Documents and Downloads page

The following software programs, presentations and documents are available to the public. Software programs will be available for download as they become available. Beta releases are posted for testing and comments. The documents and presentations describe test item characteristics, test plans or analysis of the data collected at the NAPTF.

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Software Programs
Airport pavement roughness measurement and analysis

Please refer to the FAA's web site policy  regarding liability of use.

Airport Pavements - Solution for Tomorrow's Aircraft (1993)

This booklet outlined the serious contemporary issues facing airport pavement design in 1993 and proposed a vastly strengthened Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Research and Development program for introducing modern design and evaluation procedures as well as related technologies of improved materials, maintenance, and management.

Research Directorate for Airport Technology, Airport Technology Branch
"Airport Pavements - Solutions for Tomorrow's Aircraft"
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
FAA Technical Center, New Jersey

Format: PDF
Size: 19MB



FAA PAVEAIR is a web-based airport pavement management system that provides users with historic and current information about airport pavement construction, maintenance and management. The program offers users a planning tool capable of modeling airport pavement surface degradation due to external effects such as traffic and the environment. The program can be used with other FAA pavement applications, such as BAKFAA and COMFAA, to give users input to determine repair scheduling and strategies. It has been developed for installation and use on a stand-alone personal computer, an intranet, and the internet. An implementation of the internet version of FAA PAVEAIR is hosted and supported on a server at the William J. Hughes Technical Center, near Atlantic City, N.J., and is accessible from the following FAA PAVEAIR website.

If you have comments or issues with this software program, please contact the FAA PAVEAIR team. Albert Larkin or Qingge Jia

FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0, released June 1, 2012, has the improvements summarized below. Please visit the FAA PAVEAIR homepage View Change Log for a complete list of improvements.

 The FAA will offer the second FAA PAVEAIR User’s Group meeting in conjunction with the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) annual conference to be held in Salt Lake City, UT on September 11 and 12, 2012. Please consult the FAA PAVEAIR and NASAO websites for dates, information, and registration. There is no cost to attend the FAA PAVEAIR User’s Group or workshop.

  • Redesigned M&R module.
  • Added a Life Cycle Cost Analysis module prepared by the Airfield Asphalt Pavement Technology Program for the FAA
  • MicroPaver e65 support.
  • ASTM distress Numbering..
  • Improved user interface.

A complete listing of changes are available in FAA PAVEAIR Change Log.

FAA PAVEAIR Setup and source code
Format: ISO
Size: 577 MB

newCOMFAA 3.0

COMFAA 3.0 accompanies the Advisory Circular AC 150/5335-5B, “Standardized Method of Reporting Airport Pavement Strength – PCN,” and the COMFAA3_Support8-26-11A.xls spreadsheet. The new program differs from COMFAA 2.0 in that external file manipulation is fully supported and the procedure for computing flexible and rigid pavement PCNs, as described in AC 150/5335-5B, is fully automated, requiring only that the aircraft mix, pavement strength, and pavement thickness be entered. See the advisory circular for more information on using COMFAA 3.0. A340-500/600 aircraft are not yet included in the internal aircraft library. They will be included when definitive belly gear load characteristics are provided to the FAA. In the mean time, please consult the Airbus airport planning manual to obtain ACN values or gear dimensions and loading. This posting was made on August 26, 2011.

COMFAA 3.0 Installation Files
Source Code
ATT02 P-32 COMFAA.doc
COMFAA - Airport Pavement Thickness and Strength Evaluation.doc
Report on New Alpha Factor Curves in COMFAA (November 16, 2007)

For further information, please contact Dr. David R Brill


newFAARFIELD 1.305 is the standard thickness design software accompanying AC 150/5320-6E Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation. FAARFIELD 1.305 replaces all previous versions of FAARFIELD. For a complete list of changes, see the Readme file.

ZIP format, 3.62 MB

Important Note: Minimum requirements to run FAARFIELD are Windows 2000, Service Pack 3, or higher (Windows XP recommended) and .Net framework installed in your system. You will need to install .Net Framework if the FAARFIELD installation fails with the message .Net is not installed. (You can also check for the folder "Windows folder\Microsoft.Net\Framework\" in Windows Explorer.)

  •  FAARFIELD stands for FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design. FAARFIELD 1.305 is a departure from previous thickness design software in that it incorporates full 3D finite element responses to aircraft loads (for new rigid pavements and rigid overlays). The 3D finite element models used for rigid pavement designs are computationally intensive and may result in long run times, depending on the computer characteristics. We would appreciate your comments concerning this program and your suggestions on how it could be improved. Please use this comment form to reply. For more information on the rigid pavement design model in FAARFIELD, please download Technical Report DOT/FAA/AR-09/57 Calibration of FAARFIELD Rigid Pavement Design Procedure.
  • Point of contact: For questions, comments or further information concerning this program, please contact Dr. David R. Brill, FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch, AJP-6312.

    Software Notes: FAARFIELD 1.305 makes use of the 3D finite element programs (NIKE3D and INGRID) originally developed by the U.S. Dept. of Energy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These programs have been modified by the FAA for pavement analysis and are distributed according to terms of a Software Agreement between the FAA and LLNL.

    Note: Minimum requirements for FAARFIELD are 256 MB of RAM. It is recommended that you have at least 512 MB of RAM for best performance. For Windows 2000 Professional, you may need to install Service Pack 3 before you setup FAARFIELD.
Note for users of 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7.0: Version 1.305 is compatible with Windows 7.0 and the 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Previous versions of FAARFIELD (up to 1.302) were not compatible with 64-bit operating systems. Users of these operating systems should uninstall previous versions of FAARFIELD and install version 1.305. Note: This will not affect existing FAARFIELD job files.

Note for users of Windows 7: In order to function properly, FAARFIELD requires that the user have permission to write and edit files in the FAARFIELD program folder, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\FAA\FAARFIELD. If you encounter an unexpected error when running rigid pavement designs in FAARFIELD, you may need to change the security settings. To do so, please exit FAARFIELD, then follow the following procedure:

1. Click on the User icon to open the Windows 7 Explorer
2. Under "Computer," navigate to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\FAA\FAARFIELD.
3. Right click on the FAARFIELD folder and click "Properties."
4. Select the "Security" tab.
5. Click "Edit" to change permissions. You will need to have administrator privileges on the computer to do this.
6. From the list select "Users" and check the box for "Allow Full Control."
7. Click"Apply" and "OK," then "OK" again.
8. Restart FAARFIELD.

Links to Previous Versions:
FAARFIELD 1.302 (March 11, 2009) Zip Format, 2.7 MB. Note: This version is not compatible with 64-bit operating systems.

new FEAFAA 2.0 - 3D Finite Element Analysis of Rigid Airport Pavements

FEAFAA (Finite Element Analysis - FAA) was developed by the FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch as a stand-alone tool for 3D finite element analysis of multiple-slab rigid airport pavements and overlays. It is useful for computing accurate responses (stresses, strains and deflections) of rigid pavement structures to individual aircraft landing gear loads. FEAFAA is not intended for use as an FAA design procedure. For performing pavement thickness designs in conformance with FAA standards, please download FAARFIELD 1.305. FEAFAA README

FEAFAA makes use of the 3D finite element programs (NIKE3D and INGRID) originally developed by the U.S. Dept. of Energy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These programs have been modified by the FAA for pavement analysis and are distributed according to terms of a Software Agreement between the FAA and LLNL. 

Note: Minimum requirements to run FEAFAA 2.0 are Windows XP or higher with 512MB of RAM. However, it is recommended that you have Windows 7 or higher with 4.0 GB of RAM for best performance. FEAFAA 2.0 is compiled to run on 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems.

For further information, please contact Dr. David R. Brill

ZIP format, 3.4 MB

LEDFAA 1.3 Computer Program for Airport Pavement Design (Readme).

Note: Advisory Circular AC 150/5320-6E Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation was issued September 30, 2009, and cancels AC 150/5320-6D. With this change, FAARFIELD is now the standard thickness design software for FAA designs. Although it is not the current design standard, the FAA continues to make LEDFAA 1.3 available for reference. For FAA standard thickness design, please download FAARFIELD 1.302.

Important Note
: LEDFAA 1.3 is a 32-bit version and requires Windows 95/98, NT, or later. If you are running Windows 2000, it is recommended that you have Service Pack 3 or higher installed prior to installing LEDFAA 1.3.

Changes from LEDFAA 1.2: Major changes include the addition of the Airbus A-380 aircraft and A340-500/600 aircraft, revision of the failure criteria for flexible pavements, and replacement of the layered elastic computational program JULEA with the program LEAF developed by the FAA. Results from version 1.3 should be similar, although not exactly so, to results obtained in version 1.2. A hard copy of the user's manual was included with cancelled AC 150/5320-16 as an appendix. This hard copy is no longer available. The help file included with LEDFAA 1.3 is an updated version of the user's manual and may be printed if a hard copy is desired.
COMFAA is a program for computing flexible and rigid Aircraft Classification Numbers (ACNs) and pavement thickness. The program runs under Windows 2000, XP, and higher. The program is used for pavement thickness design in the procedure required for PCN determination by the technical evaluation method, as described in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5335-5A "Standardized Method of Reporting Airport Pavement Strength - PCN." The program now has an option to select the new ICAO alpha factors for flexible pavements. A340-500/600 aircraft are not yet included in the internal aircraft library. They will be included when definitive belly gear load characteristics are provided to the FAA. In the mean time, please consult the Airbus airport planning manual to obtain ACN values or gear dimensions and loading. This posting was made on February 1, 2008. COMFAA README

For further information, please contact Dr. Brill

BAKFAA version 2.0, released May 2012, has the improvements summarized in the table below. This new version will be released as a beta version for twelve months. The FAA welcomes any comments, questions, or suggestions during this time. Please forward any queries to: BACKFAA has been upgraded from VB6 to VB.NET 2010 as a stand-alone PC application. Reporting of the results from the backcalculation and pavement response functions has been improved by modifying the user interface. The conversion of LEAF in BAKFAA to VB.NET has been made fully compatible with the implementation of LEAF in FAARFIELD.

Version 2.0 added the following features to BAKFAA: batch mode data processing capability for multiple drops at each location, the calculation of Impact Stiffness Modulus (ISM) as an output to Excel, the calculation of Load Transfer Efficiency (LTE) as an output to Excel, and an option for displaying metric units in the user interface and all output text.

Within twelve (12) months of release of version 2.0, the FAA will coordinate and host a BAKFAA User’s Group meeting at a location and time to be determined, pending interest form users.
BAKFAA Version 2.0 Improvements                                  ITEMS COMPLETED
Redesign as a .Net Application X
Capability to Process Files in Batch Mode X
Extended List of Supported File Formats X
AASHTO PDDX File Conversion Feature X
Calculation of Joint Transfer Efficiency X
Output Results to an Excel File X
Interface Toggle between English and Metric X
Provided Compatibility of LEAF with FAARFIELD TBD
Verification of all GUI Features  X (ongoing)
Incorporation of Optimization Constraints TBD

BAKFAA 2.0 download

BAKFAA 1.0 with LEAF, is a software program for backcalculation of FWD data and computation of airport pavement load responses by layered elastic analysis. After downloading and unzipping the files, the setup file should be run to install the program on your computer.  BAKFAA README

July, 2003: LEAF modified to correct a sign error in the implementation of the variable interface bonding. Two additional matrix equation solvers added to give accurate results over the full range of possible input structures and load conditions. The appropriate solvers are selected automatically during response calculation, but with an override function if the user wishes to select a particular solver.

April 16, 2004: BAKFAA modified to read AASHTO Pavement Deflection Data Exchange 1.0 (PDDX) files.

September 2, 2005: BAKFAA modified to read Dynatest files which have numbers in a row with no delimiting spaces between the numbers.

January 3, 2006: BAKFAA tab order modified for more convenient manual data entry. 

March 18, 2008: Modified the PDDX and R80 FWD file read subroutines.
Added capability to backcalculate modulus for a single sensor, as used on LWD devices.

May 10, 2012: Released BAKFAA version 2.0.

BAKFAA version 1.0 setup files and source code
: For Windows 2000 Professional, you may need to install Service Pack 4 before you setup backcalculation program.

This program is furnished by the Government and is accepted and used by the recipient with the express understanding that the United States Government makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability, or suitability of any particular purpose of the information or the data contained in this program or furnished in connection therewith, and the United States Government shall be under no liability whatsoever to any person by reason of any use thereof. This program belongs to the government. Therefore, the recipient further agrees not to assert any proprietary rights therein or to represent this program to anyone as other than a government program.

If you have comments or issues with this software program, please contact the NDT project lead.

The backcalculation software program is compressed in a Zip format. You can download a free evaluation copy of WinZip by clicking on the following image. 


For further information, please contact Albert Larkin



The following Power Point program reflects the status of the National Airport Pavement Test Facility Construction Cycle 2.

Presentations and documents for the FAARFIELD workshop held at the IQPC conference in Singapore, October 7, 2008.

PAVEAIR presentation from the IQPC conference in Singapore, October 8, 2008.

Alpha Factor Determination for 6-Wheel Gears

The following Power Point slides were presented at the FAA Airport Technology R&D Pavement Working Group Meeting at Atlantic City, NJ, February 2, 2005. Please note that minor corrections have been made to the traffic and structural information since the time of the presentation. Preparation of a formal report containing the revised information is in progress.

The presentation was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hayhoe.
The format is a Microsoft Power Point Show. Size 1.2 MB

Preliminary test plan and information for trafficking tests on asphalt overlays on deteriorated and rubblized rigid pavements.

Preliminary Test Plan

CC2 Pavement Condition Data

NAPTF Construction Status Update - Jan. 2004
The presentation was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hayhoe.
The format is a Microsoft Power Point Show. Size 5.6 MB

The following Power Point program was presented to:
Public Works Group Safety Council

NAPTF Update 2003
The presentation was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hayhoe.
The format is a Microsoft Power Point Show. Size 3.3 MB

The following Power Point program was presented to:
Transportation Research Board - 82nd Annual Meeting
Session 556 Sponsored by A2J03 - Committee on Mineral Aggregates
Session Moderator: Erol Tutumluer

"Permanent Deformation Behavior of Granular Layers Tested at National Airport Pavement Test Facility"
prepared by Navneet Garg, Galaxy Scientific Corporation, 1/14/2003.
The format is a Microsoft Power Point Show. Size 8.1 MB

Material Properties Database for the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Authors: Gordon F. Hayhoe,  Navneet Garg  

This document describes the material properties and  characteristics of the pavement test items at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility. The following compressed file (in .ZIP format) may also be downloaded to accompany the above document.

Material Properties Database spreadsheets

in ZIP format.


new.gif The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopted FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design
(FAARFIELD) as its standard thickness design procedure for airport pavements in September 2009. FAARFIELD incorporates
the effects of airplane wander through a computed pass-to-coverage (P/C) ratio. The P/C ratio is computed at the top of the
subgrade for flexible pavements and at the pavement surface for rigid pavements. This document describes the FAARFIELDimplemented
procedure that allows the computation of P/C ratio for arbitrary gear configurations. This procedure also allows the
calculation of pavement thicknesses for arbitrary, user-defined gear configurations. This feature was not available in previous
FAARFIELD versions.

Pass-to-Coverage Computation for Arbitrary Gear Configurations in the FAARFIELD Program

Author: Izydor Kawa
Format: Adobe Acrobat
File Size: 1.0 MB

Report DOT/FAA/AR-04/46, "Operational Life of Airport Pavements"

FAA Technical Papers Presented at the 2002 FAA Airport Technology Transfer Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey


Prestressed Concrete Pavements; Volume II: Design and Construction Procedures for Civil Airports

Report No. FAA-RD-74-34-II
Authors: Eugene C. Odom, Paul F. Carlton
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
Soils and Pavements Laboratory
November 1974

This report recommends practices and procedures for design and construction of prestressed concrete pavements for civil airports. It is referenced in AC 150/5320-6E.

Format: PDF
Size: 1.5 MB

Asphalt Concrete Strain Responses at High Loads and Low Speeds At the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF)

Authors: Navneet Garg and Gordon F. Hayhoe

Results are described from asphalt strain gage measurements made during pavement response tests on the flexible pavement test items at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). Tests were run at various speeds and loads with dual wheel configurations.

PDF format, size:189 K

Slow-Rolling Response Tests on the Test Pavements at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) 

Authors: Gordon F. Hayhoe, Robert Cornwell, Navneet Garg

Airport pavement thickness design procedures predict a significant amount of interaction between the loads from multiple-wheel and closely spaced multiple-truck landing gear configurations. 

PDF format, size: 428 K

Posttraffic Testing at the National Airport Pavement Test Facility: Test Item MFC

August 2001

The conventional flexible pavement test item on medium-strength subgrade (MFC) exhibited ruts 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) deep with upheaval outside the traffic lane and asphalt surface (AC) cracking in the wander pattern. A trench was dug to conduct posttraffic investigation into the failure mechanism of the pavement structure.

PDF format, size: 7.9MB

Analysis of Nondestructive Test Data on Flexible Pavements Acquired at the National Pavement Test Facility

Authors: Roy D. McQueen, Wayne Marsey and Jose M. Arze
August 2001

This paper discusses the evaluation of the NDT and other test data with respect to:
1.) Description of the FAA's new backcalculation software, FAA Backcal.
2.) Linearity in pavement response and backcalculated subgrade modulus with applied HWD force.
3.) Comparison of the stiffness of conventional and stabilized base pavements on different subgrades.
4.) Relationship between in situ California Bearing Ratio and backcalculated subgrade modulus.
5.) The effect of stiffness of underlying layers on backcalculated subgrade modulus.

PDF format, size: 42 KB

Verification of Curling In PCC Slabs At FAA National Airport Pavement Test Facility

Authors: Edward H. Guo, Wayne Marsey
August 2001

During the testing period from the summer to winter of 1999, heavy weight deflectometer (HWD) tests were routinely conducted on the three Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) test items in the FAA's National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF). The analysis of the HWD data indicates ...

PDF format, size: 49.1 KB

Report of Strain Gage Verification Tests for the National Airport Pavement Test Facility

Submitted by Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc
5420 Old Orchard Road
Skokie, Ill. 60077
March 2002

PDF format, size: 268KB

Airport Pavement Roughness with Nighttime Construction

Authors: Gordon Hayhoe, Mingyao Dong, Roy D. McQueen
Published Proceeding of the Third ICPT Conference, Beijing, China, April 1998, Volume 2

Surface elevation profiles are measured before and after overlay operations on runways at two commercial airports in the USA.Each airport had only one runway. All overlaying was done at night, with the airports opened for normal operations during the day. The profiles were measured with an inertial profiler having software compensation for accelerometer errors. Pavement surface elevations measured with normal surveying rod and level equipment are compared with the profiler elevation measurements for one of the runways.

PDF format, size 152KB

Field Survey and Analysis of Aircraft Distribution on Airport Pavements

Prepared by Victor A. HoSang
for US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
Soils and Pavement Laboratory
Vicksburg, Miss. 39180
February 1975
PDF format, size: 14.3MB

Porous Portland Cement Concrete: the State of the Art

Author: Alfred Monahan
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
Structures Laboratory
Vicksburg, Miss. 39180
January, 1981
PDF format, size: 2MB

ATT04 Track P papers

ATT04 Track S papers

FAA presentations for the 9th Plenary Meeting of U.S.- Japan Science & Technology Experts Meeting

The size of some of the software programs requires the files to be compressed and are in *.zip format. You may download a free evaluation copy of WINZIP by following the link below.


Last Update: 02/11/13