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Schematic lay-out of the required facility modifications to realize the 12 GeV Upgrade.

12 GeV: Program Advisory Committee (PAC)

PAC 34:

The Jefferson Lab Program Advisory Committee held its 34th meeting Jan. 26 -30, 2009. The Committee reviewed and made recommendations for the 19 proposals and 6 Letters of Intent for experiments with the 12 GeV Upgrade. Of the proposals, nine were approved, five conditionally approved and five deferred or rejected for various reasons. Five of the letters of intent were deemed sufficiently attractive for the team to be encouraged to proceed to develop a proposal.

PAC 34 was the first 12 GeV PAC to consider new initiatives for the 12 GeV era that would go beyond the baseline equipment included explicitly as part of the 12 GeV Upgrade Project.

Among the proposals well received were one to measure the weak coupling of electrons using Møller Scattering and three that will use various configurations of apparatus that is collectively known as the SuperBigBite Spectrometer. Another proposed experiment with major apparatus would more broadly explore parity violation in deep inelastic collisions. The Møller Scattering experiment falls into one of the categories, fundamental symmetries, which was explicitly called out both by NSAC and by the DOE Science Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade as a strength of the 12 GeV project and its planned program.

All 19 experiments considered at this PAC are part of the central mission of JLab physics to illuminate the properties of nucleons and how these are reflected by the flavor, momentum and angular momentum carried by their constituent quarks and gluons.

The PAC grouped these proposals into 4 distinct programs for consideration:

The detailed proposals are available on the JLab website here.

PAC 33:

The meeting of PAC 33 was held Jan. 14 -18, 2008. The PAC reviewed 25 proposals and 1 Letter of Intent. The Committee completed a thorough assessment and ten proposals were approved, nine were conditionally approved, and seven proposals were deferred. PAC 33 represented the last 6 GeV PAC. The demand for beam time was strong, so it was disappointing to learn that the FY08 budget did not significantly increase funding for operations. Given the remarkable number of exceptional quality 6-GeV physics proposals, the lab and DOE/NP are encouraged to develop a plan that will allow as much as possible of the approved 6-GeV program to be completed before its termination for the Upgrade. The detailed proposals are available on the JLab website here.

PAC 32:

The second meeting of the Jefferson Lab PAC that formally considered proposed experiments for the Upgrade (PAC 32) took place from Aug. 6 - 8, 2007. A total of nine proposals and three letters of intent for experiments that will use the base equipment planned for the Upgrade were submitted by JLab users. The PAC recommended approval (or conditional approval) of eight of the proposals. The detailed proposals are available on the JLab website at With this review, the decision process necessary to finalize and prioritize the initial science program for the 12 GeV Upgrade is continuing.

PAC 30:

The first meeting of the Jefferson Lab PAC that formally considered proposed experiments for the Upgrade (PAC30) took place from Aug. 21 - 26 , 2006. A total of 22 proposals and eight letters of intent for experiments that will use the base equipment planned for the Upgrade were submitted by JLab users, and the PAC recommended approval (or conditional approval) of 17 of them. The detailed proposals are available on the JLab website at http://www.ilab.orq/exp_proq/proposals/06prop.html. With this review, the decision process necessary to finalize and prioritize the initial science program for the 12 GeV Upgrade got underway.

Pre-Conceptual Design Report

Hall Collaboration Information