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​Regional Efficiency Progress Report

​BPA asks our 20 largest customers to forecast their savings on a quarterly basis and projects savings for all others based on an average cost per kWh. The page linked below provides a summary “dashboard” of forecast and actual savings as well as an indication of our progress toward our Power Plan goals that will be updated on a quarterly basis. 

Regional Efficiency Progress Report

Conservation Resource Energy Data

This is a source document summarizing data on costs and savings pertaining to BPA's energy conservation acquisition programs and resources. The document provides information and references for general audiences and for use in preparing general publications.

Fiscal Year 2013 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2012 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2011 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2010 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2009 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2008 RED Book
Fiscal Year 2007 RED Book
Research Index