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Focus 2028 was a forum for regional leaders to establish a common understanding of the types of industry changes and strategic choices Bonneville may face to maintain its financial strength and cost competitiveness. Within that forum, from fall 2015 to fall 2016, BPA again engaged with customers and stakeholders on how to improve BPA’s EE program.

Out of that engagement came a vision for the EE program to last at least until the end of the existing Regional Dialogue power sales contracts. BPA’s energy efficiency program meets a fundamental obligation to acquire energy efficiency under the Northwest Power Act and, notwithstanding current low wholesale electricity prices, energy efficiency remains a low-cost hedge against industry, regulatory, and market changes. As such, energy efficiency will continue to play a key role in helping BPA meet its load obligations and deliver the best value for its customers, constituents and the region. BPA recognizes that energy efficiency opportunities are not distributed evenly among its customers and the cost to implement measures can vary across customer service territories.  The changes made as a result of the Focus 2028 engagement attempt to create flexibilities that recognize these realities without jeopardizing BPA’s overall energy efficiency goals.

Here is the link to the EE Focus 2028 public comment page. 
​Focus 2028 Energy Efficiency Presentations
Energy Efficiency Listening Sessions