Policy Memorandum #26

Furnishings Management

IMHM-PWH                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum #26,
Furnishings Management

1. The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works (DPW), Family
Housing Division.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or

3. References.
a. AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08.
b. AR 614-30, Overseas Service, 11 Apr 07.

c. AR 614-200, Enlisted Assignment and Utilization Management, 27 Jun 07.

d. CTA 50-909, Field and Garrison Furnishing and Equipment, 1 Aug 93.

e. USFK Reg 614-1, Military Command Sponsorship Program, 12 Nov 93.

4. Applicability.  This policy applies to all Command Sponsored, Non-Command
Sponsored, Unaccompanied and Department of Defense (DoD) Civilians.

5. Purpose.  To prescribe procedures for management of furniture for Accompanied,
Unaccompanied and DoD Personnel and Family Housing, located at USAG Humphreys.

6. Policy.  AR 420-1, prescribes policies, procedures and instructions relating to the
furniture function.  It directs:

a. Centralized management of furniture under the Housing Manager.

b. Army Family Housing (AFH) furnishings are separate from Unaccompanied
Personnel Housing (UPH) furnishings; by statute AFH cannot be co-mingled with UPH
furnishings.  Only military personnel that have a Command Sponsored Position number
will be authorized to draw from the AFH inventory.  Soldiers will receive support in appliances and furnishings.  PCS travel orders will determine the furnishing support that will be provided. (See Appendix B.)

c. Personnel in the grade of Sergeant First Class (E7) and above are permitted to
reside off Post and receive BAH and OHA only if occupancy for their specific category exceeds 95%.This option may be denied only in the case of adverse effects on the training mission, military discipline, and military readiness.

d. UPH consists of barracks, Senior Enlisted Quarters and Bachelor Officer
Quarters.Soldiers are authorized furniture support in their rooms in accordance with CTA 50-909 and their pay grade at time of arrival.   Personnel may arrange for changes to their hand receipt by contacting the furnishings representative.

e. Unaccompanied personnel that reside off post are entitled to furnishings support 
when granted authorization to reside off post.  Furniture support is dependent upon basic allowances in accordance with their pay grade.  (See Appendix A for allowance and description).

f. Unaccompanied personnel who chose to bring their Family members to USAG
Humphreys (Non-command sponsored) will receive their basic UPH entitlement listed in Appendix A and may receive furniture for Family members, if excess furniture is available.  The Soldier must have permission to reside off post (HQ EANC-HG Form 1058-R).  The furniture will be for the duration of their tour.

g. Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees while traveling under full or
Elective Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) weight allowance will be provided appliance support for their entire tour.  They must also be provided temporary furniture support (90 day loaner sets) while their household goods are in shipment.  Types and amounts may be limited and may not consist of complete furniture sets as authorized by CTA 50-909.  Maximum time for use of loaner furnishings sets is 90 days inbound and 60 days for outbound.  Department of Defense (DOD) civilian employees must process their Lease through Housing Division Camp Humphreys to qualify for Furniture support.  If a home is purchased before or after than furniture must be turned in and no furniture and appliances will be authorized.

h. Local hire and Contract personnel are not authorized furnishings support.

i. All personnel that are issued furnishings must inform the furnishings
management office of any changes in status, i.e. PCS, ETS, or off post address changes.  Personnel must also clear their hand receipt prior to clearing post.

j. Soldiers and DoD civilians will be held accountable for the items they sign for on
a hand receipt.  Furnishings may NOT be swapped between hand receipt holders.

k. The movement of furnishings, at government expense, is limited to once in and
once in and once out.  Additional requirements during the tour will be at the expense of the Soldier and DoD civilians.

l. Soldiers and DoD civilians will be required items in clean and serviceable

m. Charges will be assessed for missing or damaged furnishings in accordance
with supply procedures and policies.

n. Exceptions to policies prescribed in this memorandum must be submitted
through the DPW to the Commander, USAG Humphreys, APO AP 96271-5228.

7. Supplements to this policy are not permitted without written approval of the
Commander, USAG Humphreys.

8. Point of contact is the DPW Housing Division Chief at 753-7356.


2 Encls                                                                   DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
1-Appendix A                                                        COL, SF
2-Appendix B                                                        Commanding


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