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Brilliant on the Basics (BOB)

Brilliant on the Basics (SAILOR)
You will see the acronym SAILOR below. It is a simple way to remember the principles of Brilliant on the Basics. Every Sailor needs to clearly understand and apply the principles of Brilliant on the Basics on a daily basis and know the programs associated with our Fleet and Family Support Centers.


S Sponsorship = Command Sponsor Program
A Assign = Assign a Mentor
I Indoctrination = Command Indoctrination
L Leadership = Career Development Boards
O Ombudsman = Ombudsman Program
R Recognizing = Recognizing Sailors & Navy team members


Command Sponsorship
Sponsorship and indoctrination provide a solid foundation for newly reporting Sailors and their families.  Command Sponsor Program responsibilities begin upon receipt of PCS orders and continues as the Sailor becomes an integral part of the new command and is fully cognizant of all policies, programs, services, and responsibilities available through the command. OPNAVINST 1740.3(series)  provides guidance and a flowchart for the Command Sponsor Program. Click on the link to get the instruction.

Proactive interaction by a sponsor and Ombudsman can reduce many issues and concerns before the Sailor and family arrive on board. Paving the way for a smooth transition and making each Navy family feel like a genuine part of their new command can ensure a family commitment of support to enable success for all. As our Navy policies and programs change, we must reevaluate whether or not our command sponsorship process is conducive to the PCS transition.

Sailors should expect nothing less than an exceptional check-in process. Whether it is arriving at an airport in a foreign country and being met by a smiling face from the command or crossing the quarterdeck for the first time on a warship, our Sailors deserve a welcoming experience during their PCS transition.

The first 72 hours of checking into a command are without question the most influential. During this period, personnel expect to feel as though their arrival is important to the command. While the mission of each command may be vastly different, the importance of gaining personnel positively is equally significant. The initial actions of leadership to ensure that every Sailor has their basic needs met upon arrival to a new duty station can impact a family’s decision on whether or not they desire to continue to serve.

In accordance with OPNAV 1740.3(series) it is the responsibility of each command to designate a Command Sponsor Coordinator (CSC). The CSC is responsible to designate responsible personnel as a sponsor for a new arrival. Once designated, these individuals ensure that a welcome aboard package is sent and that communications are established with the new Sailor. A list of responsibilities of each member within the command is provided in OPNAV 1740.3(series) and can be utilized as a great checklist in evaluating your Sponsor program.

Benefits of the Career Information Management System (CIMS) Sponsor assignment feature include:
• Reverse sponsorship provides detaching command the ability to ensure every transferring Sailor has been assigned a sponsor.
• Assign sponsors (pri/alt phone numbers and email address)
• View/print incoming orders (pdf format) To get access visit or contact 1-877-589-5991.

Get the “First 72 Hours” Video here: (PIN "806440"). A DVD will be delivered to command within 5 days.

Assign a Mentor

Assigning a mentor is an important component of the Brilliant on the Basics. It has proven to be a cornerstone for the Navy’s successful Petty Officers, Chiefs, and Officers.

There are two types of mentorship:

Formal: The assigning of a mentor through a command program establishing a command instruction for a formal program can provide basic guidance and expectations that enable leadership growth and development while creating a culture of Shipmates helping Shipmates. Providing this guidance also ensures that routine engagements occur to ensure success of the program that includes monthly monitoring and evaluation.

Informal: A natural occurrence that develops as junior Sailors learn through a formal program to reach out to those they desire to emulate. Mentorship is a selection process made by either mentor or protégé. This usually occurs through respect for the leadership observed, or the potential that is seen through work ethic and determination to excel. When a subordinate observes another Sailor displaying traits they admire, they are more likely to seek guidance from that Sailor. The same can be said for a senior person who observes a hard working individual with a desire to learn. This method is one of respect and integrity, where Honor, Courage, and Commitment must prevail to eliminate the potential for inappropriate relationships.

The passing of the customs and traditions of the Navy has been coined under leadership, but it is through mentorship that a civilian is groomed into being a successful Sailor. Whether through a formal or an informal relationship, being a positive role model in someone’s career carries a great deal of weight in how that individual finds his or her place in the military.

Command Indoctrination is the cornerstone for communicating requirements and expectations to newly reporting Sailors. The Indoctrination Program is the Navy’s official program to facilitate the integration of Sailors into their new working and living environment. Commands are responsible for ensuring Indoctrination is provided to all personnel within 30 days of reporting or within 3 drill weekends. It is at this required course, that command mission, policy and standards are verbalized to Sailors. Chief of Naval Operations has provided guidelines to allow each command to tailor this training to their specific platform; and mandates the inclusion of Navy Pride and Professionalism information in the course.
A great sponsorship program must be followed up by an effective Indoctrination Program. OPNAVINST 1740.3(series) provides a template of required topics for the course. Guidance also mandates training for each of the Command Training Team Members (CTT) prior to delivery of Navy Pride and Professionalism.
Training of team members, evaluating and updating information sends a strong, positive signal that the Indoctrination Program is a valued part of setting Sailors on a path for success and that they are a valued member of the team. Indoctrination also sets the tone for what is expected of both Sailors and leadership. This process is essential to setting professional development goals and command expectations. When Sailors have a clear understanding of job requirements and command mission, they perform better. Indoctrination correlates with long term success, personally and professionally. Including spouses in the indoctrination process can also provide great returns in family support and understanding.

A well-organized indoctrination program lays the foundation for a successful and rewarding tour for our Sailors and families. Every command should have a program specifically tailored to their unique needs. OPNAVINST 1740.3(series), Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program, is the implementation tool for this element of Brilliant on the Basis.

Career Development Boards
eadership involvement, primarily by the command senior enlisted leader (CMC/COB/CSC), the Chief’s Mess, and the Command Career Counselor (CCC), is critical to the success of every Sailor. CDBs are required within 30 days of a Sailor reporting on board, and again at 6 and 12 months. RC Sailors must have a CDB prior to completion of their third drill weekend. You may review NAVADMIN 227/07 and OPNAVINST 1040.11(series) via these links for additional information and situations to conduct a CDB.

Career Development Board membership should include but is not limited to the Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Command Career Counselor, Education Services Officer, Department and Division Leading Chief, Department and Division Career Counselor, Division Officer, Leading Petty Officer, and most importantly, the Sailor. An effective CDB should include information and discussion on watch and warfare qualifications, education, advancement, pay and financial management, family readiness, rating health, Perform To Serve process and considerations, Learning and Development Roadmap, command expectations, and defining the Sailor’s personal and professional goals. CDBs are tracked and notes are recorded in the Career Information Management System (CIMS) to ensure progress is monitored and can be reviewed by commands that Sailors may transfer to beyond their current command.
OPNAVINST 1040.11(series) states: Commanding Officers will ensure command career development team meetings are conducted quarterly, at a minimum. Team composition will include CO, XO, CMC/COB/SEL, CCC/unit CC, Department Heads, and Department Leading Chief Petty Officers. It is recommended that COs invite the command Ombudsman to participate as a team member. Additional members are encouraged to attend, as appropriate.
Ombudsmen, professionally trained information and referral volunteers, serve as the vital two-way communication link between the command and family members.
The Role of the Ombudsman includes:
Personalized support and guidance to command families in adapting to the challenges of a mobile military lifestyle and extended operations in meeting the Navy's maritime strategy.
Resource referrals and resolution assistance on family issues before they become a crisis. Family assistance and coordination in preparing for deployments.
Attending Ombudsman Assembly and advanced training sessions which enable Ombudsmen to expand knowledge and improve skills.
In accordance with OPNAVINST 1750.1(series), it is the responsibility of each command to ensure that command family members have access to the services of an Ombudsman, by appointing sufficient Ombudsmen to provide the required support. Small commands or tenant commands may make arrangements to share Ombudsman services with another command or the installation command.
September 14 is recognized as Ombudsman Appreciation Day. Commands are encouraged to make a special effort to honor their Ombudsman, not only on this day, but throughout the year.
Ensure your command families have an Ombudsman designated in accordance with OPNAVAINST 1750.1(series). Immediately upon appointment, the Ombudsman's information should be added to the Ombudsman Registry at, and they should be assigned to the command.       
The Volunteer Agreement, DD Form 2793 should be completed with both parties keeping a copy for three years.
Recognizing Sailors and team members
ecognition of a Sailor or civilian should be a continuous process. Recognition includes specific action awards, Flag Letters of Commendations, Letters of Appreciation, highlighting accomplishments in the Plan of the Day and other public venues, or nominations for special programs. Be creative, praise in public, and make sure your Sailors know they are appreciated and valued. The Power of Positive leadership is infectious and every leader has the tools of recognition available to them to ensure outstanding performance is reinforced and always appreciated.
Meritorious Mast is for the purpose of publicly and officially commending a member of the command for noteworthy performance of duty.
Sailors can be recognized by a Commanding Officer for outstanding performance at mast. Such a proceeding is called a "meritorious mast."
Recognition should also be extended to the civilians on our Navy team. An award will help document the performance justification during performance review for Navy civilian employees. This will help ensure our best civilians are properly rewarded. Feel free to be creative... Consider spouse appreciation days, Ombudsman recognition, or inviting the volunteers at FFSC or the Navy College Office for a tour and lunch.

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