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1992-2000 DATA


Food and Beverages
ProcessedFood and Beverages SIC20
HighValue-Added Consumer Ready Foods Concordance Unavailable
LowValue-Added Processed Foods Concordance Unavailable
MeatProducts SIC201
RedMeat Products SIC2011, 2013
PoultryProducts SIC2015
DairyProducts SIC202
PreservedFruits and Vegetables SIC203
GrainMill Products SIC204
BakeryProducts SIC205
Sugarand Confectionery Products SIC206
Candy,Chewing Gum & Other Confections SIC2064 - 2067
Fatsand Oils SIC207
Beverages SIC208
MaltBeverages SIC2082
AlcoholicBeverages SIC2082, 2084, 2085
Beer Concordance Unavailable
Wine,Brandy and Brandy Spirits SIC2084
Wines:Table & Sparkling Concordance Unavailable
Distilledand Blended Spirits SIC2085
Misc.Food and Kindred Products SIC209
SnackFoods SnackFood Concordance

Footwear, Leather,Leather Products and Fur Apparel
Rubber Footwear     ($ Value)  (Quantity) SIC3021
Rubber Footwear - Protective   ($ Value)
SIC 3021 (PART)
Rubber Footwear - Canvas   ($ Value)
SIC 3021 (PART)
NonRubber Footwear   ($Value)   (Quantity) SIC314
LeatherWearing Apparel SIC2386
LeatherTanning SIC3111
LeatherGloves and Mittens SIC3151
Luggage SIC3161
Handbags SIC3171
PersonalLeather Goods SIC3172
Misc.Leather Products SIC3199
FurApparel SIC2371

Household and Office Furniture
TotalFurniture CompleteExport Concordance
TotalHousehold Furniture SIC2511, 2512, 2514, 2515, 8452.40, 2519
WoodHousehold Furniture SIC2511
UpholsteredHousehold Furniture SIC2512
MetalHousehold Furniture SIC2514
SofaBeds, Mattresses and Bedsprings SIC2515
SofaBeds Only HS  9401.40.0000
WoodTelevision and Radio Cabinets  HS 8452.40.0000
HouseholdFurniture NESOI  SIC2519
TotalOffice Furniture SIC252
WoodOffice Furniture SIC2521
OfficeFurniture, Except Wood SIC2522
Counters,Lockers, Racks, Display Cases etc. HS 9403.20.0020

Household Goods
Batteries,Primary SIC3692
Candles HS 3406.00.0000
Chinaware SIC3262
Cutlery SIC3421
Drapery,Blinds and Shades SIC2591
Earthenware SIC3263
Glassware SIC3229
HouseholdAppliances SIC363
Lamps SIC3641
LightingFixtures SIC3645
MusicalInstruments SIC3931
Pensand Pencils SIC3951 - 3952
Pottery SIC3269
StampedCookware SIC3469

PreciousMetal Jewelry  SIC3911
CostumeJewelry and Novelties SIC3961

Lawn and Garden
Lawnand Garden Equipment SIC3524
ElectricMowers HS 8433.11.0010
RidingMowers SelectHS Numbers from SIC 3524 
Snowblowers HS 8430.20.0030 and HS 8430.02.0060 

Printing and Publishing
Newspapers:Publishing, or Publishing and Printing SIC2711
Periodicals:Publishing, or Publishing and Printing SIC2721
Books:Publishing, or Publishing and Printing SIC2731
MiscellaneousPublishing SIC2741
CommercialPrinting, Lithographic SIC2752
ManifoldBusiness Forms SIC2761
GreetingCards SIC2771
Blankbooks,Looseleaf Binders and Devices SIC2782
Bookbindingand Related Work SIC2789
Typesetting SIC2791
Platemakingand Related Services SIC2796

Sporting Goods and Boats
Boat Building and Repairing  SIC3732 
Bicycles and Parts  SIC 37511
GolfEquipment SIC39492
Motorcyclesand Parts SIC37512
SmallArms and Ammunition SIC3482 - 3484
Sportingand Athletic Goods SIC3949
Marine Engines (non-diesel) HS 8407.29

Toys, Games and Dolls
AllToys, Games and Dolls SIC3942 - 3944 
Dollsand Stuffed Toys SIC3942
Toys,Games & Children's Vehicles SIC3944

*NESOI = not elsewhere classified

Last Updated on 3-9-10 by JF

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