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Animal Product Manual

Animal Product Manual 02/2013-311

Disclaimer of Liability: In using the Manual for Agricultural Clearance on this website, the U.S. Government does not warrant nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or procedure disclosed. The primary purpose of this manual is to serve as an operational tool for officers. It is only posted for public access as a reference. It is not the intention of Plant Protection and Quarantine to provide specific operational advice, but rather to provide the public with information to better understand how Plant Protection and Quarantine operates in the international airport and maritime arenas. All of the information available in this manual is within the public domain. Therefore, such information in the manual may be freely downloaded and reproduced.Links to PDF files will present the guide in print quality format. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files.

Provides the background, procedures, and regulatory actions to enforce the regulations governing the import and export of animals, animal products, and animal by-products.You may download the Animal Product Manual in one complete PDF file or you may download the manual in separate chapters. Be aware, however, that the hypertext links will only work when you open or download the complete Animal Products Manual..

The complete Animal Product Manual (PDF; 17.54Mb) [Latest Update: 02/28/13]

Title Page (PDF; 34Kb) [Latest Update: 12/27/12]

Table of Contents (PDF; 42Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

List of Tables (PDF; 181Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

List of Figures (PDF; 79Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

1-1 Introduction (PDF; 85Kb) [Latest Update: 01/07/13]

2-1 Procedures—Preparation (PDF; 105Kb) [Latest Update: 01/07/13]

2-2 Procedures—Clearing Regulated Cargo (PDF; 149Kb) [Latest Update: 12/10/12]

2-3 Procedures—Clearing Regulated Passenger Baggage (PDF; 7.84Mb) [Latest Update: 12/10/12]

2-4 Procedures—Special Procedures (PDF; 307Kb) [Latest Update: 01/31/13]

3-1 Reference—Introduction (PDF; 87Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-2 Reference—Animal Waste and Related By-Products (PDF; 143Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-3 Reference—Blood and Related By-Products (PDF; 60Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-4 Reference—Bones and Related By-Products (PDF; 103Kb) [Latest Update: 12/17/12]

3-5 Reference—Casings (PDF; 150Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-6 Reference—Eggs and Egg Products, Poultry, Games Birds, or Other Birds (PDF; 94Kb) [Latest Update: 01/31/13]

3-7 Reference—Hides and Related By-Products (PDF; 123Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-8 Reference—Live Animals (PDF; 181Kb) [Latest Update: 02/07/13]

3-9 Reference—Meat and Meat By-Products (PDF; 59Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-10 Reference—Foreign Origin Meat and Meat Products, Equine (PDF; 79Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-11 Reference—Foreign Origin Meat and Meat Products, Poultry (PDF; 137Kb) [Latest Update: 01/31/13]

3-12 Reference—Foreign Origin Meat and Meat Products, Ruminants (PDF; 261Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

3-13 Reference—Foreign Origin Meat and Meat Products, Swine (PDF; 359Kb) [Latest Update: 01/31/13]

3-14 Reference—Milk and Milk Products (PDF; 116Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

3-15 Reference—Miscellaneous Products (PDF; 152Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

3-16 Reference—Organs (PDF; 90Kb) [Latest Update: 11/29/12]

3-17 Reference—Trophies (PDF; 129Kb) [Latest Update: 12/27/12]

3-18 Reference—Pet Food, and Livestock. Poultry, and Aquaculture Feed (PDF; 210Kb) [Latest Update: 12/17/12]

Appendix A - Guide to Entry Status of Animal Products in Passenger Baggage or Mail (PDF; 185Kb) [Latest Update: 02/05/13]

Appendix B - List of Animal Names and Their Classes (PDF; 69Kb) [Latest Update: 11/14/12]

Appendix C - List of Foreign Countries and Their Disease Status (PDF; 80Kb) [Latest Update: 01/31/13]

Appendix D - Guide to Animal Products and By-Products Labels (PDF; 98Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

Appendix E - List of Establishments Approved to Receive and/or Process Restricted Imported Animal By-Products (PDF; 195Kb) [Latest Update: 01/10/13]

Appendix F - Dictionary of Spanish Words Relating to Animal By-Product Importations (PDF; 102Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

Appendix G - Certificates and Forms (PDF; 4.4Mb) [Latest Update: 12/20/12]

Appendix H - List of Veterinarians (PDF; 56Kb) [Latest Update: 02/28/13]

Appendix I - List of Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Regional Offices (PDF; 48Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

Appendix J - Maintenance of the Manual (PDF; 78Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

Appendix K - Completing and Distributing Forms (PDF; 492Kb) [Latest Update: 09/19/12]

Glossary (PDF;403Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

Index (PDF; 653Kb) [Latest Update: 01/29/13]

Last Modified: February 28, 2013