Policy Memorandum #24

United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum #24, Spill Contingency Planning

IMHM-PWE                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #24, Spill Contingency Planning

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References.

a. AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, 13 Dec 07, effective date 23 Dec 07.

b. USFK Regulation 200-1, United States Forces Korea Remediation Regulation, 2 Oct 07.

c. USFK Regulation 201-1, Environmental Governing Standards, 18 Jun 12.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to:

 a. All USAG-Humphreys’ Headquarters Directorates and Staff, all installation support activities, and tenant units organizations.

 b. All permanently or temporarily active duty military and reserve components at USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

5.  Purpose.  The purpose of this policy is to limit damage to property, wildlife, ecosystems, and human health caused by Army activities.  This policy establishes requirements and guidelines for the preparation of site-specific spill contingency plans.

6.  Scope.   All users of hazardous materials and generators of hazardous wastes must have site-specific spill contingency plans.  The plans will outline, in detail, response actions that must be taken to minimize hazards to human health and the environment from sudden and non-sudden releases, spills, fires, or explosions resulting from the handling, use, storage, accumulation, and transportation of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes.

 a. Hazardous Material.  Any material capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or environment if improperly handled, stored, issued, transported, labeled, or disposed because it displays a characteristics listed in Table 5-1, or the material is listed in Appendix B, Table B-3 of USFK Reg 201-1, Environmental Governing Standards (EGS).  Munitions are excluded.

 b. Hazardous Waste (HW).  A discarded solid, semi-solid, liquid, or contained gas exhibiting a characteristic of a HW defined in Appendix B, section B-1, or is listed as a HW in Tables B-1 through B-4 of USFK Reg 201-1, Environmental Governing Standards (EGS).  Excluded from this definition are domestic sewage sludge, household wastes and medical wastes (except listed chemotherapy drugs).

7.  Contents of Contingency Plans.  Unit/Activity Environmental Officers (EO) will develop site-specific spill contingency plans.  Each plan must contain the following information (see enclosure for template):

 a. Name of the unit or activity, facility location, and the type of facility covered by the plan.

 b. An overview statement describing the facility operations.

 c. A site plan that includes a North arrow and storm water flow directional arrows and all storm water drainage structures (inlets, ditches, catch basins, etc).

 d. A floor plan sketch of the facility identifying locations of where and how hazardous substances are stored or accumulated.

 e. An area evacuation plan.

 f. A continuously updated inventory of hazardous substances stored or accumulated at the facility.

 Note: Implement supply discipline to eliminate waste and abuse and the accumulation and storage of expired hazardous materials.

 g. A statement of when to implement the site-specific plan.

 h. Internal notification procedures that include names and 24 hour telephone numbers of persons to be notified in case of an emergency.

 i. Initial spill response procedures, responsibilities of personnel identified as initial responders, response equipment available and its location.

8.  Plan Review and Approval.  The unit/activity EO will submit each site-specific spill contingency plan to the unit/organization Commander or civilian supervisor and USAG-Humphreys DPW Environmental Division for review and approval.

9.  General Requirements.

 a. The site-specific spill contingency plans will be physically located at the hazardous material storage site and hazardous waste accumulation point to which they pertain.

 b. Ensure plans are accessible to all personnel.

 c. Train all unit or activity personnel on how to implement and understand all of the provisions of the plans.

 d. Test, through simulated drill, the provisions of the plans at least annually.  A simulated test is not required, if response to an actual incident caused activation of the plan. Document and maintain a record of all drills and spill contingency training.

 e. Spill contingency plans are working documents and must be continuously reviewed, updated, and revised.  Review the provisions of the plans after each incident to identify effective and ineffective response actions.  Complete appropriate revisions as needed.

10. Point of contact is the DPW Environmental Division Chief, 753-7964.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF


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