Technical Logistics College

Welcome to the Technical Logistics CollegeWarrant Officer Ranks

Our Mission

Enhance the readiness and sustainability of Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation Warrant Officers through progressive levels of training, critical thinking, and complex problem solving. Our program promotes a culture of lifelong learning and ensures graduates are the Army’s most technically and tactically proficient leaders.

Our Vision

Leverage the resource we have in our facilitators and peer learners to provide the Army a balanced mix of live, virtual, constructive, and gaming environments that provides students the experience of full spectrum challenges. Our training concepts rapidly produce current, relevant training; providing Warrant Officers superior sustainment capabilities to meet and exceed the needs of the Army.

TLC Dean

From the Dean:
Welcome to the Army Logistics University’s Technical Logistics College (TLC). We look forward to meeting you and hope that during your tenure as one of TLC’s students you will capitalize on the knowledge sharing opportunities not only offered in the TLC atmosphere but also in the Army Logistics University and the Sustainment Center of Excellence. Our hope is that you build relationships capable of sustaining life-long learning and knowledge sharing fundamental characteristics for successful military careers.



You will report to Room C305/6 (3rd floor, C wing), Building 12500, at 0530 hrs in your physical fitness uniform for weigh-in and briefings. The following documents are required for in-processing:

(1)  5 copies of orders.
(2)  2 copies of SGLI Form 8286 (Insurance Form).
(3)  2 copies of DD Form 93 (Records of Emergency Data).
(4)  Permanent profile forms (if applicable).

Right Arrow You must bring a signed copy of the Fort Lee Acceptable Use Policy (below).

Right Arrow It is recommended (but not required) that you bring a computer with you for this course.

Right Arrow The duty uniform for training is the Army Combat Uniform (ACU). The Army Service Uniform (ASU) is required for graduation and social events (female students are required to have both the skirt and slacks).

Right Arrow Students must be prepared for social events and bring “business casual attire” as described on the ALU web site in the Student Info, Attire page.

Contact us

Dean 804-765-4543
Quartermaster Course Director 804-765-0582
Ordnance Course Director 804-765-0808
Transportation Course Director 804-765-0585
WOSC/WOSSC Course Director 804-765-4112
OD WOAC Course Manager 804-765-9086
QM WOAC Course Manager 804-765-0587
TC WOAC Course Manager 804-765-1923
OD WOBC Course Manager 804-765-0986
QM WOBC Course Manager 804-765-7663
TC WOBC Course Manager 804-765-1938

Meals and Lodging

Technical Logistics College (TLC) Welcome Packet

ALU Fort Lee Map

ALU Campus Map

Fort Lee Acceptable Use Policy

Delta Company 71st Student Battalion provides command and control, administrative, operational, and logistical support to all students that are here to attend the Technical Logistics College (Warrant Officer, OD, QM, and TC courses). The link provided will direct you to Delta Company’s welcome letter/in-processing instructions.

Prerequisite Courses

  • Action Officers Course ST-7000/131-P00 ( WOAC, all Proponents). This course must be completed prior to arrival, and you must email a copy of your certificate to your SGL (no time limit on the completion date for past certificates).  To register, go to ATRRS Self Development/Distance Learning in the ATRRS Channels Directory, search and register for 131 P00 - Action Officers Development Course. After ATRRS notifies you that you are registered, login to the ALMS at, select Current Enrollments and complete your training.
  • Commanders Safety Course ( WOAC & WOBC, all Proponents). This course must be completed prior to arrival, and you must email a copy of your certificate to your SGL (no time limit on the completion date for past certificates).  To register, go to ATRRS Self Development/Distance Learning in the ATRRS Channels Directory, search and register for 2G-F94V3.1 - Commanders Safety Course. After ATRRS notifies you that you are registered, login to the ALMS at, select Current Enrollments and complete your training.    

  • Defense Hazardous Material Waste Handling Course ( WOAC & WOBC, all Courses excluding 920A). WOAC - This course must be completed prior to arrival; you are required to email a copy of your certificate to your SGL prior to graduation (no time limit on the completion date for past certificates).  WOBC - This course may be completed prior to arrival; you are required to provide a copy of your certificate to your SGL prior to graduation (no time limit on the completion date for past certificates).  To register, go to ATRRS Self Development/Distance Learning in the ATRRS Channels Directory, search and register for 907 D17 - Defense Hazardous Waste Material Handling Course. After ATRRS notifies you that you are registered, login to the ALMS at, select Current Enrollments and complete your training.  

  • Composite Risk Management Tactical Course (WOBC, all Proponents). May be completed prior to arrival.  If completed, you must bring a copy of your certificate with completion date not more than one year from your WOBC graduation date. To register, go to ATRRS Self Development/Distance Learning in the ATRRS Channels Directory, search and register for 2G-F97_DL - Composite Risk Management Basic. After ATRRS notifies you that you are registered, login to the ALMS at, select Current Enrollments and complete your training.

  • CLC 106 Contracting Officer’s Representative with a Mission Focus and CLC 222 Contracting Officers Representative Online Training (WOAC, all Proponents). These two courses must be completed prior to arrival, and you must email a copy of your certificates to your SGL (completion date must not be more than one year from your WOAC start date). To register, go to DAU, search and register for CLC 106 Contracting Officer's Representative with a Mission Focus and CLC 222 Contracting Officers Representative Online Training.
ATRRS provides Warrant Officer Basic and Advanced Course start dates with course prerequisites for all MOS's. Use school code 907C, select current FY and select appropriate course for your Military Occupational Specialty and class start date.   Blackboard contains lessons and course specific materials for all courses taught at TLC. You must sign into Blackboard (under the appropriate proponent) prior to your arrival at Fort Lee. By signing in you provide the Course Manager the ability to pre-register you for the course.

How to become a Warrant Officer

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