NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


  NERSC Accomplishments and Plans

Download File: YelickK.pdf | pdf | 34 MB

  Hopper, the new NERSC-6 System

Download File: CarterJ.pdf | pdf | 2.5 MB

  2009 User Survey Results

Download File: VerdierF.pdf | pdf | 2.9 MB

  Requirements Gathering & BER Requirements Workshop Report

Download File: GerberR.pdf | pdf | 3.1 MB

  NCS-c, the new Linux Cluster

Download File: DraneyB.pdf | pdf | 3.9 MB

  NERSC Town Meeting

Download File: AntypasK.pdf | pdf | 1.6 MB

  Deep Sky and NERSC Services Presented via the Web

Download File: CholiaS.pdf | pdf | 2.3 MB
Download File: NugentP.pdf | pdf | 10 MB

  2010 Allocations

Download File: VerdierF-2.pdf | pdf | 2.9 MB

  Muti-Core Programming: Preparing for Hopper

Download File: KonigesA.pdf | pdf | 769 KB

  The NERSC Analytics Program: Accomplishments and Plans

Download File: ChildsH.pdf | pdf | 8.1 MB

  Experiences with Emerging HPC Architectures

Download File: MessmerP.pdf | pdf | 11 MB

  Programming Many-Core: Hybrid Programming

Download File: KonigesA-2.pdf | pdf | 4.1 MB

  Getting the Most Out of I/O on Franklin and Hopper

Download File: AntypasK-2.pdf | pdf | 4.3 MB

  I/O Using H5part

Download File: HowisonM.pdf | pdf | 1.1 MB

  Data Analysis Using the R Project for Statistical Computing

Download File: UshizimaD.pdf | pdf | 7.8 MB