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BPA's commercial sector offers a wide range of programs and measure opportunities to help customer utilities serve their commercial customers and meet their conservation targets. The commercial sector includes robust programs in lighting and refrigeration, deemed measures in HVAC, envelope, plug load, and commercial kitchen equipment, and custom project opportunities for retrofit and new construction. Below are the highlights of commercial program offerings. Visit the EE Implementation Manual for full measure details. 
For several years, BPA has managed a large efficiency program in Commercial and Industrial Lighting. BPA continues to invest in improving the lighting program as a critical component to achieving regional conservation targets. BPA also sponsors the Northwest Trade Ally Network for Commercial and Industrial Lighting (NW TAN), a regional resource providing free training and support to facilitate utilities and contractors working together to deliver lighting efficiency projects. Ongoing sector improvements in commercial sector include a redesign of the lighting calculator, the addition of new measures, and an expansion of the free support services provided by the NW TAN.
Grocery Refrigeration
Grocery Refrigeration
BPA works with local utilities to help grocery stores and other retailers lower their energy costs through high-efficiency upgrades. Grocery refrigeration accounts for roughly 60% of total electricity use so technologies like advanced refrigeration controls, efficient motors, efficient case lighting, and anti-sweat heater controls can produce significant energy savings. 
Efficient HVAC technologies are a large, relatively untapped source of savings in the commercial sector. Recognizing the critical role of HVAC measures in achieving regional efficiency targets, BPA has been adding measures and working on improving processes and program offerings that will support utilities in capturing higher volumes of HVAC savings.
Commercial Shell Measures
Commercial Shell Measures
BPA is working to develop a more robust commercial shell measure offering. Currently BPA offers reimbursement for one new BPA Qualified measure for small commercial window retrofits. BPA is working on improved program structures that will support utilities in capturing commercial building shell opportunities.
​Commercial Kitchen
Commercial Kitchen
BPA offers incentive reimbursements to customer utilities for installation of an expanded suite of high efficiency kitchen and food service measures to commercial customers in their territories. Measures include refrigerators, freezers, ice makers, steamers, hot food holding cabinets, electric fryers, electric convection ovens, electric combination ovens, dishwashers, and pre-rinse spray wash valves.
Plug Load
Plug Load
BPA targets office plug loads with two measures designed to reduce usage from idle electrical equipment. Smart Power Strips monitor and actively manage plug load usage from connected electrical equipment, turning off devices that are not in use. Networked computer power management gives IT administrators the ability to centrally control the power management settings of networked workstations, activating a workstation's power-energy savings mode when not in use.
Commercial New Construction and Building Design
Commercial New Construction and Building Design
Commercial new construction projects may be eligible to receive reimbursements through measures or the custom project process. Read on to determine what types of projects are eligible.
Commercial Custom Projects
Commercial Custom Projects
Commercial Custom projects include all projects for which a deemed measure is not available. Custom projects cover a range of opportunities, from construction of a new 100,000 square foot medical center to an HVAC retrofit on the local school. BPA provides reimbursements for verified energy savings, potentially up to 70% of incremental project costs.