Administration and Management

Committee on Administration & Management

The Committee on Administration and Management considers issues that affect the efficiency and fairness of agencies’ operations, including their structure, accountability, and management of personnel, records, and other resources.

Committee Contacts

Committee Chair
Venable LLP
Staff Counsel

Committee Research Projects

No Results.

Federal employees and contractor employees are subject to widely disparate ethics regimes. Whereas government employees must comply with extensive rules covering things like personal conflicts of...

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Incorporation by reference allows agencies to fulfill their legal obligation to publish rules in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) by referring to standards or other materials that have been...

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Recommendation 2012-8, “Inflation Adjustment Act,” addresses agency adjustments to civil monetary penalties under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act, codified as amended at...

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Committee Members

Name Role Organization
John F. Cooney Committee Chair, Public Member Venable LLP
Scott G. Alvarez Government Member Federal Reserve Board
Paul Bardos Government Member International Trade Commission
Warren Belmar Senior Fellow Capitol Counsel Group LLC
Jodie Bernstein Senior Fellow Kelley Drye & Warren
Amy P. Bunk Liaison Representative Office of the Federal Register
Bridget C. E. Dooling Government Member Office of Management and Budget
Kris E. Durmer Government Member General Services Administration
Fred F. Fielding Senior Fellow Morgan Lewis & Bockius
Don Fox Government Member Office of Government Ethics
David C. Frederick Public Member Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel, P.L.L.C.
Edward Keable Government Member Department of the Interior
Dan Levinson Liaison Representative Department of Health and Human Services
Nina Olson Liaison Representative Internal Revenue Service
Michael J. Ravnitzky Government Member Postal Regulatory Commission
Timothy Reif Liaison Representative Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Kevin M. Simpson Government Member Department of Housing and Urban Development
Max Stier Public Member Partnership for Public Service
Robert S. Taylor Government Member Department of Defense
James J. Tozzi Public Member Center for Regulatory Effectiveness