cover and green manure crop, erosion control, wildlife 1956 Brochure (PDF; 261 KB) CAPMC
'WW Iron Master' Bothriochloa ischaemum var. ischaemum yellow bluestem 1987 NATPM
'Americus' Sorghastrum nutans yellow Indiangrass forage, erosion control, buffers, and wildlife habitat 2002 Brochure (PDF; 221 KB) GAPMC
Suther Germplasm Sorghastrum nutans yellow indiangrass roadside revegetation, critical areas, wildlife habitat, parks, recreational areas, landscapes and prairie restoration 2002 Brochure (PDF; 142 KB) NJPMC
'Sholty' Medicago sativa ssp. falcata yellow-flowered alfalfa livestock forage, wildlife habitat 2015 Brochure (PDF; 169 KB) NDPMC