U.S. Department of Justice

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An Update on Jail Strip Searches of General Population Detainees
“In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote, decided Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders, #10-945, 132 S. Ct. 1510, 2012 U.S. Lexis 2712. It changed the landscape, abandoning a focus on the need for a detailed analysis of the presence or absence of reasonable suspicion to justify the carrying out of a strip search. For the Court’s majority, the focus shifted to a less murky dividing line, based on whether an incoming detainee, regardless of what they are charged with or whether there is ... Read More

9 pages
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Windham School District Evaluation
Texas Legislative Budget Board (Austin, TX).
Vocation education programming in Texas’ Windham School District (WSD) is evaluated. An agency can use this report to compare its own offender vocational programming to the efforts in Texas and to see what education services are effective. A detailed research summary contained the following sections: introduction; vocational program participation—Career and Technical Education (CTE) program; methodology; vocational participation and completion; employment status after release; employment in occu... Read More

86 pages
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Texas At-Risk Youth Services Project: A Second Look
Texas Legislative Budget Board (Austin, TX).
The intent of the Texas At-Risk Youth Services Project (ARYSP) is to generate recommendations for the Texas legislature regarding the improvement of services for at-risk youth. At-risk youth are those who “have the significant potential to enter or further penetrate the juvenile and/or criminal justice system. The recommendations contained in this report primarily focus on delinquency prevention and intervention. Prevention of delinquent behavior and intervention for risk factors correlated with... Read More

45 pages
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Statewide Criminal Justice Recidivism and Revocation Rates
Texas Legislative Budget Board (Austin, TX).
“This report summarizes the analysis of reincarceration rates for adult offenders who were released from prisons, state jails, Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities, In-Prison Therapeutic Community program, and Intermediate Sanction Facilities in fiscal years 2006 and 2007; and rearrest rates for adult offenders released from prisons and state jails in fiscal years 2005 and 2006. In addition, this report summarizes reincarceration rates for juveniles released from the Texas Youth Commissi... Read More

118 pages
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Criminal Justice Uniform Cost Report: Fiscal Years 2010 to 2012
Texas Legislative Budget Board (Austin, TX).
Cost per day information for various adult and juvenile correctional populations is determined. Sections of this report include: introduction—reporting guidelines and highlights; Texas Department of Criminal Justice—overview, Correctional Institutions Division (state-operated facilities), Parole Division, and Community Justice Assistance Division; and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department—state services and facilities, and community juvenile justice. Appendixes provide: uniform cost project meth... Read More

56 pages
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Adult and Juvenile Correctional Population Projections: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2018
Texas Legislative Budget Board (Austin, TX).
Projections for the changes in Texas’ adult and juvenile correctional populations are presented. Sections contained in this report are: introduction and report highlights; arrest rates in Texas; adult correctional population projections; juvenile correctional population projections; qualitative review summary; and glossary. Appendixes explain what the methodology and assumptions for each correctional population projection.... Read More

49 pages
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National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Legal Policy (Washington, DC).
The goal of this final rule is to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse in adult prisons and jails, lockups, community-based facilities, and juvenile facilities. It was created in response to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). “In drafting the final rule, the Department balanced a number of competing considerations. In the current fiscal climate, governments at all levels face budgetary constraints. The Department has aimed to craft standards that will yield the maximum desired effec... Read More
268 pages
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Sexual Victimization Reported by Former State Prisoners, 2008
By Beck, Allen J.; Johnson, Candace. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
This report presents “data on sexual victimization experienced by former state prisoners during their prior term of incarceration, including any time served in a local jail, state prison, or postrelease community-correctional facility.” Sections of this publication address: highlights; incidents of sexual victimization; type of coercion and physical injury; circumstances surrounding victimization; variations by sex of former inmates; variations by other individual-level characteristics; variatio... Read More
52 pages
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Documenting a Suspect’s State of Mind
By Dietz, Park.
With the new requirements for documentation resulting from the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and other state mandates, those correctional officers that investigate violent crimes and allegations of prison rape need to be aware of the procedure explained in this article. These officers “typically obtain as many details as possible from suspects about actions committed during the crime. However, these details do not always include relevant information about a defendant’s mental state, and suc... Read More

4 pages
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The Price to Call Home: State-Sanctioned Monopolization in the Prison Phone Industry
By Kukorowski, Drew. Prison Policy Initiative (Northampton. MA).
“Exorbitant calling rates make the prison telephone industry one of the most lucrative businesses in the United States today … The prison telephone market is structured to be exploitative because it grants monopolies to producers, and because the consumers — the incarcerated persons and their families who are actually footing the bills — have no comparable alternative ways of communicating.” This report looks at the abusive corporate monopolization of prison telephone services and offers sugges... Read More

10 pages
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Sexual Victimization Reported by Adult Correctional Authorities, 2007–2008
By Beck, Allen J.; Guerino, Paul. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
“Examines 2007 and 2008 data from the Survey of Sexual Violence (SSV). Conducted since 2004, the SSV is an annual collection of official records on incidents of inmate-on-inmate and staff-on-inmate sexual victimization. This report presents counts of nonconsensual sexual acts, abusive sexual contacts, staff sexual misconduct, and staff sexual harassment reported to correctional authorities in adult prisons, jails, and other adult correctional facilities. Appendix tables include counts of sexual ... Read More
62 pages
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Romantic Relationships with Inmates
By Alexander, Michael E.. Colorado Technical University (Denver, CO).
Strategies for addressing romantic relationships between female correctional staff and inmates are discussed. What makes this paper so important is the lack of research that exists for addressing improper relations between female staff and offenders. Sections following an abstract include: literature review—introduction, staff/inmate inappropriate relationships, possible traits and/or situations placing female staff at risk such as the “Bad Boy” attraction, low self-esteem, the "Mentor", and ins... Read More
41 pages
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Hearing on: Keeping Youth Safe While in Custody—Sexual Assault in Adult and Juvenile Facilities
U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (Washington, DC).
This website provides access to the video webcast and witness testimonies for the hearing “Keeping Youth Safe While in Custody.”... Read More
1 p.
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Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Report by Youth, 2008-09
By Beck, Allen J.; Harrison, Paige M.; Guerino, Paul. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
“The report provides national-level and facility-level estimates of sexual victimization by type of activity, including youth-on-youth sexual contact, staff sexual misconduct, and level of coercion. It also includes an analysis of the experience of sexual victimization, characteristics of youth most at risk to victimization, where the incidents occur, time of day, characteristics of perpetrators, and nature of the injuries.” Of the survey respondents (91% male and 9% female), 10.3% had an incide... Read More
49 p.
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Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-09
By Beck, Allen J.; Harrison, Paige M.; Berzofsky, Marcus; Caspar, Rachel; Krebs, Christopher. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC). U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC); RTI International (Research Triangle Park, NC).
Results from the second National Inmate Survey (NIS-2) documenting inmate sexual assault are presented. The NIS-2 “is part of the National Prison Rape Statistics Program, which collects administrative records of reported sexual violence, and allegations of sexual victimization directly from victims, through surveys of adult inmates in prisons and jails and surveys of youth held in juvenile correctional facilities” (p.6). Sections of this report include highlights; incidents of sexual victimizati... Read More
91 p.
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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resources
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
This DVD contains NIC videos, DOJ proposed standards, an NIC e-course and dozens of documents to help you learn about the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The disc includes:
  • the E-Course “Your Role: Responding to Sexual Abuse”
The following videos:
  • Facing Prison Rape: How the Prison Rape Elimination Act Affects You
  • Responding to Prisoner Rape: Assessing Your Agency's Response to Prison Sexual Assault
  • Speaking Up: Discussing Prison Sexual Assa... Read More

1 data DVD
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Detained and at Risk: Sexual Abuse and Harassment in United States Immigration Detention
By Rhoad, Meghan. Human Rights Watch (New York, NY).
Numerous known incidents and serious allegations of sexual abuse in United Stated Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities “point to an urgent need for investigation and for swift action to correct glaring gaps in policies, practice, and oversight” (p.1). These sections follow an executive summary: background; international and U.S. law and standards; known incidents and allegations; challenges in policy, implementation, and oversight; and recommendations.... Read More
24 p.
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Report on Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Correctional Facilities
U.S. Dept of Justice. Review Panel on Prison Rape (Washington, DC).
This report, “the first of its kind that relied on data from juvenile offenders, surveyed the incidence of sexual victimization in the United States by facility” (p. iii). Sections following an executive summary include: background; National Prison Rape Reduction Commission and national standards; selection of juvenile justice facilities for the public hearing; institutions with the lowest prevalence of sexual victimization; institutions with the highest prevalence of sexual victimization; gener... Read More
86 pages
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Medical Management of Exposures: HIV, HBV, HCV, Human Bites and Sexual Assaults
U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC).
“This BOP Clinical Practice Guideline provides specific recommendations for medically managing exposures to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human bites, and sexual assaults (p.1).” Steps in post-exposure management include: evaluate the exposure; evaluate the source case; evaluate the health status of the exposed person; determine need for HIV PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis); determine need for hepatitis B PEP; determine need for hepatitis C ... Read More
27 p.
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Breaking the Cycle of Abuse in Juvenile Facilities
By Krisberg, Barry. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
Results are analyzed from a study of sexually abused youth in juvenile facilities across the United States. Sections of this report include: official California data on violence and sexual assaults; California youth interview; sexual abuse in Texas juvenile facilities; abuse in Florida juvenile facilities; recommendations for reform; and concluding observations.... Read More
8 p.
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Sexual Violence in Women's Prisons and Jails: Results From Focus Group Interviews
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
Results from focus group interviews of correctional personnel from 2 women's facilities (one jail and one prison) are reported. Observations are presented according to the following areas: summary of findings; staff perspectives on sexual assault in women's correctional facilities; knowledge about sexual assault; inmate reports of sexual violence; role of previous violence and institutional behavior; characteristics of vulnerable and predatory female inmates; staff sexual misconduct -- conseque... Read More
20 p.
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Fifty State Survey of Vulnerable Persons Statutes
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WUL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definitions and notes, penalties, and applicability to youth for criminal laws prohibiting the abuse of individuals by their caregivers.... Read More
160 p.
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Fifty State Survey of Adult Sex Offender Registration Requirements
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
State requirements for the registration of adult sex offenders are compiled and presented. Responses (if given) are reported for: registrable offenses; whether those individuals convicted of staff sexual misconduct need to register; information maintained in sex offender registry; community notification and website; limitations on residency or employment; and duration of registration.... Read More
244 p.
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Correctional Supervision
NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
States with laws prohibiting sexual interaction with or against offenders are plotted. Maps include: "State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Correctional Supervision: Consent as a Defense”; "State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Community Corrections Supervision";"State Criminal Laws Prohibiting the Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Jails”; "State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Juveniles Under Correctional Supervision"; "State Crim... Read More
7 p.
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State Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody Checklist
NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
Information regarding state laws that prohibit sexual abuse of offenders is presented. Data provided (if available) includes: statutes; coverage of all forms of sexual misconduct; agency coverage related to secure confinement facilities, community corrections, juvenile, and private; personnel coverage related to correctional employees, volunteers, juvenile workers, and contractors; defenses; and penalties.... Read More
29 p.
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Fifty-State Survey of Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody
NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definition and notes, penalties, and defenses (if given) for criminal laws prohibiting sexual abuse of inmates by staff.... Read More
211 p.
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Incarcerated Youth at Extreme Risk of Sexual Abuse
Just Detention International (JDI) (San Francisco, CA).
The extreme risk incarcerated juveniles are exposed to is explained.... Read More
2 p.
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Fifty State Survey of Official Misconduct Statutes
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Statutes regarding staff misconduct are compiled and reported. Each entry supplies the following information (if provided): statute; definitions; procedure; criminal penalty; and administrative penalty.... Read More
205 p.
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Incident Report Form [and] Facility/Department Internal Investigation of Abuse/Neglect/Exploitation Allegation
Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (Austin, TX).
Forms for documenting an injury from an attack are provided. The incident report compiles information regarding: responding law enforcement agency; abuse, neglect, exploitation, or death; serious incidents (to be reported within 24 hours); location of incident; and alleged victim/juvenile information. The internal investigation form records: alleged victim(s); alleged perpetrator(s); person reported to; date of allegation reporting; date of internal investigation initiation and completion; inc... Read More
2 p.
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The Department of Justice's Efforts to Prevent Staff Sexual Abuse of Federal Inmates
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Inspector General. Evaluation and Inspections Division (Washington, DC).
The effectiveness of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to stop the sexual abuse of federal prisoners by federal correctional and law enforcement employees is examined. Sections following an executive digest are: background; purpose, scope, and methodology of this review; results—data on Bureau of Prisons (BOP) staff sexual abuse, BOP efforts to prevent and intervene in staff sexual abuse incidents, USMS (U.S. Marshals Service) policies and practices relevant to staff sexual abuse, investigati... Read More
122 p.
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Officers Outnumbered, Inmates Unpredictable
By Barnhart, Tracey E.; Cornelius, Gary F.. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
Ways in which order is maintained by correctional officers are described. These “influential” abilities include: coercive power or physical force; expert power or skills; reward power or “bribes”; and respect power—the respect for the unit officer. Overall, “constant professionalism” is needed to address the actions of violent offenders. “You look, walk, and act the part of an officer who is security mined with some empathy mixed in” (p. 4).... Read More
5 p.
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Labor and Employment Law: Tools for Prevention, Investigation and Discipline of Staff Sexual Misconduct in Custodial Settings
By Carle, Susan D.; Tuznik, Kathy; Brand, Aaron; Smith, Brenda V., ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
"In light of PREA [Prison Rape Elimination Act], as well as the development of a growing body of other law aimed at eliminating sexual abuse of persons in custody, the NIC/WCL Project has prepares this publication addressing human resources concerns related to preventing staff sexual misconduct in custodial settings” (p. 1). Sections comprising this report are: introduction; prevention—hiring, on-the-job prevention policies, specific policies in the public employment context, and implementing pr... Read More
38 p.
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Preventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Community Corrections Professionals
By Abner, Carrie E.; Browning, Jane; Clark, John. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); International Community Corrections Association (La Crosse, WI); Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
“The intention of this guide is to provide a general overview of corrections-based sexual assault as it relates to line staff and supervisors in community corrections agencies” (p.vii). Six sections are contained in this publication: sexual violence and community corrections; sexuality, violence, and the correctional environment; offenders as victims—the impacts and implications of offender victimization; identifying and working with victims; responding to abuse—the role of community corrections... Read More
64 p.
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Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Staff Sexual Abuse of Individuals under Custodial Supervision
By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jaime M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This publication provides an overview of “criminal laws explicitly prohibiting staff sexual interactions with adults and youth under correctional supervision...and examines trends in their enactment and amendment” (p. 1). Eight chapters are contained: an introduction to staff sexual misconduct—definitions; state criminal laws coverage of agencies and personnel; state criminal laws—prohibited contact; state criminal laws—defenses to staff sexual misconduct; state criminal laws—criminal penalties;... Read More
56 p.
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Risk Markers for Sexual Predation and Victimization in Prison [Executive Summary]
By Warren, Janet I; Jackson, Shelly L.; Loper, Ann Booker; Burnette, Mandi L.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
This study investigated the application of “empirically validated static and dynamic risk ma[r]kers for violence in the community to sexual predation and victimization in prisons” (p.2). Twelve chapters follow and abstract and executive summary: an introduction to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and the study; methodology; the sexual behavior of incarcerated men and women; early life markers for sexual predation and victimization; violence and criminality as risk markers; sex risk markers... Read More
41 p. [Exec Sum]|352 p. [Total]
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Community Corrections Supervision
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals under community corrections supervision.... Read More
1 page
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in custody.... Read More
1 page
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Lock-Ups
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in lock-ups.... Read More
1 page
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Jails
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in jails.... Read More
1 page
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Correctional Supervision: Consent as a Defense
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws addressing the issue of consent in a relationship between staff and inmates.... Read More
1 page
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Neuroscience and Correctional Facility Design Workshop: Understanding Cognitive Processes in Correctional Settings: Workshop Report
By Facrbstein, Jay; Farling, Melissa. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Jay Farbstein & Associates, Inc. (JFA) (San Luis Obispo, CA).
This workshop created an agenda for undertaking neuroscience research in correctional settings. The report presents a detailed account of the presentation and discussion held at this workshop. Sections of this document include: introduction and overview; summary of introductory presentations; summary of work groups—hypothesis and research projects; summary of general discussion; and conclusions and next steps. Appendixes provide copies of overheads use for presentations regarding: “Neuroscience ... Read More
144 pages
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Avoiding Inmate Setups
By Croucher, Greg. Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
This is an in-depth interview with an expert at manipulating jail and prison staff. The candidness of the inmate makes this presentation very educational. Some of his observations include the following:
  • “If I can manipulate you into making my time easier, I’m gonna do it. That’s my job in here.”
  • “You might get a little money, but you’ll get caught.”
  • "Once he’s done with you, he’ll sell you out to another inmate or the authorities."
  • “It can’t happen if you don’t allow it to…It’s a... Read More
1 video (30 minutes)
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Investigating Sexual Assaults in Correctional Facilities
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
Problems with the investigation of sexual assaults (inmate on inmate sexual assault and staff sexual misconduct) in correctional facilities are discussed. Sections following an executive summary are: inmate-related issues in investigating sexual violence; staff barriers to investigations; investigating staff sexual misconduct; additional issues affecting investigations; outside factors; and conclusion.... Read More
20 p.
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Breaking the Code of Silence: Correction Officers' Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Misconduct
By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jaime M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Critical issues related to staff sexual misconduct with offenders are discussed. Sections of this handbook are: introduction; the need to talk about this now; what staff sexual misconduct entails; consequences of staff sexual misconduct; how correctional environments enable sexual misconduct; victimization; communication, gender, and abuse histories; tools for defining and identifying inappropriate relationships with offenders; what happens when an allegation of staff sexual misconduct is made;... Read More
119 p.
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An End to Silence: Addressing Prison Rape
NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (WCL) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Information regarding the prevention of prison rape, be it offender on offender rape or staff sexual misconduct with offenders, is available at this website. Points of entry are: the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA); legal responses to prison rape; for correctional employees; for offenders; working with youth in custody; training; policies and procedures; resources (i.e., government reports, publications for legal and correctional professionals, advocacy group reports, law reviews and... Read More
1 p.
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Recognizing and Addressing Sexual Abuse, Assault Prevention and Intervention Issues In Your Juvenile Justice Setting: A Companion Workshop to the Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) [Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
This Overview Workshop covers PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) in juvenile justice settings. Participants will be able to: recognize signs and symptoms of potential sexual abuse and assault in juveniles under their care; articulate the "dos" and "don'ts" related to working with juvenile victims of sexual abuse and assault; and analyze a scenario and decide upon an effective and appropriate course of action related to recognizing and addressing sexual abuse, assault, prevention, and interventi... Read More
56 p.
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Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children and Youth in Custody [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Incidents of sexual abuse of juveniles in custody are reported at a rate 10 times higher than the rate in adult corrections. This 3-hour program, originally broadcast June 28, 2006, addresses this serious issue and introduces administrators, managers, advocates, and practitioners working with juvenile offenders to the requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003. At the end of this broadcast, participants will have a strong grasp of: requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination ... Read More

2 DVDs (162 min.)
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Policies Prohibiting Staff-Felon Relationships
By Smith, Brenda V.; Simonian, Nairi M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Case law concerning the relationships of correctional officers and inmates in prison or in the community is discussed. Sections of this memorandum include: background; brief answer -- it is permissible to limit staff inmate relationships; case law in the Ninth Circuit; Freedom of Association case law in other jurisdictions; exceptions to the majority view; and conclusion with seven tips for developing a policy prohibiting staff-offender relations.... Read More
15 p.
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Correctional Internal Affairs Investigators Job Analysis
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
A job profile for an Internal Affairs Investigator in state operated adult correctional facilities is provided. This report contains these sections: executive summary; introduction; overview of the DACUM job analysis; DACUM job analysis results for Correctional Internal Affairs Investigators; top training tasks for new and veteran Internal Affairs Investigators in the Kentucky Department of Corrections; comparing Correctional Investigator training needs with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PRE... Read More
40 p.
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The Culture of Prison Sexual Violence
By Fleisher, Mark S.; Krienert, Jessie L.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Results from a national, "socio-cultural study of prison sexual violence in men's and women's high-security prisons across the United States" are provided. Five chapters follow an executive summary: historical perspectives on prison culture and sexual violence research; research design and methodology; social-cultural and verbal dynamics of sexual violence; the culture of sexual victimization; and management of prison sexual violence. A lexicon of the culture of prison sex is also included. The... Read More
332 p.
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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Summary of Responses from Juvenile Focus Group on Staff Sexual Misconduct and Youth on Youth Sexual Assault
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Responses to thirteen questions regarding curriculum related to staff sexual misconduct with youth and youth on youth sexual assault are provided. "The objectives of the focus groups included: (1) to gather data that will inform NIC [National Institute of Corrections] in how to best develop a juvenile oriented curriculum on staff sexual misconduct; (2) to gather data that will guide NIC in identifying the major staff sexual misconduct related issues in juvenile corrections, including what stakeh... Read More
24 p.
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Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Youth
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
Materials used during this training program addressing staff sexual misconduct with youth are available at this website. Participants of this course will be able to: define and understand the scope and impact of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) in juvenile settings; understand the links between law and policy in eradicating the sexual abuse of juveniles under correctional supervision; understand the significance and impact of organizational and institutional culture on eliminating sexual viol... Read More
2 p.
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Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders Curriculum: Instructor's Guide [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
Complex issues surrounding staff sexual misconduct are addressed during this 36-hour training program. Modules comprising this curriculum are: defining staff sexual misconduct with offenders; state laws; staff sexual misconduct -- the nature of one's role and power; policy; action planning; agency culture; management and operational practices; training; investigating allegations of staff sexual misconduct with offenders; human resources; legal considerations; developing a community and media re... Read More

1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Bibliography on Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
A list of 19 items that provide information about staff sexual misconduct is presented.... Read More
2 p.
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Preventing and Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct In Community Corrections: A Training Program for Agency Administrators
By Layman, Elizabeth Price; McCampell, Susan W.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Naples, FL).
The knowledge, skills, and tools needed to address staff sexual misconduct in community corrections are provided during this 24-hour training program. This course is comprised of six modules: an overview on staff sexual misconduct; professional boundaries, ethics, and culture; policies and procedures; investigations; legal issues for community corrections; and prevention. The "Policy Development Guide" answers the question "How do I know if my agency needs a policy?" and provides direction on h... Read More
411 pages
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Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates: Policy Development Guide for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators
By McCampbell, Susan W.; Fischer, Larry S.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies (Tamarac, FL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Tools to assess an organization and implement strategies to prevent staff sexual misconduct in a jail setting are provided. The following sections comprise this document: introduction; using this guide; how to know if an agency needs a policy -- what staff sexual misconduct is, definitions, red flags, and writing policies and procedures; and agency triage -- administrative and management practices, security and supervision, investigations, and inmate programming.... Read More
41 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 2002
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; issues important to meeting participants; "Diversity Recruitment: Techniques and Community Networking" by Arthur Wallenstein; "Preventing Staff Sexual Misconduct" by Susan McCampbell; "Consular Notification and Access" by Clyde Howard; "Why Corrections Professionals Should Be Concerned With In-Custody ADA Issues" by Timothy Ryan; "Special Needs of Female Inmates" by Richard Rouse, William Montague, Dennis Scheuller, Joe Schmitz, and Brid... Read More
64 p.
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Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders [Videoconference Held December 12, 2001]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
The development of sound agency practices to address sexual misconduct among staff and offenders is discussed during this 3-hour videoconference. Specific topics covered include:
  • The national scope of the problem;
  • Law and policy;
  • Investigative procedures;
  • Clinical manifestations;
  • Developing effective staff training;
  • And litigation exposure/legal liabilities.
... Read More
1 DVD (180 min.)
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2001
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Two main topics are addressed in these proceedings -- jail statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and employee-related issues. Contents include: meeting highlights; opening session -- defining the issues of importance to Large Jail Network members; understanding and using the data and resources of the BJS; personal relations among employees; staff sexual misconduct with inmates; announcements by meeting participants; employees with mental health problems; utilizing staff effectiv... Read More
59 p.
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Sexual Misconduct in Prisons: Law, Remedies, and Incidence
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
Changes since 1996 in state laws and agency policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct are reported. Sexual misconduct is defined as "sexual behavior, contact, or relationships between correctional staff and inmates/offenders" (p. 1). Sections cover: an introduction; legislative actions; litigation; agency strategies for addressing staff sexual misconduct such as policies, training, investigation processes, and apprising inmates of sexual misconduct issues; incidence and outcomes of sex... Read More
12 p.
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Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates [Lesson Plans]
By McCampbell, Susan W.; Layman, Elizabeth P.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Tamarac, FL).
A curriculum to address the needs of those who investigate allegations of staff sexual misconduct is presented. The following sections are contained in this manual: defining staff sexual misconduct and an overview of the national scope; legal considerations; institutional culture and staff/inmate dynamics; proactive investigative framework; responding to allegations; and activity booklet and action planning.... Read More
232 p. + computer disks (5+8); 3 1/2 in.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1997
National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Attended by about 70 administrators of the largest jail systems in the country, this meeting focused on two topics: 1) the use of technology in the jail setting; and 2) sexual misconduct of staff. The highlights addressed the following issues: 21st century technology and its application to local jail information and operational needs; innovative technology applications for internal problems; benefits of technology for inter-government decision-making; identifying and dealing with staff sexual mi... Read More
115 p.
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Sexual Misconduct in Prisons: Law, Agency Response, and Prevention
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
Fifty-three departments of corrections responded to a survey regarding sexual misconduct by correctional staff, defined as sexual interactions between staff and inmates. Responses are summarized and tabulated in areas including: legislation; litigation; DOC policies; agency response to sexual misconduct; staff training; and prevention. ... Read More
10 p.

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