Collaborative Governance

Committee on Collaborative Governance

The Committee on Collaborative Governance is concerned with collaborative techniques that agencies use to implement their programs. This area includes activities that build on the Conference’s extensive history of developing consensual processes such as negotiated rulemaking and alternative means of dispute resolution, as well as appropriate use of new communications media in federal programs.

Committee Contacts

Staff Counsel

Committee Research Projects

Background Information: One of the Conference’s most important prior achievements was its role in encouraging federal agencies to make use of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR...

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The Federal Advisory Committee Act ("FACA"), 5 U.S.C. App. 2, §§ 1-16, restricts the creation and use of advisory committees by federal agencies. An advisory committee is any...

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The recent joint rulemaking between EPA and NHTSA on greenhouse gas emissions/auto fuel economy has shown the potential for joint rulemaking among agencies with overlapping regulatory...

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Agencies in diverse areas of regulation are using or contemplating the use of private third parties to carry out inspections and verify that regulated entities are in conformity with standards and...

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Committee Members

Name Role Organization
Miriam M. Nisbet Committee Chair, Government Member Office of Government Information Services
Allison Beck Liaison Representative Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Daniel Cohen Government Member Department of Energy
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar Council Stanford Law School
Daniel R. Elliott Government Member Surface Transportation Board
Jody Freeman Public Member Harvard Law School
Remington A. Gregg Government Member Office of Science and Technology Policy
Brian C. Griffin Senior Fellow Clean Energy Systems, Inc.
Will A. Gunn Government Member Department of Veterans Affairs
Philip J. Harter Public Member Vermont Law School
Michael E. Herz Public Member Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
John M. Kamensky Public Member IBM Center for the Business of Government
Simon Lazarus Public Member Constitutional Accountability Center
Sean Lev Government Member Federal Communications Commission
Katie L. Nash Liaison Representative Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Beth Noveck Public Member New York Law School
Nina Olson Liaison Representative Internal Revenue Service
Suzanne Orenstein Liaison Representative Udall Foundation/ US Institute for Environmental Dispute Resolution
Patrick Patterson Government Member Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Sallyanne Payton Senior Fellow University of Michigan Law School
Alasdair S. Roberts Public Member Suffolk University Law School
Kenneth W. Starr Senior Fellow Baylor University
Edward L. Weidenfeld Senior Fellow The Weidenfeld Law Firm, P.C