U.S. Department of Justice

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PREA Standards Comparison: Standards for Community Corrections
Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC).
Differences in the evolving Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards from 2009 to 2012 are noted. The PREA Standard number and standard content for the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) Standard (June 2009), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Draft Standard (February 2011) and the DOJ Final Standard (May 2012) are shown side by side with additional analysis (if provided).... Read More
118 pages
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Pretrial Detention & Community Supervision: Best Practices and Resources for California Counties
California Forward (CAFWD). Partnership for Community Excellence (PCE) (Sacramento, CA).
'The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of pretrial models and practices so counties can make informed decisions about how pretrial services could cost-effectively improve public safety outcomes' (p. 6). While this publication is designed to assist communities in California, it provides excellent information for agencies from other states looking to implement pretrial programs in their own locales. Sections following an executive summary address: pretrial issues in California count... Read More
32 pages
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Using Adolescent Brain Research to Inform Policy: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Advocates
National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) (Washington, DC).
This paper is an excellent overview of the dramatic impact that changes in their brains have on their behavior. Anyone working with juveniles should know about brain research. Sections of this fact sheet include: introduction; what the research says; how this affects young people's behavior; it is not too early to use this research; how to respectfully frame the research; how brain research relates to positive youth development; one caution'brain development research can be negatively applied; a... Read More
7 pages
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Using Adolescent Brain Research to Inform Policy: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Advocates
National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) (Washington, DC).
This paper is an excellent overview of the dramatic impact that changes in their brains have on their behavior. Anyone working with juveniles should know about brain research. Sections of this fact sheet include: introduction; what the research says; how this affects young people's behavior; it is not too early to use this research; how to respectfully frame the research; how brain research relates to positive youth development; one caution'brain development research can be negatively applied; a... Read More
7 pages
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The Efficacy of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework in Guiding Treatment for Female Young Offenders
By Vitopoulos, Antigone Nina.
It is believed that the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework is gender-neutral'that it works the same for male and female juvenile offenders. This report examines whether the RNR framework really does work equally well for male and female youth. This determines: whether RNR based YLS/CMI (Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory) clinician-identified needs are different for boy and girls; if the clinician-identified needs of boys and girls are matched by probation services at identical... Read More
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The Efficacy of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework in Guiding Treatment for Female Young Offenders
By Vitopoulos, Antigone Nina.
It is believed that the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework is gender-neutral'that it works the same for male and female juvenile offenders. This report examines whether the RNR framework really does work equally well for male and female youth. This determines: whether RNR based YLS/CMI (Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory) clinician-identified needs are different for boy and girls; if the clinician-identified needs of boys and girls are matched by probation services at identical... Read More
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State of the Science of Pretrial Risk Assessment
By Mamalian, Cynthia A.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
“This publication is designed for a wide-ranging audience of criminal justice stakeholders who have questions about pretrial risk assessment and its value to the pretrial justice process” (p.3). Sections of this report are: introduction; setting the stage; critical issues related to pretrial release, detention, and risk assessment; challenges to implementing evidence-based risk assessment and threats to reliable administration; methodological challenges associated with prediction of risk; where ... Read More
42 pages
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Increasing Access to Health Insurance Coverage for Pre-Trial Detainees and Individuals Transitioning from Correctional Facilities Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
By Blair, Patricia; Greifinger, Robert; Stone, T. Howard; Somers, Sarah. American Bar Association. Criminal Justice Section (Chicago, IL); Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) (Oakland, CA).
Issues surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) “provisions governing individual insurance coverage and subsidies and how they apply to incarcerated persons” are discussed (p.1). It is important to be aware of these especially when dealing with increasing health care costs. Sections of this publication include: perspective; introduction; prisoners and detainees; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; health benefit exchanges; practical issues; Medicaid and the ... Read More
12 pages
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Assessing Local Pretrial Justice Functions: A Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guide “presents a protocol designed to produce high-quality technical assistance for the front end of the criminal justice system—the pretrial justice stage” (p. iii). Sections contained in this publication are: basic obligations of a technical assistance (TA) provider; preparation for the site visit; conducting the site visit; people who should be interviewed and areas of inquiry; after the site visit; characteristics of effective technical assistance; and logistics of acting as a consult... Read More
39 pages
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National Symposium on Pretrial Justice
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); Pretrial Justice Institute (Washington, DC).
This website provides access to materials associated with the National Symposium on Pretrial Justice. “Conference participants examined how far the country has come and how far we have to go to achieve safe and fair pretrial release and diversion practices in our communities.” Points of entry include meeting materials, press kit, and the Symposium Report. Meeting materials from this conference are organized into the following areas: welcome and opening remarks; 1964 National Conference on Bail a... Read More
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Glossary of Terms and Phrases Relating to Bail and the Pretrial Release or Detention Decision
By Schnacke, Timothy R.; Jones, Michael R.; Brooker, Claire M.B.. Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
This “glossary of terms and phrases has been written to provide current definitions, in context, and with historical references as needed, to clarify a comprehensive set of common terms relating to bail and the pretrial release and detention decision” (p. 1).... Read More
30 pages
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Female Sexual Offenders: What Parole Decision-Makers Should Know
By Cortoni, France.
These slides provide the parole professional a concise introduction to issues regarding female sexual offenders. This presentation covers: prevalence of female sexual offenders; their pathways to offending; their risk of recidivism, risk factors, and risk assessment implications; treatment issues and risk management; and putting it all together.... Read More
19 pages
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Female Sexual Offenders: What Parole Decision-Makers Should Know
By Cortoni, France.
These slides provide the parole professional a concise introduction to issues regarding female sexual offenders. This presentation covers: prevalence of female sexual offenders; their pathways to offending; their risk of recidivism, risk factors, and risk assessment implications; treatment issues and risk management; and putting it all together.... Read More
19 pages
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Pretrial Failure Among New York City Defendants
By Siddiqi, Qudsia. New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc. (New York, NY).
The development of a risk assessment instrument that predicts both failure to appear and pretrial re-arrest is explained. This brief covers: plan of analysis; selected characteristics of defendants in the sample; predicting pretrial failure; developing a failure risk classification system; comparing the failure risk classification system with the ROR (release-on-recognizance) recommendation system; summary and conclusion; and implications. The failure risk classification system shows a direct r... Read More
8 p.
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Pretrial Risk Assessment in the Federal Court for the Purpose of Expanding the Use of Alternatives to Detention
By VanNostrand, Marie; Keebler, Gena. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (Washington, DC). Luminosity, Inc. (St. Petersburg, FL).
The identification of “federal criminal defendants who are most suited for pretrial release without jeopardizing the integrity of the judicial process or the safety of the community, in particular release predicated on participation in an alternatives to detention program” is investigated. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; population description; research objective one -- pretrial risk classification; research objective two -- risk levels, release and detention rates... Read More
53 p.
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Pretrial Justice: Principles and Practices
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This two-hour program discusses strategies for developing an effective pretrial process (e.g., arrest, interview, risk assessment and recommendation, first appearance, post release supervision, and collaboration between shareholders—agencies, organizations, and the community). This presentation is designed to examine the impact of the pretrial decision to release or detain on jail crowding and public safety; promote fair and just pretrial decision making; and demonstrate best practices consisten... Read More

2 DVDs (118 min.)

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