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Book and Related Publishing Index Page


Book Export Tables  By HS Code
Dictionaries (Value)(Quantity) 4901.91.0020
Encyclopedias(Value)(Quantity) 4901.91.0040
Textbooks (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0010
Bibles etc. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0040
Technical, etc. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0050
Art & Pictorial (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0055
Hard Bound (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0070
Rack Size Paperbound (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0075
Printed Matter, <4 pg.(Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0091
Printed Matter, 5-48 pg. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0092
Printed Matter, >49 pg. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0093
Book Import Tables By HS Code
Dictionaries (Value)(Quantity) 4901.91.0020
Encyclopedias(Value)(Quantity) 4901.91.0040
Textbooks (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0010
Bibles etc. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0040
Technical etc. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0050
Art & Pictorial<$5 (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0060
Art & Pictorial>$5 (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0065
Hard Bound (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0070
Rack Size Paperbound (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0075
Printed Matter, <4 pg. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0091
Printed Matter, 5-48 pg. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0092
Printed Matter, >49 pg. (Value)(Quantity) 4901.99.0093
Industry News
Industry Outlook
Printing and Publishing
Access 94, 98, 99 & 2000 editions!
Census Bureau Reports 
Annual Survey of Manufacturers- data for 2009 and 2010
Annual Survey of Manufacturers- data available for 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2003
Service Annual Survey
2007 Economic Census Reports
Monthly Retail Sales
Tariff Rates
For U.S. Tariffs visit the HTS.  For international tariffs visit the TIC or call: 1-800-USA-TRADE.
NAICS Information
The NAICS is replacing the SIC system. Click to learn more.  Or View a conversion chart between the SIC and NAICS codes.

For more information, contact Jim Rice at (202) 482-1176 or Jim.Rice@trade.gov.

Last Updated on 1-23-12 by JF

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