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Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Need Help?
Don't be afraid to ask what is bothering a Sailor, and encourage him or her that It's Okay to Speak Up When You're Down. Suicide can be prevented--every life lost is one too many. By knowing the warning signs and resources, you can help a Sailor see that Life Is Worth Living. Empower yourself to ACT!
ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide
Let them know you CARE
Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible
Know the signs and when to seek help
Suicide Warning Signs

Are you or someone you know at risk of suicide?  Get the facts and take appropriate action.

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

Get them assistance (TREATment) as soon as possible

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

ASK if someone is depressed and is thinking about suicide

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE

Let them know you CARE


Remember IS PATH WARM?
From the American Association of Suicidology
Risk Factors
The first step in preventing suicide is to identify and understand the risk factors. A risk factor is anything that increases the likelihood that persons will harm themselves. However, risk factors are not necessarily causes.

  • Family history of suicide or violence
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Death of a close friend or family membe
  • Divorce or separation, ending a relationship
  • Work related problems
  • Physical illness/ serious medical problem
  • Current or pending disciplinary or legal action
  • Financial problems
  • Transitions (retirement, PCS, discharge, etc.)
  • Severe, prolonged, or perceived unmanageable stress
  • History of alcohol and substance abuse
  • History of previous suicide attempts
  • Alcohol or drug dependency
  • Setbacks (academic, career, or personal)
  • Isolation, a feeling of being cut off from other people
  • Unwillingness to seek help because of the stigma attached to mental health and substance abuse disorders or suicidal thoughts
  • Easy access to lethal methods
Previous suicidal behavior
  • Extremes of behavior
  • Changes in behavior
  • Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
  • Physical Changes
  • Disturbed sleep patterns- sleeping too much or too little
  • Lack of energy
  • Sudden change in appearance
  • Lack of interest in appearance
Thoughts and Emotions
  • Deep sadness or guilt
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Loss of self worth
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • A sense of powerlessness, helplessness, or hopelessness
Remember: IS PATH WARM warning signs
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