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Links to Suicide Prevention Organizations

Helping Agencies
National Suicide Prevention Helpline

Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-Talk)

Military Mental Health
  • Provides totally anonymous and voluntary self-assessments to Sailors and family members.
Navy Chaplain Care
  • Sometimes Sailors and their families would prefer to trust and confide in a Navy Chaplain to receive guidance or help seeing things more clearly. Chaplains are available to talk 24/7...just a click or phone call away.
Did you know Military OneSource offers FREE help 24x7?
  • Military OneSource (1-800-342-9647)
  • Provides information and resources to foster readiness and resilience in all areas of life, including informational resources and confidential chat available 24/7.
Real Warriors Live Chat
  • Click the link above to start a live chat with a trained health resource consultant, ready to talk, listen and provide the guidance and resources you're looking for.

The following links are provided as additional resources in Suicide Prevention, Operational Stress Control and Combat Stress.

Navy Resources

Service Links to Suicide Prevention

Research on Suicide and Suicide Prevention

If you have a resource link, handout, or presentation that you would like to share with others, please send them to

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