Maps: Exploration, Resources, Reserves, and Production
Summary Maps: Natural gas in the Lower 48 States and North America
   Gas production in conventional fields, Lower 48 States PDF (2.8 MB) JPG (2.5 MB)
   Gas production in offshore fields, Lower 48 States PDF (0.4 MB) JPG (1.5 MB)
   Shale gas and oil plays, Lower 48 States (6/30/2016) PDF (1.9 MB) JPG (2.0 MB)
   Shale gas and oil plays, North America (5/9/2011) PDF (0.4 MB) JPG (1.2 MB)
   Major tight gas plays, Lower 48 States PDF (1.6 MB) JPG (2.2 MB)
   Coalbed methane fields, Lower 48 States PDF (1.8 MB) JPG (2.7 MB)
Oil- and gas-related maps, geospatial data, and geospatial software
Maps in Portable Document Format (.pdf)
The following maps were developed using GIS software and then converted to pdf format. You must therefore have the Adobe Reader® browser plugin installed to view them (free download available at Adobe Acrobat Reader). Most of the maps are large format (60 inches X 36 inches, for example) because they were intended for printing on a wide-bed printer. To clearly view them on your monitor you will have to zoom in and then scroll through the map. They will also take more than just a couple of seconds to load owing to their complexity.

United States coalbed methane maps
Panel 1: Coalbed methane status map
Panel 2: Coalbed Methane Past, Present, and Future

United States shale oil and natural gas maps
The following map panels show the drilling history and the natural gas proved reserves, production, and proved ultimate recovery histories of selected low-permeability, self-sourced, continuous-type shale reservoirs. Selected geologic characteristics pertinent to occurrence of producible gas resources in the reservoir are also shown when available.
Lower 48 states shale plays (4/13/2015)
Barnett Shale, Ft. Worth Basin, Texas
Barnett Shale, Ft. Worth Basin, Texas (letter-size)  (6/1/2011)
Eagle Ford Play updates  (12/29/2014)
Eagle Ford Shale Play, Western Gulf Basin, South Texas (12/29/2014)
Fayetteville Shale, Arkoma Basin, Arkansas
Fayetteville Shale, Arkoma Basin, Arkansas (letter-size)  (6/1/2011)
Haynesville-Bossier Shale Play, Texas-Louisiana Salt Basin  (6/1/2011)
Marcellus Play updates  (2/8/2015),
    related article — Updated geologic maps provide greater detail for Marcellus formation, Today in Energy, 4/1/15
Marcellus Shale Play, Appalachian Basin  (6/1/2011)
Utica Play, Appalachian Basin
  • Major structure map and tectonic features in the region of the Utica play (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Structure map of the Utica formation (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Structure map of the Point Pleasant formation (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Thickness map of the Utica formation (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Thickness map of the Point Pleasant formation (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Thickness map of the combined Utica - Point Pleasant interval (4/19/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Initial gas-to-oil ratios (GORs) of Utica and Point Pleasant wells through June 2016 and thermal maturity (9/21/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Depth to the top of the Utica formation in feet and thermal maturity (9/21/2016)  PDF  JPG
  • Utica and Point Pleasant Production through December 2012 (9/21/2016) PDF  JPG
  • Utica and Point Pleasant Production through June 2016 (9/21/2016) PDF  JPG
Woodford Shale Play, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma  (6/1/2011)
Woodford Shale Play, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas  (6/1/2011)
Woodford Shale Play, Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma and Texas  (6/1/2011)

United States tight gas maps
Granite Wash Play, Texas and Oklahoma

United States shale oil maps
Bakken Shale Play, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan & Manitoba  (3/20/2011)

Shale play development history animations
Barnett Shale Drilling from 1981 to 2010  (6/1/2011)
Bakken Shale Production from 1985 to 2010 (9/30/2011)
Eagle Ford Shale Production from 2006 to 2010 (9/30/2011)

United States oil and gas field maps
The following national map portrays the location of fields identified as being among the 100 largest oil and/or 100 largest gas fields in the United States on December 31, 2009, per EIA's U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Proved Reserves, 2009.
The 100 Volumetrically Largest U.S. Oil and Gas Fields
The following letter size maps portray the same information by product.
Top 100 U.S. Oil Fields By 2009 Proved Reserves
Top 100 U.S. Gas Fields By 2009 Proved Reserves

Detailed oil and gas field maps
The detailed field maps linked below portray the locations, boundaries, names, and either the barrel-of-oil equivalent (BOE) or the liquid hydrocarbon (crude oil plus lease condensate) or the natural gas reserve size classes of the known oil and gas fields in selected geologically defined areas of the U.S. at year-end 2001. Multiple map sheets were required to adequately portray the fields of some areas. Use this Index of Detailed Field Maps to identify which of the subsequently listed oil and gas field maps you might be interested in viewing. Pursuant to Section 604 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, these maps are one product of a joint Department of the Interior, Department of Energy, and Department of Agriculture study of access to oil and gas resources located on Federal onshore lands. The maps conform to that ongoing study's temporal, areal, and technical requirements.
Appalachian Basin:
       Western New York button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Northern Ohio, Southwestern New York, and
       Western Pennsylvania
button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Eastern Pennsylvania button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Southern Ohio, Southwestern Pennsylvania, and
       Northwestern West Virginia
button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Eastern West Virginia and Western Maryland button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Southern West Virginia and Southwestern Virginia button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Kentucky and Tennessee button graphic button graphic button graphic
Black Warrior Basin button graphic button graphic button graphic
South Florida Peninsula button graphic button graphic button graphic
Alaska's Cook Inlet button graphic button graphic button graphic
Alaskan North Slope button graphic button graphic button graphic
National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area button graphic button graphic button graphic
Eastern Oregon and Washington button graphic button graphic button graphic
Ventura Basin:
       East Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       West and Central Parts button graphic button graphic button graphic
Montana Thrust Belt button graphic button graphic button graphic
Williston Basin:
       Northeast Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Northwest Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       South Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
Wyoming Thrust Belt button graphic button graphic button graphic
Eastern Great Basin button graphic button graphic button graphic
Powder River Basin:
       Northern Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Southern Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
Greater Green River Basin button graphic button graphic button graphic
Uinta-Piceance Basin button graphic button graphic button graphic
Paradox-San Juan Basin:
       Northwest Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Southeast Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
Denver Basin:
       Northern Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       Middle Part button graphic button graphic button graphic
       South Part button graphic button graphic button graphic

Geospatial Data in Shapefile (.shp) Format
Compatible GIS software is required to read, render, and manipulate the data content of the following files that provide the identification, location, boundary, size class, and other EIA-sourced information used to generate the detailed field maps linked above. The files are provided in compressed format (.zip) sets.
      Users of WinZip® are advised that a default setting must be changed in the WinZip compression           utility (any version) to avoid corruption of the GIS files while they are being unzipped. The following       change only affects unzipping:

      1) Open WinZip Classic.

      2) Select Options > Configuration > Miscellaneous tab.

      3) Uncheck the 'TAR file smart CR/LF conversion' box. It will remain unchecked until you check it again.

      4) Select OK.

Data for the coalbed methane panels
Shapefiles for field boundaries (2007), resources (2006), reserves and production (2006), and the top 100 methane emitting coal mines (2005).

Data for the US Low Permeability Oil and Gas Plays Maps
Shapefile for low permeability oil and gas play boundaries in Lower 48 States (3/11/2016)
Shapefile for sedimentary basin boundaries in Lower 48 States (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Abo-Yeso, Bone Spring, Delaware, Glorieta-Yeso, and Spraberry play boundaries (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Bakken and Three Forks play boundaries, structure and isopachs (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Eagle Ford play boundaries, structure and isopachs (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Marcellus play boundaries, structure and isopachs (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Niobrara play boundaries, structure and isopachs (3/11/2016)
Shapefiles for Utica play: play boundaries, structure and Isopach for Utica and Point Pleasant formations (5/6/2016)
Shapefiles for Utica play: Major structural and tectonic features (5/9/2016)

Data for the Tight Gas Plays Map
Shapefiles for basin and play boundaries

Data for the Detailed Oil and Gas Field Maps
Shapefile for the Powder River, Greater Green River, Uinta-Piceance, and Paradox-San Juan Basins plus Shapefile for the Montana Thrust Belt
Shapefile for the Appalachian Basin
Shapefiles for the Black Warrior Basin, Denver Basin, Wyoming Thrust Belt, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska plus the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area, and the South Florida Peninsula
Shapefiles for the Eastern Great Basin, Eastern Oregon and Washington, Alaskan North Slope, Alaska's Cook Inlet, Ventura Basin, and Williston Basin

EIA's oil and gas field Boundary Generation Scripts
The following Word® (.doc) files provide and describe three script codes conceived, developed, and implemented by EIA to (a) automatically and efficiently generate geologically reasonable oil and gas field boundaries from well data, and then (b) calculate the percentage of Federal land within the each field's boundary. The scripts are coded in Visual Basic® for use in conjunction with ArcGIS® software.
       Well Buffering Script
       Field Outline Smoothing Script  |  Tool (6/1/2011 for ArcGIS 10.0
       Federal Land Percentage Calculation Script
Application of the decision procedure specified in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Guidelines for Providing Appropriate Access to Geospatial Data in Response to Security Concerns to the geospatial data provided via this web page resulted in a finding that safeguarding of these data is unwarranted.
Adobe Reader is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated; Word and Visual Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; ArcGIS is a trademark of ESRI, Inc.; WinZip is a trademark of WinZip International LLC.