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The Consumer Goods website is an information resource for consumer goods companiesl.  The following is an index of trade information available on the OCG website:

U.S. Domestic Export Tables   The consumer goods export tables detail U.S. domestic exports for the top 25 markets for each commodity.  The tables are updated on a quarterly basis.

U.S. Import for Consumption Tables   The consumer goods import tables detail U.S. imports for consumption for the top 25 countries for each commodity.  The tables are updated on a quarterly basis.

ARCHIVE Trade Tables   The archived tables detail imports and exports from 1992-2000.
U.S. Domestic Exports
Imports for Consumption

Trade Associations   A comprehensive list of the major consumer goods industry associations including links to many organizations' websites.  *If you are a member of a trade association and you would like to be listed on the OCG website please contact the webmaster.

Trade Publications  A list of the major publications for each industry sector including links to many organizations' websites.  *If you are a member of a trade association and you would like to be listed on the OCG website please contact the webmaster.

Last Updated by JF on 3-9-10

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