Policy Memorandum #54

Employment of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) for Family Housing Complex

IMHM-ES                                                                                                 1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #54, Employment of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) for Family Housing Complex

1.  The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Emergency Services.

2.  This policy is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  Reference AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, dated 12 Feb 08.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to Security Division and Law Enforcement personnel in the performance of duty and provides our community with vital information aspects of the Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) installed within the Family Housing Complex.

5.  Purpose.  To notify residents of the CCTV monitoring within family housing and to enhance the safety and security of our residents and their guest within the Family Housing Complex through the use of CCTV systems installed at fixed sites while respecting the community’s right to privacy.

6.  Objectives:

     a.  Protect USAG Humphreys infrastructure and associated assets.

     b.  Increase personal safety and reduce the fear of crime in our community.

     c.  Protect public and private property.

     d.  Support the Law Enforcement community in deterring and detecting crime.

     e.  Obtain accurate real time information on incidents pertaining to force protection and crime prevention.

 f.  Assist in the identification, investigation, and potential prosecution of violators through the use of images captured on CCTV.  This includes using CCTV images as evidence in criminal and administrative proceedings.

 g.  Assist in a determination of financial liability for damage to government or private property.

7.  CCTV provides security division and law enforcement personnel real-time visual information. Cameras are used to monitor activity at Army Family Housing and other public areas in an effort to deter/detect criminal activity, to determine financial liability for damage, and to ensure the safety and security of our community.

8.  The Housing Complex CCTV system is a secured network comprised of Fixed and Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) cameras.  Cameras are mounted at various public locations within the Complex e.g. hallways, elevators, lobbies, and the underground parking area.  CCTV can in no way, peer into a private residence.

9.  CCTV is “right to privacy” sensitive.  Privacy protections include:

      a.  CCTV monitors public spaces where there is not an expectation of privacy.

      b.  The system primarily monitors wide, “over-watch” areas.

 c.  Arbitrarily or discriminately tracking an individual is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action towards those found in violation of this policy.

 d.  CCTV does not record audio.

 e.  Signs are posted at the entrance of Buildings 510, 511, & 512 notifying any guests or residents that upon entering the building they are being monitored by CCTV.

      f.  All DES employees who use, operate or have access to the CCTV cameras and its video footage in storage are required to read this policy and be trained in the legal authority or limitations on the use of the CCTV which includes:  the privacy implications that the CCTV camera may cause from impact on freedom of association and speech, to the right to privacy inside the residence, to safeguards for protecting the images from unauthorized disclosure, when internal sharing of the footage within the garrison is and is not authorized and the limited basis when release to a non-federal entity would be authorized.

10.  Data Storage.  CCTV images/recordings are kept for 30 days after which the data is over-written.  During the 30 days the images are stored on the system hard-drive which is only accessible to DES employees.  At a minimum, the DES can authorize the release of images/video recordings to any DOD entity based on an official need to know determination.  This includes but is not limited to Military Police, Criminal Investigations Division, and Housing as required to prevent, detect, or investigate crime, as needed for any other official investigation, or  for use in a determination of financial liability.  Images will not be provided to a non-federal entity without a legal review citing to the legal authority authorizing or directing the release.

11.  Residents are reminded that they are responsible for the behavior and conduct of their guests and that they may be held financially liable for any damage or destruction of government property in family housing caused by their guest.

12.  Point of Contact is the Security Division at 753-5924, Bldg #724, or the Director of Emergency Services at 753-3195.


                                                                    DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                    COL, SF

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