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Regional Dialogue
Previous Announcements

June 27, 2006 - Contracts with Aluminum Companies:  Upon issuing the Supplement to Administrator's Record of Decision (ROD) on Bonneville Power Administrations Service to Direct Service Industrial (DSI) Customers for Fiscal years 2007-2011, BPA indicated it would move forward with signing contracts for the 2007-2011 period. These contracts have been issued and each contract will be posted here upon signing by all parties. For more information on the supplement to the DSI ROD please see the June 1, 2006 announcement below.

June 1, 2006 - Supplement to June 2005 Record of Decision on BPA's Service to DSI Customers:  Today BPA issued a Supplement to Administrator's Record of Decision (ROD) on Bonneville Power Administration's Service to Direct Service Industrial (DSI) Customers for Fiscal Years 2007-2011 (PDF, 37 pages, 231 kb) signed by Administrator Stephen J. Wright.  The original ROD was signed on June 30, 2005 (see the June 30, 2005 announcement), and outlined BPA's tentative decision to offer a surplus power sales contract to each of its remaining three aluminum company DSI customers and its one remaining nonaluminum company DSI customer.  A letter (PDF, 2 pages, 126 KB) was also issued by Vice President of Bulk Marketing and Transmission Services, Allen Burns, announcing the signing of the supplement to the ROD and outlining the process that lead to this final decision.  [07-10-2006 Note:  The Federal Register Notice of this policy decision (FR E6-9584)(PDF, 1 page, 50 KB, posted here on July 10, 2006) was published on June 19, 2006, on page 35266.]

May 8, 2006 - Handout from NWPPA 2006 3nd Annual Power Supply Conference (April 11-13, Vancouver, B.C.):  An electronic version of the BPA's handout on Regional Dialogue and Long-Term Power Supply is now available available on the NWPPA Web site.  A full complement of conference speaker presentations are also posted on the site.

March 30, 2006 - Request for DSI Economic Papers and Studies: Paul E. Norman issued a letter today to parties interested in benefits to Direct-Service Industries (DSIs).  BPA is asking interested parties in the region to submit empirically-based papers and studies that will help us understand the positive and negative impacts to the PNW economy that may result from the agency providing benefits to the DSIs during the post-2011 period.  All papers and studies must be submitted by May 31, 2006.  For more information, see the March 30, 2006 letter (PDF, 2 pages, 123 KB) and the new DSI Economic Study web page.

February 24, 2006 - February 27 Meeting of the Principals Management Group CANCELLED: The Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group meeting that was scheduled for Monday, February 27, has been CANCELLED.

February 17, 2006 - Draft Agenda for February 23 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 KB, reissued 02-22-2006) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled on Thursday, February 23, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.  [02-22-2006 Note: This announcement and draft agenda were updated to show the correct ending time (3 p.m.) for the meeting.]

January 24, 2006 - Transfer Service Meeting Scheduled on February 9:  A meeting to discuss BPA's proposal on Transfer Service has been scheduled for Thursday, February 9, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the offices of the Public Power Council, located at 1500 NE Irving St., Suite 200 in Portland.  To participate by phone, please call Toni Sewell at (503) 230-3065.  There will be no handouts.

January 19, 2006 - Final Meetings Scheduled in February for Regional Dialogue Technical and Principals Management Groups:  Final meetings have been scheduled for the Regional Dialogue Technical and Principals Management groups.  The Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, located at 911 NE 11th Avenue.  The Principals Management Group meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 27, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Agendas will be made available closer to the meetings.  Following these meetings, BPA plans to release a formal policy proposal for public comment in late March 2006.  To participate in either of these meetings by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639 or JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.  [Note: The Principals Management Group meeting has been cancelled. See February 24 announcement.]

January 18, 2006 - DSI Contract Process Delayed:  The opportunity to provide comments on the DSI benefits for Fiscal Years 2007-2011 for aluminum smelter DSIs closed on January 4, 2006.  Several comments requested that DSI benefit levels be included in BPA's Power Function Review II, which is scheduled to kick-off on January 23, 2006 and conclude in April 2006.  BPA has agreed to this request.  Subject to the outcome of this review, BPA now expects to sign the DSI contracts (assuming they are offered), at the end of April.  Note: BPA is reserving the right to accelerate the timeline for review and final decision regarding DSI benefits if power prices drop to a point where BPA believes certainty on benefit levels may allow DSIs to make power purchase decisions.

January 12, 2006 (4:20 p.m.) - Notes and Handouts from December 16 Meeting of the Principals Management Group:  The notes and handouts from the December 16 meeting (PDF, 30 pages, 689 KB, issued 01-09-2006) of the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at the meeting. They are not a verbatim transcript.

January 6, 2006 (6 p.m.) - Summaries & Handouts from December 12 & 15 Meetings of Regional Dialogue Technical Group: Electronic versions of the summary and handout from the December 12 meeting (PDF, 2 pages, 85 KB) and summary and handouts from the December 15 meeting (PDF, 32 pages, 241 KB) are now available.

January 6, 2006 (5:45 p.m.) - Notes and Handouts from October 20 Meeting of the Principals Management Group:  The notes and handouts from the October 20 meeting (PDF, 18 pages, 215 kb, issued 12-27-2005) of the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group are now available.  These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at the meeting.  They are not a verbatim transcript.

January 5, 2006 (3 p.m.) - Summary & Handouts from November 29 Meeting of Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the summary and handouts from the November 29 meeting (PDF, 3 pages, 101 kb) is now available.

January 4, 2006 - Regional Dialogue Process Update:  The Regional Dialogue Technical Group and Principals Management Group meetings concluded in mid December.  At the final meeting, the Principals decided to extend the collaborative process for approximately two months.  This time will allow participants to continue to work towards greater alignment on important Regional Dialogue issues.  Although BPA currently does not have any Technical or Principals meetings scheduled during this time, customers and others may continue to meet and discuss outstanding issues.  In mid February the Principals will meet one final time to close out this portion of the Regional Dialogue process.  In late March BPA will issue a formal policy proposal for public review.

December 22, 2005 - Opportunity for Public Comment on BPA's Service to Port Townsend Paper:  Two contract approaches have been drafted for BPA's service to Port Townsend Paper (a non-aluminum DSI) for fiscal years 2007 - 2011.  These draft contract approaches -- a two party approach (PDF, 8 pages, 82 kb) and a three party approach (PDF, 14 pages, 101 kb) - - are now available for public comment.  The deadline for comments is Tuesday, January 31, 2006.  For information on how to comment, see the November 28 letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 2 pages, 139 kb).  For additional background information, see the June 30, 2005 announcement regarding the Record of Decision on BPA's Service to DSI Customers.

December 14, 2005 - Draft Agenda for December 16 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 102 KB) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group meeting scheduled on Friday, December 16, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 122 of the BPA Headquarters Building.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

December 13, 2005 - Draft Agenda for December 15 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 55 KB) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 15, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in room 122 of the BPA Headquarters building.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

December 12, 2005 - Agenda for Tomorrow's Transfer Service Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 55 KB) for the Transfer Service meeting on Tuesday, December 9 is now available.  The meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. at the offices of the Public Power Council, located at 1500 NE Irving St., Suite 200 in Portland.  To participate by phone, please call Toni Sewell at (503) 230-3065.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for handouts associated with this meeting.

December 9, 2005 - Draft Agenda for December 12 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group: An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 32 KB) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled for Monday, December 12, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983. Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

December 7, 2005 (5 p.m.) - Agenda for Tomorrow's Transfer Service Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda for the Transfer Service meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8 (PDF, 1 page, 52 KB) is now available.  The meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the Ambridge Event Center, located at 300 NE Multnomah St. in Portland. To participate by phone, please call Toni Sewell at (503) 230-3065. Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for handouts associated with this meeting.

December 7, 2005 (9 a.m.) - Slice Product Review Meetings Scheduled:  The Slice Product Review Operations Subgroup is scheduled to meet on Thursday, December 8, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in room 670 of the BPA headquarters building, and on Friday, December 9, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 614 of the BPA Headquarters building.  The Slice Product Review Principals Group is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, December 13, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 606 of the BPA Headquarters building.  To participate in any of these meetings by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639, or JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

December 5, 2005 (5:30 p.m.) - Summaries & Handouts from November 18, 21 & 22 Meetings of Regional Dialogue Technical Group: Electronic versions of the summary and handouts from the November 18 meeting (PDF, 3 pages, 105 KB), summary and handout from the November 21 meeting (PDF, 2 pages, 112 KB), and summary and handouts from the November 22 meeting (PDF, 3 pages, 114 KB) are now available.

November 30, 2005 (2 p.m.) - Updated Draft Prototype Contract for Service to DSI Customers:  An updated version of the Draft Prototype contract for service to BPA's Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for fiscal years 2007-2011 (PDF, 40 pages, 249 kb) is now available for public comment.  In this updated version the definition of "2007-2011 Agreements" in Exhibit F was revised and customer settlement contract numbers were omitted.  For information on how to comment, see the November 28, 2005 announcement below.

November 29, 2005 (4:45 p.m.) - Tomorrow's Transfer Service Meeting Cancelled: The Transfer Service meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, has been CANCELLED. The next meeting will be Thursday, December 8, from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. at the Ambridge Event Center, located at 300 NE Multnomah St. in Portland.

November 29, 2005 (9 a.m.) - Draft Agenda for November 29 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 52 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

November 28, 2005 (2 p.m.) - Additional Opportunity for Public Comment on BPA's Service to DSI Customers:  BPA announced today a public comment opportunity regarding the Draft Prototype contract for service to BPA's Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for fiscal years 2007-2011 (PDF, 40 pages, 249 kb, updated Novenber 30, 2005).  The deadline for comments is Wednesday, January 4, 2006.  For information on how to comment, see the November 28 letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 2 pages, 139 kb).  For additional background information, see the June 30, 2005 announcement regarding the Record of Decision on BPA's Service to DSI Customers.  [Note: The Draft Prototype contract was updated on November 30.  The definition of "2007-2011 Agreements" in Exhibit F was revised and customer contract numbers were omitted.]

November 23, 2005 (11:45 a.m.) - Three More Transfer Service Meetings Scheduled: Meetings to discuss issues on Transfer Service have been scheduled on Wednesday, November 30, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Thursday, December 8, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and Tuesday, December 13, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.  To participate by phone, contact Toni Sewell at (503) 230-3065.  For more information (including meeting locations), see the updated Transfer Service meeting schedule (PDF, 1 page, 89 kb, updated November 29, 2005).  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

November 23, 2005 (9:30 a.m.) - Changes to Regional Dialogue Meeting Schedule: The Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting that was scheduled for Monday, November 28, has been CANCELLED.  Also the Tuesday, November 29 meeting originally scheduled to be a Principals Management Group meeting will now be a Technical Group meeting.  The next meeting of the Principals Management Group will be Friday, December 16.

November 22, 2005 (9:30 a.m.) - Summaries and Handouts from November 3, 4 and 8 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group: Electronic versions of the summary and handouts from the November 3 meeting (PDF, 9 pages, 187 kb, reposted January 12, 2006), summary and handouts from the November 4 meeting (PDF, 7 pages, 151 kb), and summary and handouts from the November 8 meeting (PDF, 8 pages, 197 kb) are now available.  [Note: The summary and handouts from the November 3 meeting were reposted to correct PDF bookmark errors and rearrange the order of the handout pages. No changes were made to the content on the pages.]

November 21, 2005 (11:30 a.m.) - Draft Agenda for November 21 & 22 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 66 kb, updated November 22, 2005, reposted December 5, 2005) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meetings scheduled on Monday and Tuesday, November 21 & 22.  Both meetings will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Monday and 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Tuesday.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

November 17, 2005 - Draft Agenda for November 18 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 54 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled for Friday, November 18, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

November 14, 2005 (9 a.m.) - Slice Product Review Principals Group Meeting Scheduled on November 16:  A Slice Product Review Principals Group Meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, November 16, 2:30 - 5 p.m., in Room 670 of the BPA Headquarters building.  Additional information will be available soon.  To participate by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639, or JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

November 10, 2005 (4:45 p.m.) - Response to Renewables Comments:  An electronic version of BPA's Response to Comments on the Renewable Option of the Conservation Rate Credit Program (PDF, 12 pages, 198 kb) is now available.  This document was mailed with a November 10 letter (PDF, 1 page, 111 kb) signed by Debra Malin, Customer Account Executive, addressed to those that submitted comments during the open comment period.  For more information, please see the October 26 (4 p.m.) announcement below.

November 9, 2005 (4:30 p.m.) - Summaries and Handouts from October 27 & 28 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  Electronic versions of the summary and handouts from the October 27 meeting (PDF, 8 pages, 164 kb) and summary and handouts from the October 28 meeting (PDF, 31 pages, 320 kb) are now available.

November 8, 2005 (5:30 p.m.) - Tomorrow's Regional Dialogue Technical Group MEETING CANCELLED:  The Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting that was scheduled on Wednesday, November 9, has been CANCELLED.

November 3, 2005 (4:30 p.m.) - Slice Product Review Subgroup Meetings Scheduled on November 9 & 10:  Meetings of the Slice Product Review Operations subgroup have been scheduled on Wednesday, November 9, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 670 of the BPA Headquarters building, and Thursday, November 10, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 122 of the BPA Headquarters building.  Electronic versions of the November 9 agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb) and November 10 agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb) are now available.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

November 3, 2005 (noon) - Agenda for November 7 Transfer Service Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb) is now available for the Transfer Service meeting scheduled on Monday, November 7.  This meeting will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.  To participate by phone, please call Toni Sewell at (503) 230-3065.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

November 2, 2005 (9 a.m.) - Draft Agenda for November 3 & 4 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group: An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 23 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meetings scheduled on Thursday and Friday, November 3 & 4. Both meetings will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. on Thursday and 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Friday. To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983. Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

October 31, 2005 (5 p.m.) - Summaries and Handouts from October 18 & 19 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  Electronic versions of the summary and handouts from the October 18 meeting (PDF, 9 pages, 62 kb) and summary and handout from the October 19 meeting (PDF, 4 pages, 29 kb) are now available.

October 28, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Slice Product Review Subgroup Meetings Scheduled on October 31 and November 1:  The Slice Product Review Operations subgroup is scheduled to meet on Monday, October 31, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, and (tentatively) on Tuesday, November 1, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 614 of the BPA Headquarters building. The Slice Product Review Financial Subgroup is also scheduled to meet on Monday, October 31, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. in Room 186 of the BPA Headquarters building and then join the Operations subgroup meeting from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. To participate in any of these meetings by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639, or JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983. Electronic versions of the October 31 Operations subgroup agenda (PDF, 1 page, 26 kb) and the October 31 Financial subgroup agenda (PDF, 1 page, 19 kb) are now available.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings.

October 27, 2005 (4:30 p.m.) - Updated Meeting Time and Agenda for October 28 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the updated draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 16 kb) is now available for the Friday, October 28 meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group.  Please note that the time for this meeting has been changed to 8 a.m. - noon.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with this meeting.

October 26, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Comments Received on BPA's Proposed Changes to the Renewable Rate Credit Program: The deadline for submitting comments on BPA's Renewable Portion of the conservation rate credit program was September 29, 2005.  Electronic versions of all comments received by BPA are now available on the Regional Dialogue Public Comments & Proposals page. For more information about this comment period, see the August 29 announcement.

October 26, 2005 (11:30 a.m.) - Draft Agenda for October 27 & 28 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 16 kb, updated October 27, 2005) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meetings scheduled on Thursday and Friday, October 27 & 28.  Both meetings will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Thursday and 8 a.m. - noon on Friday.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.  Refer to the Regional Dialogue Document Queue for possible handouts associated with these meetings. [Note: This announcement was updated on October 27 to show the changed meeting time for the October 28 meeting.]

October 21, 2005 - Summaries and Handouts from October 11 & 12 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  Electronic versions of the summary and handouts from the October 11 meeting (PDF, 3 pages, 22 kb) and summary and handout from the October 12 meeting (PDF, 2 pages, 15 kb) are now available.

October 17, 2005 - Draft Agenda for October 20 Meeting of the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 22 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group meeting scheduled on Thursday, October 20, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

October 14, 2005 (4:30 p.m.) - Draft Agenda for October 18 & 19 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 24 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meetings scheduled on Tuesday & Wednesday, October 18 & 19.  Both meetings will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  The October 18 meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.  The October 19 meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. - noon.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

October 14, 2005 (3:30 p.m.) - Summaries and Handouts from October 3 & 4 Meetings of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group:  Electronic versions of the summary of the October 3 meeting (PDF, 1 page, 11 kb) and summary and handouts from the October 4 meeting (PDF, 4 pages, 322 kb) are now available.

October 11, 2005 - Draft Agenda for October 12 Regional Dialogue Technical Group Meeting:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 64 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meeting scheduled on Wednesday, October 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

October 7, 2005 - Slice Product Review Subgroup Meetings Scheduled: Meetings of the Slice Product Review Operations subgroup have been scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., in Room 606 of the BPA Headquarters building, and Thursday, October 13, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. Electronic versions of the October 12 agenda (PDF, 1 page, 17 kb) and October 13 agenda (PDF, 1 page, 17 kb)are now available. A meeting of the Slice Product Review Financial Subgroup has been scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00p.m. in room 614 of the BPA Headquarters building. An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb) and the "Slice and non Slice Rates Alignment" handout (PDF, 1 page, 35 kb) are now available. An electronic version of the notes from the September 29, 2005 Financial subgroup meeting (PDF, 1 page, 14 kb) are also now available. To participate in any of these meetings by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639, or JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

October 5, 2005 - Updated Meeting Schedule and Summaries of September 23 & 30 Meetings:  An updated schedule of meetings (PDF, 2 pages, 107 kb, updated January 19, 2006) for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group, the summary of the September 23 meeting (PDF, 1 page, 11 kb), and the summary of the September 30 meeting (PDF, 1 page, 20 kb) are now available.

October 4, 2005 (6:25 p.m.) - Materials from Past Slice Product Review Subgroup Meetings:  Electronic versions of the notes from the September 20 conference call with the Finance subgroup team leads (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb), agenda for the September 28 meeting of the Operations subgroup (PDF, 1 page, 24 kb), and agenda for the September 29 meeting of the Financial subgroup (PDF, 1 page, 17 kb) are now available.

October 4, 2005 (5:10 p.m.) - Draft Agenda and Handout for October 5 Slice Operations Subgroup Meeting:  A meeting of the Slice Product Review Operations subgroup has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in Room 606 of the BPA Headquarters building. Electronic versions of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb) and "Issues Outline" handout (PDF, 5 pages, 22 kb) are now available. To participate by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

October 1, 2005 - Draft Agenda for October 3 & 4 Regional Dialogue Technical Group Meetings:  An electronic version of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 72 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Technical Group meetings scheduled on Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4.  Both meetings will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  To participate by phone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

September 30, 2005 - Meeting Scheduled on October 19 to Discuss Transfer Service:  A public meeting has been scheduled on Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 1:00 - 4:30 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, to discuss outstanding issues related to the Agreement Regarding Transfer Service signed in April 2005. To participate by phone, please call Rhonda Weide at (503) 230-5726. For more information, see the September 30 letter (PDF, 3 pages, 72 kb, updated October 3, 2005) from Elliot Mainzer, acting Vice President of Bulk Marketing, and the April 6, 2005 BPA News Release[Note: The "Exhibit B" enclosure with the September 30 letter was updated on October 3 to remove a specific customer's name that was inadvertently left in the original document.]

September 29, 2005 - Draft Agenda and Handouts for September 30 Regional Dialogue Technical Group Meeting:  The Regional Dialogue Technical Group is scheduled to meet on Friday, September 30, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Electronic versions of the draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 27 kb), "Clarification Questions" handout (PDF, 6 pages, 40 kb), "Calendar" handout (PDF, 4 pages, 48 kb), "Meeting Schedule" handout (PDF, 1 page, 21 kb), "Draft Meeting Norms" handout (PDF, 1 page, 22 kb), and "Net Requirements" handout (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb) are now available.  To participate by telephone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

September 28, 2005 - Notes from September 19 Principals Management Group Meeting: The notes from the September 19 meeting (PDF, 8 pages, 42 kb) of the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at the meeting. They are not a verbatim transcript.

September 26, 2005 - Slice Product Review meetings Scheduled on September 28 & 29:  An Operations Subgroup meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Also a Finance meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 1 - 4 p.m., in Room 122 of the BPA Headquarters building.  Additional information for both meetings will be available soon.  To participate in either meeting by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

September 23, 2005 (11:30 a.m.) - Agenda and Handout for Today's Slice Operations Subgroup Meeting:  Electronic versions of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 10 kb) and "Slice Operational Concerns" handout (PDF, 1 page, 19 kb) are now available for today's meeting of the Slice Operations Subgroup.

September 23, 2005 (10:10 a.m.) - Final Agenda and Handouts for Today's Regional Dialogue Technical Group Meeting:  Electronic versions of the final agenda (PDF, 1 page, 24 kb), "Clarification Questions" handout (PDF, 5 pages, 37 kb), "Meeting Schedule (Calendar)" handout (PDF, 4 pages, 47 kb) and "Net Requirements" handout (PDF, 1 page, 14 kb) are now available for today's meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group.  For more information about this meeting, see the September 21 (4 p.m.) announcement below.

September 22, 2005 - Handouts for Today's Slice Product Review Meeting:  Electronic versions of the "Draft Charter" handout (PDF, 4 pages, 33 kb) and "Principles" handout (PDF, 1 page, 15 kb) are now available for today's meeting of the Slice Product Review Principals Group. For more information and the agenda for this meeting, see the September 21 (5:30 p.m.) announcement below.

September 21, 2005 (5:30 p.m.) - Slice Product Review Meetings on September 22 & 23:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 15 kb) is now available for the Slice Product Review Principals Group meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 1 - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. [For more information, see the September 9 & 14 announcements below.]  An additional meeting has been scheduled for Friday, September 23, 10 a.m. to noon, in Room 670 of the 905 Building in Portland. This meeting is part of the ongoing Slice Product Review and is the first meeting of the Operations subgroup. If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

September 21, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Regional Dialogue Technical Group Meeting Scheduled on September 23:  The first meeting of the Regional Dialogue Technical Group is scheduled for Friday, September 23, 2005, 9 a.m. - 3:10 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. A draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb) for this meeting is now available. This meeting is part of BPA's current process to reach alignment on issues addressed in the Regional Dialogue Concept Paper. (See the September 12 announcement for more information). If you would like to participate by telephone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

September 20, 2005 - Presentation Handout for September 19 Meeting:  An electronic version of the presentation handout (PDF, 10 pages, 22 kb) for yesterday's "kick-off" meeting of the Long-Term Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group is now available. A list of individuals invited to participate (PDF, 1 page, 13 kb) on this group is also now available.

September 16, 2005 - Agenda for September 19 Principals Management Group Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 32 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Principals Management Group Kick-off meeting on Monday, September 19, 9 - 4 p.m. , in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the September 12 announcement below.

September 14, 2005 - Agenda for September 15 Slice Review Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 61 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Slice Review Kick-off meeting on Thursday, September 15, 1 - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the September 9 announcement below.

September 12, 2005 - Regional Dialogue Concept Paper Released: In a letter (PDF, 2 pages, 36 kb) today from Paul Norman, Senior Vice President of the Power Business Line, BPA announced the release of its Regional Dialogue Concept Paper (PDF, 52 pages, 292 kb).  This release kicks off an intensive regional process designed to reach as much alignment as possible on the issues addressed in this concept paper.  A meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2005, with a Principals Management Group to kickoff this regional process. This process will use the concept paper as a starting point for discussions. For more information about this process, see the Issue Alert and Summary of Regional Dialogue key concepts (PDF, 4 pages, 36 kb, reissued 09-14-2005)[Note: The "Summary of Regional Dialogue key concepts" document was reissued on September 14, 2005, to correct a mispelled word.]

September 9, 2005 - Slice Meetings Scheduled:  BPA is preparing to kick off a Slice Product Review as part of the Regional Dialogue process that will lead to decisions on the future of the Slice product. An organizational meeting was announced in a letter (PDF, 1 page, 30 kb) signed by Mark Gendron, Vice President of Requirements Marketing. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, 2005, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. The purpose of the meeting will be to review and discuss a proposed Slice Review group charter, identify key issues to be addressed in relation to the Slice portion of Regional Dialogue, and assign technical working groups to analyze and develop proposals concerning key questions. This letter also announces the first meeting of both the technical staff and principals, currently scheduled for September 22, 2005. Additional information on that meeting will be available soon. To participate in either meeting by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

August 29, 2005 - Proposed changes to the renewable rate credit program:  In a letter today from Elliot Mainzer, acting Vice President of Bulk Marketing (PDF, 2 pages, 136 kb), BPA announced the opening of a public comment period on proposed changes to the renewable option of the conservation rate credit program. The Proposed Changes to the Renewable Rate Credit Program (PDF, 24 pages, 276 kb) result from both the $6 million annual cap on the renewable claims against the conservation rate credit program and the shorter rate period set in the February 2005 Regional Dialogue ROD (PDF, 103 pages, 498 kb). The public comment period on these proposed changes will be open August 29, 2005 through Thursday, September 29, 2005.

August 5, 2005 - Notes from June 7 Meeting of Renewables Focus Group:  The notes from the seventh meeting of the Renewables Focus Group (PDF, 5 pages, 79 kb) are now available. This group was established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program and will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products.

July 27, 2005 - Updated Schedule for Long-Term Regional Dialogue: BPA's concept paper, designed to encourage regional collaboration over long-term Regional Dialogue issues, is now expected to be released by mid August instead of late July, as was previously announced. The concept paper is going through internal review as the paper is being finalized. A series of public workshops will follow the release of the concept paper. After conclusion of the public workshops, BPA will issue a policy proposal and open a formal comment period.

June 30, 2005 - Record of Decision on BPA's Service to DSI Customers:  BPA Administrator Stephen J. Wright today signed the Record of Decision (ROD) on BPA's Service to Direct Service Industrial (DSI) Customers for Fiscal Years 2007-2011 (PDF, 31 pages, 229 kb). This ROD also incorporates BPA's consideration and decision in regards to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). For more information about this policy decision, see today's BPA News Release (PR 61 05). For information on BPA's public involvement process leading up to today's decision, see previous Regional Dialogue announcements dated February 7, February 25, March 8, and March 17, 2005.  [Note: The Federal Register notice of this policy decision (FR 05-13940) (PDF, 2 pages, 63 kb) was published on July 15, 2005.]

June 29, 2005 - Feedback Received on BPA's Draft Slice Report:  The deadline for submitting feedback on BPA's Draft Slice Report was June 20, 2005. Electronic versions of all feedback received by BPA are now available on the Regional Dialogue Public Comments & Proposals page. For information about other opportunities to respond to the Draft Slice Report see the June 1 (4 p.m.) announcement.

June 28, 2005 (4:30 p.m.) - Additional Public Comments Received on BPA Service to DSI Customers:  The March 17, 2005 announcement has been updated to include additional public comments received on BPA's Service to Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for FY 2007-2011 (DSI comment numbers 096-099).

June 28, 2005 (2 p.m.) - Final Post-2006 Conservation Program Structure:  BPA has released its Final Post-2006 Conservation Program Structure for fiscal years 2007 - 2009. This is the result of a collaborative effort which began in September of 2004. For more information on this effort and to access the final documents, see the Post-2006 Conservation Program page on BPA's Energy Efficiency web site.  [Note: BPA also issued a related News Release on June 29, 2005 (PR 59 05).]

June 27, 2005 - Notes from June 8 Regional Dialogue Workshop : The notes from the June 8 Regional Dialogue workshop (PDF, 20 pages, 151 kb) are now available.  These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at the meeting.  They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks.  For more information on the workshop, see the June 7th announcement.

June 21, 2005 - Proposals Received on Long-Term Regional Dialogue:  The deadline for submitting proposals for BPA's upcoming long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal was June 13, 2005. Electronic versions of all proposals received by BPA are now available on the new Regional Dialogue Public Comments & Proposals page.

June 15, 2005 - Updated Schedule for Long-Term Regional Dialogue:  BPA is updating the schedule for the release of the long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal in response to comments received at the June 8 public workshop. In response, BPA will maintain its end-of-July target, however instead of releasing a policy proposal, BPA will release a "concept paper" as a starting point for further regional discussion. At a minimum, the concept paper will address the seven key issues discussed in Paul Norman's May 11 letter. Following the release of this concept paper, BPA will sponsor a three-month series of intense public workshops on BPA's future role in power supply. At the conclusion of the public workshops, BPA will issue a policy proposal and open a formal comment period. The tentative target date for the policy proposal is December 2005.

June 7, 2005 (4:45 p.m.) - Handout and Updated Agenda for June 8th Regional Dialogue Workshop:  An updated agenda (PDF, 1 page, 91 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue workshop on Wednesday, June 8th.  The purpose of this workshop is to allow BPA's stakeholders to share and understand each others' views on what should be included in BPA's July policy proposal.  An electronic version of BPA's handout for the workshop (PDF, 10 pages, 74 kb) is also now available. The handout provides a summary of the issues to be covered in the long-term Regional Dialogue process. For more information on this workshop, please see the May 11, 2005, 4 p.m. announcement. To participate via telephone, please call JoAnn Bas at (503) 230-4983.

June 1, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Draft Slice Report:  BPA has released its Draft Slice Report (PDF, 6 pages, 115 kb, dated May 31, 2005) for public review. The report contains both a draft evaluation of the performance of the Slice product to date against the original principles of Slice, and draft conclusions about the future of Slice. Any feedback BPA receives on the Draft Slice Report by Monday, June 13th 20th, will be considered in the preparation of BPA's July 2005 long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal (see May 11th 4 p.m. announcement for more information)[Note: This announcement was updated on June 2nd to reflect BPA's decision to extend the feedback deadline from June 13th to June 20th in response to customer requests for additional time.]  There will also be other opportunities to respond to the Draft Slice Report as the long-term Regional Dialogue process continues through the summer. To facilitate this, BPA plans to form a workgroup of parties interested in the future of Slice as the focal point for technical discussions. Feedback submitted by June 13th 20th can be sent to:

Helen Goodwin - PS-6
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621
E-mail: hagoodwin@bpa.gov

June 1, 2005 (3:45 p.m.) - Draft Agenda for June 8th Regional Dialogue Workshop:  A draft agenda (PDF, 1 page, 93 kb) was issued today for the Regional Dialogue Workshop scheduled on Wednesday, June 8th.  A BPA handout will be posted soon and the draft agenda will be finalized prior to the workshop.  For more information on this workshop, please see the May 11, 2005, 4 p.m. announcement.

May 11, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Update on Long-Term Regional Dialogue Process and Issues:  Senior Vice-President of the BPA Power Business Line, Paul Norman, today issued a letter (PDF, 3 pages, 120 kb) that provides an update on policy issues and the process for developing BPA's long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal.  A workshop is scheduled on Wednesday, June 8th, for interested parties to share their points of view on what should go into BPA's policy proposal.  [Note: Additional information on this upcoming workshop will be posted on this web site by June 1st.]  The deadline for submitting proposals for BPA's upcoming policy proposal is Monday, June 13th.  BPA plans to release its long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal for public review and comment in July 2005.

May 11, 2005 (1 p.m.) - Notes from April 14th and April 26th Meetings of Renewables Focus Group : The notes from the fifth meeting (PDF, 35 pages, 176 kb) and sixth meeting (PDF, 16 pages, 145 kb) of the Renewables Focus Group are available now. This group was established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program and will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products.

April 4, 2005 - An Additional Public Comment Received on BPA Service to DSI Customers:  The March 17, 2005 announcement below has been updated to include an additional public comment received on BPA's Service to Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for FY 2007-2011 (DSI comment number 095).

March 30, 2005 - Additional Public Comments Received on BPA Service to DSI Customers:  The March 17, 2005 announcement below has been updated to include additional public comments received on BPA's Service to Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for FY 2007-2011 (DSI comment numbers 091-094).

March 23, 2005 - Handout from NWPPA 2005 2nd Annual Power Supply Workshop (March 14-16, Spokane, WA):  An electronic version of the BPA's handout on Net Requirement Projections (PDF, 1 page, 86 kb) is now available. This table is intended to provide BPA's current projected net requirements for selected years from the 2001 Rate Case and current forecasts (assuming no change in resources for Block and Slice customers). A full complement of workshop speaker presentations will soon be posted on the NWPPA website (www.nwppa.org/web/presentations/presentations.shtml).

March 17, 2005 - Public Comments on BPA Service to DSI Customers:  The public comment period closed on March 11th regarding BPA's Service to Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers for FY 2007-2011. The log of all public comments received is available in two versions:  DSI Comment Log Sorted by Number (PDF, 3 pages, 91 kb, updated June 28, 2005) and DSI Comment Log Sorted by Affiliation (PDF, 3 pages, 91 kb, updated June 28, 2005). The links below will take you to scanned copies of all comments received as of March 14th June 3rd. These are large files and may take extra time to download. For more information, see previous announcements on March 8, 2005, and February 7, 2005.

March 8, 2005 - Notes and Handout from DSI Open Forum:  An electronic version of BPA's handout/presentation (PDF, 6 pages, 68 kb) and the Notes (PDF, 23 pages, 149 kb) are now available for the March 1, 2005 DSI Open Forum. The notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at the open forum. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. Other comments received by BPA will be posted in a separate announcement after the public comment period closes on Friday, March 11th.  For more information, please see the February 7, 2005 announcement.

February 25, 2005 - Revised Agenda for March 1st DSI Open Forum:  A revised agenda (PDF, 2 pages, 114 kb) was issued today for the Direct Service Industry (DSI) open forum on Tuesday, March 1, 2005. An additional speaker was added to Panel 1. For more information, please see the February 7, 2005 announcement.

February 22, 2005 - Updated Agenda for March 1st DSI Open Forum:  An updated agenda was issued today for the Direct Service Industry (DSI) open forum on Tuesday, March 1, 2005. The open forum provides an opportunity for the public to comment on BPA's "straw proposal" regarding benefits for DSI customers during the 2007-2011 period. For more information, please see the February 7, 2005 announcement. [Note: The agenda was revised again after this announcement was posted. See February 25th announcement for the revised agenda.]

February 16, 2005 - BPA's Policy Published in Federal Register:  BPA's Policy for Power Supply Role for FY 2007-2011 was published as a Notice in the Federal Register (PDF, 7 pages, 94 kb) on Monday, February 14, 2005. The text of this "FRN version" of the policy is the same as the policy issued on February 4, 2005. For more information, please see the previous announcement on February 4, 2005 (3 p.m.).

February 7, 2005 - Additional Opportunities for Public Comment on BPA Service to Direct Service Industry (DSI) Customers:  On February 4th, Senior Vice President of BPA's Power Business Line, Paul Norman, signed a letter to customers, constituents, Tribes and other regional stakeholders announcing additional opportunities for public input on BPA service to DSI customers during the 2007 - 2011 period. BPA is primarily interested in receiving comments on the "BPA Straw Proposal" described in the letter and in other alternatives that may be proposed. As a part of this additional public involvement process, BPA will host a DSI open forum on Tuesday, March 1, 2005, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel. The deadline for comments is Friday, March 11, 2005. For more information on how to participate, see the February 4th DSI letter (PDF, 4 pages, 39 kb) and enclosed tentative agenda for March 1st DSI forum (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb). [Note: See February 25th announcement for a revised agenda.]

February 4, 2005 (4 p.m.) - Notes from January 19th Meeting of Renewables Focus Group: The notes from the fourth meeting (PDF, 33 pages, 104 kb) of the Renewables Focus Group are available now. This group was established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program and will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products.

February 4, 2005 (3 p.m.) - BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy and Record of Decision for FY 2007-2011:  Senior Vice President of BPA's Power Business Line, Paul Norman, today sent a letter to customers, constituents, Tribes and other regional stakeholders announcing the release of BPA's Policy for Power Supply Role for FY 2007-2011. The letter (PDF, 2 pages, 113 kb) includes a summary (PDF, 4 pages, 102 kb) of the Regional Dialogue policy decisions. The Record of Decision (PDF, 103 pages, 498 kb) and Policy (PDF, 18 pages, 156 kb) were signed by BPA Administrator Steve Wright on February 4, 2005. A copy of the policy will be published in the Federal Register in mid-February. A separate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Record of Decision (PDF, 23 pages, 245 kb) was also signed by the BPA Administrator.

January 14, 2005 - Notes from December 10th Meeting of Renewables Focus Group: The notes from the third meeting (PDF, 16 pages, 61 kb) of the Renewables Focus Group are available now. This group was established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program and will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products. Additional meetings will be held in January 2005.

December 9, 2004 - Notes from November 19th Meeting of Renewables Focus Group: The notes from the second meeting (PDF, 9 pages, 100 kb) of the Renewables Focus Group are available now. This group was established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program and will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products. Additional meetings will be held throughout December 2004.

December 8, 2004 - Schedule for Issuing BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy and Record of Decision: The BPA Regional Dialogue Policy and Record of Decision will be issued in mid-January 2005. There are two reasons for this change. First, BPA sent a letter to the region on October 21 stating that it was open for further discussions on four specific Regional Dialogue issues. During this time, BPA participated in several discussions and received public comment on Service to the DSIs, New Publics and Annexed Loads, Product Availability and Service to Customers with Expiring 5-Year Purchase Commitments that Do Not Contain the Lowest-Cost PF Rate Guarantee. The period for further discussion closed on November 12. Second, BPA received a number of public comments on these four issues (see September 29 announcement below--starting with comments posted on November 17) and needs to take time to fully evaluate and consider them before making its final Regional Dialogue decision. Any further changes to the schedule will be posted on this website.

November 22, 2004 - Notes from November 8th Meeting of Renewables Focus Group:  The October 21, 2004 letter signed by BPA (see October 21 announcement) indicated that a large number of comments were received on Conservation and Renewables and that BPA would continue to work with interested parties on these issues. A Renewables Focus Group has since been established to provide feedback on BPA's proposals for the FY 2007-11 renewables program. Notes from the first meeting (PDF, 8 pages, 99 kb) are available now. The group will continue to work collaboratively to develop suggestions for renewables programs and products. Additional meetings will be held throughout December 2004.

November 17, 2004 - Additional Public Comments Posted:  On October 21, BPA issued a letter offering interested parties the opportunity to hold additional discussions on four issues -- new publics, product availability, service to publics with expiring five year purchase commitments that do not contain lowest cost PF rate guarantee through FY 2011 and service to the DSIs -- in the Regional Dialogue policy proposal. The window for these additional discussions closed on November 12, 2004. Comments received during this period are available now. Please see the September 29 announcement below for an updated log of all comments and posting of additional comments. Some additional meetings notes and recently received comments will be posted on Monday, November 22.

October 21, 2004 - BPA Open to Further Discussion on Four Regional Dialogue Issues:  Paul Norman's letter dated October 5, 2004, (see October 7th announcement) indicated BPA may engage in further discussion on certain Regional Dialogue issues prior to making final policy decisions. In a letter signed today (PDF, 2 pages, 29 kb), Helen Goodwin, Regional Dialogue Project Manager, identified four issues where BPA is open to having further discussions upon request. The four issues include: Service to Direct Service Industries, Future Service to Customers with Five-Year Purchase Commitments that Do Not Contain the Lowest PF Rate guarantee, Product Availability, and New Publics. Anyone interested in further discussions should contact their Customer Account Executive, Tribal Account Executive, Constituent Account Executive, or Helen Goodwin. These discussions must conclude by November 12, 2004, at which time BPA will focus on completing its analysis and finalizing its Regional Dialogue policy decisions. BPA plans to issue a final policy and Record of Decision in December 2004.

October 7, 2004 - Summary of Public Comments Received and Next Steps:  In a letter to the region dated October 5, 2004 (PDF, 7 pages, 202 kb), Paul Norman, Senior Vice President of BPA's Power Business Line, briefly summarized public comments received on the Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal. The public comment period closed on September 22, 2004. The letter reiterates that the full text of all comments received are posted on this website (see September 29 announcement). There may be follow-up discussions on some Regional Dialogue issues before policy decisions are made in December. A summary of next steps in the decision-making process is included in the letter.

September 29, 2004 - Public Comments Now Available:  A log of all public comments received (PDF, 5 pages, 69 kb, updated November 29, 2004) on BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal for FY 2007-2011 is now available. The comment period opened July 7 and closed September 22. The links below will take you to scanned copies of all comments received. These are large files and may take extra time to download. For more information on the public comment period, see previous announcement on July 7, 2004. [October 7, 2004 Note: The updated log is also available in a version sorted by affiliation (PDF, 5 pages, 70 kb, updated November 29, 2004).]

September 23, 2004 - Notes from Kalispell Public Meeting Now Available:  The notes from the Regional Dialogue public meeting held on September 15th in Kalispell, MT (PDF, 9 pages, 33 kb) are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at these meetings. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. For more information about these meetings, see previous announcement on July 7, 2004.

September 20, 2004 - Notes from Portland Public Meeting Now Available:  The notes from the Regional Dialogue public meeting held on September 9th in Portland, OR (PDF, 11 pages, 40 kb) are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at these meetings. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. For more information about these meetings, see previous announcement on July 7, 2004.

September 7, 2004 (4 p.m.) - Handout for Public Meetings:  An electronic version of the handout (PDF, 14 pages, 110 kb) for the Regional Dialogue public meetings currently underway is now available.

September 7, 2004 (10 a.m.) - Notes from Spokane and Boise Public Meetings Now Available:  The notes from the Regional Dialogue public meetings held on August 26th in Spokane, WA (PDF, 9 pages, 109 kb) and August 31st in Boise, ID (PDF, 7 pages, 101 kb) are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at these meetings. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. For more information about these meetings, see previous announcement on July 7, 2004.

August 31, 2004 (6 p.m.) - Work Group to Develop Proposed Post-2006 Conservation Program:  As indicated in the July 7, 2004, Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal, BPA is seeking the collaboration of experienced individuals in the region to help develop a proposed conservation program for the post-2006 period. In a letter dated August 31, 2004 (PDF, 4 pages, 53 kb), Mike Weedall, Vice President for Energy Efficiency, invited interested parties to participate in this work group. The deadline for expressing your intent to participate is September 13, 2004. The procedures for expressing your interest and the timeline for this work group process are included in the letter.   [09-17-2004 Note:  Future information about this topic will be available on the new Post-2006 Conservation Program page on the BPA Energy Efficiency (EE) web site.]

August 31, 2004 (1 p.m.) - Notes from Seattle and Eugene Public Meetings Now Available:  The notes from the Regional Dialogue public meetings held on August 17th in Seattle, WA (PDF, 12 pages, 126 kb) and August 19th in Eugene, OR (PDF, 9 pages, 102 kb) are now available. These notes are intended to provide a summary of the comments and other remarks shared at these meetings. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. Notes from the other public meetings will be available soon. For more information about these meetings, see previous announcement on July 7, 2004.

July 20, 2004 - BPA's Policy Proposal Published in Federal Register:  BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal for FY 2007-2011 was published today as a Notice in the Federal Register (PDF, 12 pages, 113 kb). This proposal is the same as the one that was mailed to customers, constituents, tribal representatives, and other interested parties on July 7, 2004. BPA is taking comment on this proposal through Wednesday, September 22, 2004. For more information on the proposal, public meetings and comment opportunities, please see the previous announcement on July 7, 2004.

July 7, 2004 - BPA's Regional Dialogue Policy Proposal for FY 2007-2011:  Senior Vice-President of the BPA Power Business Line, Paul Norman, today sent a letter (PDF, 2 pages, 99 kb, reposted here on July 8, 2004) to customers, constituents, Tribes and other regional stakeholders announcing the release of BPA's Policy Proposal for Power Supply Role for Fiscal Years 2007-2011 (PDF, 31 pages, 198 kb). The policy proposal was signed by BPA Administrator Steve Wright on July 7, 2004, and will be published in the Federal Register in mid-July. Comments on the policy proposal will be accepted through Wednesday, September 22, 2004, and public meetings have been scheduled throughout the region in August and September. For more information, see the Schedule of Public Meetings (PDF, 2 pages, 115 kb) and today's BPA News Release.
[Note: The July 7th letter from Paul Norman was originally posted here on July 7th at 2 p.m.  It was revised before it was printed and mailed. The revised letter was reposted here on July 8th at 11 a.m.]

May 27, 2004 - On April 9th, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council issued their draft recommendations for BPA's future role in power supply and began accepting public comment. The comment period has closed and the Council has issued their Final Recommendations.

April 16, 2004 - The Northwest Power and Conservation Council has issued their draft recommendations for BPA's future role in power supply. Comments are being accepted through April 23, 2004.

February 27, 2004 - Letter from Paul Norman:  Senior Vice-President of the BPA Power Business Line, Paul Norman, today sent a letter (PDF, 3 pages, 36 kb) to customers, constituents and other regional stakeholders discussing BPA's plans for the Regional Dialogue including issues concerning its post-2006 power supply role.

January 26, 2004 - The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) recently solicited comments on its proposed principles and issue paper regarding the future role of BPA in power supply. The comments received by the Council have been posted on the Council web site at: www.nwcouncil.org/library/2003/2003-18comments/.

December 15, 2003 - Letter from Steve Wright to Jim Kempton: On December 9, 2003, BPA Administrator and Chief Executive Officer Steve Wright sent a letter to Jim Kempton, Idaho Council Member and Chair of the Power Four of the Northwest Power & Conservation Council (Council). The letter (PDF, 3 pages, 32 kb) responds to Mr. Kempton's October 17, 2003 letter and the Council's proposed principles for Bonneville's future power supply role.

July 3, 2003 - Update: At the urging of the Pacific Northwest's four Governors in their letter of June 5th, BPA is meeting with the Northwest Power Planning Council to develop a scope and schedule for the re-start of Regional Dialogue discussions.

April 29, 2003 (4 PM) - Handout for April 30th Workshop: An electronic version of the handout and final agenda (PDF, 15 pages, 182 kb) is now available for the Technical Workshop scheduled on Wednesday, April 30th, from 10 am until noon, in BPA's Rates Hearing Room. [Reminder: This Workshop will be followed by the regular monthly meeting that reviews the PBL's FY 2003 budget and spending, which will begin in the same room at approximately 1 pm.] As usual, if you would like to participate by phone, please call 503-230-4600.

April 23, 2003 - Updated Schedule, Additional Workshop Scheduled on April 30th: An updated schedule (PDF, 4 pages, 18 kb) is now available that includes an additional workshop to discuss how BPA sets its Financial Objectives. This workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30th, from 10 am to 12 pm*, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR. For more information, see draft workshop agenda (PDF, 16 kb). To participate by phone, please call 503-230-4600.
[*Note: Approximately one hour after this workshop ends, the monthly update on the PBL FY 2003 Budget & Spending Review will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room instead of the normal location (PPC office). See the April 23rd announcement on the Financial Choices page for more information.]

March 21, 2003 - Notes from February 26th Workshop: An electronic version of the notes from the February 26th technical workshop on the benefits for residential and small farm consumers of the region's investor-owned utilities (PDF, 6 pages, 37 kb) is now available.

March 17, 2003 (6 PM) - Notes from March 12th Workshop: An electronic version of the notes from the March 12th technical workshop on BPA's Post-2006 Cost Structure (PDF, 5 pages, 24 kb) is now available.

March 17, 2003 (1 PM) - Today's Technical Workshop CANCELLED: Due to conflicts with other meetings, today's technical workshop regarding estimates of benefits for the residential and small farm consumers of IOUs has been CANCELLED. This change is reflected in the updated schedule (PDF, 18 kb). [Note: The schedule was last updated on April 23, 2003.]

March 12, 2003 - Handouts for Today's Workshop: Electronic versions of the handouts for today's Technical Workshop on BPA's Post-2006 Cost Structure are now available:  1) Overview Presentation (PDF, 10 pages, 421 kb);  2) FY 2001-2011 PBL Cost Comparisons (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb);  3) Policy Choices (PDF, 1 page, 16 kb). [Printing note: Handout 2 was designed for 8.5" x 14" paper and Handout 3 was designed for 11" x 17" paper.]

March 10, 2003 - Updated Schedule of Technical Workshops: The workshop scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th will begin at 10 am instead of at 9 am. A new technical workshop has also been scheduled on Monday, March 17, from 3:30 until 5 pm, at the offices of the Public Power Council (PPC) at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland OR, regarding estimates of benefits for the residential and small farm consumers of IOUs. These changes are noted on the updated schedule (PDF, 18 kb). Please call 503-230-4600 to participate by phone. [Note: The schedule was last updated on April 23, 2003. The March 17th technical workshop has been cancelled. See the March 17th (1 PM) announcement.]

March 3, 2003 - Additional Workshops Scheduled: An updated schedule (PDF, 18 kb) is now available that includes two new technical workshops. The first is on Wednesday, March 5, from 1 until 3 pm, at the offices of the Public Power Council (PPC) at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland OR. The second is on Wednesday, March 12, from 10 am until Noon, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. Please continue to check this web site for additional updates to the schedule. [Note: The schedule was last updated on April 23, 2003. The starting time of the March 12th workshop was changed from 9 am to 10 am.]

February 18, 2003 - Notes from Five Technical Workshops: Notes are now available from the technical workshops held on Conservation on January 14th (PDF, 4 pages, 36 kb), Renewable Resources on January 14th (PDF, 3 pages, 17 kb), IOUs on January 29th (PDF, 6 pages, 32 kb), Requirements Products on January 29th (PDF, 7 pages, 29 kb), and IOUs on Febuary 5th (PDF, 6 pages, 30 kb).

February 14, 2003 - Additional Workshops Scheduled: An updated schedule (PDF, 20 kb, updated 02-13-2003) is now available that includes a new technical workshop on Wednesday, February 26th, from 1 until 4 pm, and possible technical workshops on Wednesday, March 5th and March 12th. Please continue to check this web site for additional updates to the schedule. [Note: The schedule was last updated on April 23, 2003.]

February 13, 2003 - Regional Dialogue on a Slower Schedule: Due to the demand on the region of the rate proceeding that will set the Safety-Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN-03 Rate Case), the Regional Dialogue discussions will take on a slower more deliberate pace until early June. Technical workshops will continue on the subject of benefits for the residential and small farm customers of the IOUs, and on other issues as time allows.

February 11, 2003 (11 AM) - Follow-up Technical Workshop Scheduled:  A follow-up technical workshop has been scheduled on Wednesday, February 12, 2003, from 3 pm until 5 pm at the offices of Northwest Requirements Utilities at 825 NE Multnomah in Portland. This workshop will focus entirely on the models and assumptions behind the analysis that BPA staff presented at the technical workshop on January 29th. See the January 30th announcement below for the revised handout to be discussed. If you would like to participate by phone, please call 503-230-4600 to be connected to a bridge.

January 30, 2003 (4 PM) - Revised Handouts for Yesterday Morning's Workshop: An electronic version of the revised handouts for yesterday's Technical Workshop on the Benefits to Residential and Small Farm Customers of IOUs (PDF, 3 pages, 31 kb) is now available. A page has been added with tables of assumptions and numerical conclusions (see page 2) to clarify the pie charts (on page 1) handed out yesterday morning.

January 29, 2003 (1 PM) - Handouts for This Afternoon's Technical Workshop and Notes from January 15th Workshop: An electronic version of the handouts for this afternoon's Technical Workshop on Requirements Products (PDF, 4 pages, 23 kb) is now available, as well as the notes from the January 15th Technical Workshop on NLSL and DSI Issues (PDF, 5 pages, 23 kb).

January 29, 2003 (10 AM) - Handouts for This Morning's Technical Workshop: An electronic version of the handouts for this morning's Technical Workshop on the Benefits for Residential and Small Farm Customers of IOUs (PDF, 3 pages, 31 kb, revised 01-30-2003) is now available. [Note: This handout was revised (a third page added) after it was originally posted. See January 30th announcement for more information.]

January 28, 2003 (6 PM) - Notes from Three Workshops: Notes are now available from the technical workshops held on Conservation on January 7th (PDF, 11 pages, 49 kb), Slice Operational Issues on January 15th (PDF, 3 pages, 17 kb), and DSI Service on January 22nd (PDF, 5 pages, 25 kb). Notes from the NLSL and DSI workshop held on the morning of January 15th will be available soon.

January 23, 2003 (6 PM) - Updated Schedule of Technical Workshops (January 30th Workshop CANCELLED): An updated schedule of technical workshops (PDF, 19 kb) is now available that shows the cancellation of the workshop scheduled for January 30th on Key Contract Issues. Please continue to check this web site for additional changes. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 21, 2003 (4 PM) - Tomorrow Afternoon's Slice Financial Workshop CANCELLED: An updated schedule of technical workshops (PDF, 19 kb) is now available that includes the cancellation of the Slice Financial Workshop for Wednesday afternoon, January 22nd. Tomorrow morning's DSI Workshop will still be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room from 10 AM to Noon. To participate by phone, please call 503-230-4600. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 17, 2003 (6 PM) - Updated Schedule of Technical Workshops: An electronic version of an updated schedule of technical workshops (PDF, 19 kb) is now available. Note that the sessions on January 22nd have been reversed between the morning and afternoon, and technical workshops have been added on January 29th, January 30th and February 5th. To participate by phone, call 502-230-4600. Please continue to check this web site for additional updates. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 15, 2003 (1 PM) - Handout for Today's Technical Workshop on Slice Operations;  Updated Schedule (both January 16th Workshops CANCELLED):  An electronic version of the handout for this afternoon's Technical Workshop on Slice Operations (PDF, 29 pages, 103 kb) is now available. [Warning: This PDF file has several omissions. The maps on pages 13 & 15 and graphs on pages 16 & 17 were omitted to reduce file size.]   An updated schedule of technical workshops (PDF, 19 kb) is also now available. Note:  Both the Requirements Products and Key Contract Issues technical workshops scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, are CANCELLED. An updated schedule will be posted again early next week that will include additional workshops, such as a possible workshop on January 29th regarding Requirements Products. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 14, 2003 (6 PM) - Handout for DSI & NLSL Technical Workshop on January 15th;  Notes from January 8th & 9th Technical Workshops: An electronic version of a handout for the DSI & NLSL Technical Workshop (PDF, 6 pages, 48 kb) is now available. This workshop is being held on Wednesday, January 15th, from 9 am until noon in BPA's Rates Hearing Room. To participate by phone, call 503-230-4600. In addition, electronic versions of the notes from the technical workshops held on January 8th AM (PDF, 5 pages, 22 kb), January 8th PM (PDF, 4 pages, 19 kb), and January 9th (PDF, 6 pages, 25 kb) are now available.

January 14, 2003 (1 PM) - Handout for Today's Technical Workshop on Renewables;  Updated Schedule (January 16th Workshop on Key Contract Issues CANCELLED):  An electronic version of the handout for today's technical workshop on Renewable Resources (PDF, 10 kb) is now available.  [Note: This afternoon's workshop is being held in the Rates Hearing Room from 1 to 3 pm.]   An updated schedule of workshops (PDF, 12 kb) is also now available showing that the Key Contract Issues workshop previously scheduled for the afternoon of January 16th has been CANCELLED. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 8, 2003 - Handout on "Sequencing" for January 8th Technical Workshop: An electronic version of the Sequencing Timeline handout (PDF, 2 pages, 100 kb) for this afternoon's Technical Workshop is now available. This handout will be discussed at approximately 2:00 p.m. To participate by phone, call 503-230-4600.

January 6, 2003 - Location Change for Conservation Technical Workshops: Please see the updated schedule of public workshops (PDF, 19 kb). The Conservation Technical Workshops scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday, January 7) and Tuesday, January 14th, have been moved from Room 187 in the BPA Headquarters building to the Rates Hearing Room, in the building adjacent to the BPA Headquarters in Portland (911 NE 11th Ave). [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

January 3, 2003 - Notes from December 18th Workshop: An electronic version of the notes from the December 18th public workshop (PDF, 9 pages, 37 kb) is now available. Please see the December 19th announcement below for information on additional technical workshops scheduled in January.   [Note: The next four technical workshops are scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (January 7, 8, & 9) and will focus on Conservation, Requirements Products, and Key Contract Issues.]

December 19, 2002 - Additional Technical Workshops Scheduled: The schedule (PDF, 19 kb) of times and locations for additional Technical Workshops has been set for January 2003. To participate by phone, call 503-230-4600. Please check this site frequently for any changes to this schedule, as well as additional information, such as any handouts that become available. [Note: The schedule was last updated on March 10, 2003.]

December 17, 2002 - Revised Agenda and Handout Available: An electronic version of a revised agenda (PDF, 11 kb) is now available for the public workshop scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, from 10 am until 3 pm in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA Headquarters. The changes are in the order of the items only. Please call 503-230-4600 to participate by phone. Also a handout (PDF, 3 pages, 13 kb) for tomorrow's public workshop is now available.

December 12, 2002 - Technical Workgroup Meeting Scheduled, Refinancing Act Summary Available: An additional technical workgroup meeting has been scheduled to continue discussions regarding the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's costs. This meeting will be held on Monday, December 16, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm at the offices of the Public Power Council (PPC) at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland OR. To participate by phone, call 503-230-4600 and request to be transferred to this meeting. Also, a summary of the BPA Refinancing Act (PDF, 2 pages, 11 kb) is now available in response to requests from workgroup participants.

December 11, 2002 (4 pm) - Notes from Third Workshop: An electronic version of the notes from the third (December 4th) public workshop (PDF, 12 pages, 47 kb) are now available. Reminder: Please check this web site frequently for information about meetings yet to be scheduled in January.

December 11, 2002 - Today's Workgroup Meeting Cancelled: The technical workgroup meeting scheduled for December 11th (1:00-3:00 pm) to discuss the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's cost decisions has been cancelled. This web page will be updated when the meeting is rescheduled.

December 6, 2002 - Next Workshop Cancelled, Additional Workgroup Meeting Scheduled, Draft Agenda Available, Additional Workshops Likely in January:

  1. The public workshop scheduled for Wednesday, December 11th has been cancelled.
  2. In place of the December 11th workshop (on the same day) a public technical workgroup meeting will be held to continue discussions on the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's cost decisions. This workgroup meeting is scheduled from 1 pm until 3 pm in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA Headquarters in Portland. Please call 503-230-4600 to participate by phone.
  3. An electronic version of the draft agenda for the December 18th public workshop (PDF, 13 kb) is now available. The December 18th workshop will be held from 10 am until 3 pm in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA Headquarters in Portland. Please call 503-230-4600 to participate by phone.
  4. Also, it is highly likely that additional public workshops will be held on January 8th and January 15th, 2003. There are a few issues that would benefit from additional public discussion prior to the development of BPA's proposal. Please check this web site frequently for additional details.

December 4, 2002 (11 AM) - Handouts for Today's Workshop and Notes from 2nd Workshop: An electronic version of the handouts for the third (December 4th) public workshop (PDF, 10 pages, 33 kb) is now available. This workshop is the third in a series concerning issues regarding BPA's power supply role after 2006, and is being held in the Rates Hearing Room from 10 am until 3 pm. Also available today are the notes from the second (November 26th) workshop (PDF, 9 pages, 35 kb).

November 27, 2002 - Agenda for 3rd Workshop: The Agenda (PDF, 13 kb) is now available for the 3rd Regional Dialogue public workshop scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2002, from 10 AM to 3 PM (or later) in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA headquarters. Please note that this agenda has several components, and the meeting time may be extended. Please call 503-230-4600 to participate by phone. Notes from the second workshop will be available next week.

November 26, 2002 (4 PM)- Another Technical Workgroup Meeting Scheduled: A second technical workgroup meeting has been scheduled to continue discussions regarding the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's costs. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd, from 9 am until noon at the offices of the Public Power Council (PPC) at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland OR. Please call the PPC office at 503-232-2427 for additional information, as well as information on how to participate by phone.

November 26, 2002 (10 AM) - Additional Handout for Today's Workshop: An additional handout (PDF, 10 pages, 50 kb) is now available for today's regional dialogue workshop in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. These materials are from the workgroup that met on November 20th to explore alternatives regarding the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's cost structure.

November 25, 2002 - Handouts for Next Workshop and Notes from 1st Workshop: An electronic version of the handouts for the November 26th public workshop (PDF, 2 pages, 20 kb) is now available (includes the agenda). This workshop is the second in a series concerning issues regarding BPA's power supply role after 2006. Also available today are the summary notes from the first (November 19th) workshop (PDF, 8 pages, 33 kb).

November 21, 2002 - Agenda for Next Workshop: The Agenda (PDF, 13 kb) is now available for the public workshop scheduled on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, from 10 AM to 3 PM in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA headquarters. Directions for participating by phone are on the agenda.

November 19, 2002 (4 PM) - Technical Workgroup Meeting Scheduled for Tomorrow: During today's public workshop it was decided to schedule a technical workgroup meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 (tomorrow), from 3 to 5 PM. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Public Power Council (PPC) at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland OR. The meeting will explore potential ways to implement the concept of "meaningful and enforceable" participation in BPA's costs. Please call the PPC offices at 503-232-2427 for additional information, including instructions on how to participate by phone.  [Note: Please check this web site frequently because additional workshops /meetings may be scheduled.]

November 19, 2002 (9 AM) - Today's Workshop Handouts: The handouts for today's introductory public workshop (PDF, 6 pages, 40 kb) regarding BPA's power supply role after 2006 are now available. Reminder: the next public workshops are scheduled for Tuesday, November 26 (from 10 am until 3 pm) and on the first 3 Wednesdays of December (December 4, 11, & 18). All of these workshops will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.

November 18, 2002 (6 PM) - More Workshops Scheduled: BPA has tentatively established the dates for four additional workshops (November 26 and the first 3 Wednesdays in December) regarding BPA's power supply role after 2006. These dates, as well as information about how to participate in workshops and stay informed on issues are in this letter to interested parties (PDF, 2 pages, 23 kb).

November 18, 2002 (1 PM) - Workshop Agenda: The agenda (PDF, 22 kb) is now available for tomorrow's public workshop regarding potential changes to BPA's power supply role after 2006.

November 8, 2002 - Public Workshops Ready to Begin: BPA is continuing its dialogue (PDF, 8 kb) regarding potential changes to its power supply role after 2006. The first workshop in the next phase of this discusson has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th, from 10 am until 3 pm, in the Rates Hearing Room (room 223), located at 911 NE 11th Ave in Portland. An agenda will be posted next week.

Novermber 4, 2002 - Letter from BPA Administrator and Chairman of the NPPC: BPA Administrator Stephen J. Wright and NPPC Chairman Frank L. Cassidy issued a letter to the region (PDF, 1 page, 24 kb) thanking all of those in the region who sent in proposals and comments, or who attended the six public meetings held around the region in late September.

October 31, 2002 - Updated Summary of Proposals: An updated "Summary of Proposals and Comments" (PDF, 26 pages, 160 kb, dated 10-25-2002) is now available. This version replaces the one posted on this web site on October 25th (dated 10-23-2002).

October 25, 2002 - Updated Summary of Proposals: An updated "Summary of Proposals and Comments" (dated 10-23-2002) is now available. This version replaces the one posted on this web site on October 9th (dated 10-9-2002).   [Note: A link to the latest version of the Summary of Proposals is in the October 31, 2002 announcement.]

October 22, 2002 - First Phase of Public Comment has ended: The public comment period jointly sponsored by BPA and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) regarding potential changes to BPA's power supply role after 2006 ended on Friday, October 18th. We would like to sincerely thank all who took the time and energy to develop and present proposals and comments to BPA and the Council on these important regional energy issues.  BPA and the Council will now move forward on their separate paths. The Council expects to develop its recommendations for the region and BPA by early December. To facilitate the development of BPA's draft proposal during the next few months, BPA will continue the dialogue with customer groups, stakeholders, and other interested persons to share ideas and clarify comments and proposals through both formal and informal meetings and workshops. Should you wish to meet with BPA staff, please call Fred Rettenmund, Senior Account Executive, at 503-230-4693. Meeting announcements will be posted to this website. [Note: This announcement was revised on October 28, 2002.]

October 15, 2002 - Notes available from three more public meetings: Electronic versions of the notes from the following Regional Dialogue public meetings are now available:  Seattle on September 25 (PDF, 16 pages, 117 kb);  Boise on September 26 (PDF, 14 pages, 95 kb); and  Portland on September 30 (PDF, 22 pages, 154 kb).

October 9, 2002 - Updated Summary of Proposals Now Available: An updated "Summary of Proposals and Comments" (dated 10-9-2002) is now available. This version replaces the one posted on this web site on September 20th (dated 09-19-2002).   [Note: A link to the latest version of the Summary of Proposals is in the October 31, 2002 announcement.]

October 8, 2002 - Notes from Pasco and Missoula public meetings now available: The notes from the Regional Dialogue public meetings held in Pasco, WA on 9/16/02 (PDF, 14 pages, 44 kb, updated October 10, 2002) and in Missoula, MT on 9/19/02 (PDF, 16 pages, 51 kb, updated October 10, 2002) are now available on the NW Power Planning Council's web site. These notes are to provide a summary of the proposals, comments, and other remarks shared at these meetings. They are not a verbatim transcript of all remarks. Notes from the other meetings will be available soon.

September 23, 2002 - Location Change for Portland Public Meeting: The September 30th public meeting in Portland has been moved one block from BPA Headquarters to the Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center (1000 NE Multnomah, St. Helens and Mt. Hood Rooms). See the updated Notice of Public Meetings (PDF, 16 kb) for additional information.

September 20, 2002 - Summary of Proposals Now Available: To facilitate discussion at the public meetings BPA has briefly summarized each proposal submitted thus far. Copies of the Summary of Proposals will be available at the public meetings being held in the latter half of September (see August 22nd announcement below for places and dates).   [Note: A link to the latest version of the Summary of Proposals is in the October 31, 2002 announcement.]

August 26, 2002 - Summary of FY 2007-2011 Base Case: The description of the Base Case for BPA's Subscription contract obligations for FY 2007-2011 (PDF, 19 pages, 85 kb) is now available. This Base Case provides a brief overview of the policies and contracts that will be applicable for the FY2007-2011 rate period if no further substantive actions are taken. The Base Case is meant to assist interested parties in framing their comments and proposals for the upcoming public meetings (see August 22nd announcement) regarding BPA's Power Supply Role after 2006.

August 22, 2002 - Notice of Public Meetings: On June 19th BPA and the Northwest Power Planning Council announced the beginning of a public comment period regarding BPA's power supply role after 2006. Today, BPA and the Council issued a Notice of Public Meetings (PDF, 78 kb, updated September 23) announcing the dates and locations for six public meetings in Pasco, Missoula, Spokane, Seattle, Boise, and Portland during the last two weeks of September.  [Note: The Notice of Public Meetings was updated on 8/29/02 to show that the meeting in Pasco is at the same address but the hotel is now the WestCoast Pasco and again on 9/23/02 to show that the meeting in Portland will be held at the Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center instead of at BPA Headquarters.]   A postcard announcing the dates and places for these meetings has also been mailed to interested parties. BPA and the Council will be accepting comments and proposals for discussions at these meetings that address the issues outlined in the June 19th letter (PDF, 38 kb) until September 12, 2002. These public meetings will offer an opportunity for people to clarify and discuss these proposals and comments. The comment period will end October 18, 2002.

July 3, 2002 - Utility Customers Receive Written Response: On July 2, 2002, BPA's written response (PDF, 13 pages, 51 kb) to the Utility Customer Proposal regarding post-2006 products and services was mailed to Pat Reiten of Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative and Ron Johnson of Portland General Electric. Other individuals involved in the customer proposal discussions also received a copy of the letter. This response neither endorses nor rejects the customers proposal, but serves to provide feedback on areas that have appeal and those areas that cause concern. During the NWPPC/BPA joint public process now underway, the utility customers will have the opportunity to resubmit their proposal as part of that process.

June 25, 2002 - Regional Dialogue Begins with Joint Letter. On June 19th, in a joint letter to customers, constituents and interested parties (PDF, 3 pages, 38 kb), BPA and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) kicked off the Regional Dialogue process. This letter marks the beginning of a public process through which BPA and the Council will look for creative and sustainable proposals and ideas regarding how BPA should market the power from the Federal Columbia River Power System after 2006. During the first phase of this Regional Dialogue discussion, BPA and the Council will be accepting comments and proposals from all interested parties. Beginning September 12, 2002, BPA and the Council will hold a series of public meetings whereby proposers can ask clarifying questions of each other and submit new ideas. BPA and the Council will accept new or modified proposals until October 18, 2002. Once dates for these meetings have been set, the information will be sent to interested parties and posted on this website. BPA anticipates a more formal public process this winter to discuss its draft proposal.


Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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