
The Department of Art Education and Art History at the College of Visual Arts and Design offers Graduate Academic Certificates in Art Museum Education and Arts Leadership. Certification in art museum education is designed to provide professional training for those who desire careers in areas of art museum education and expertise in the use of art museums as education resources for school educators. The involvement of students with the University of North Texas Art Gallery enhances the certification experience through opportunities for gallery talks, internships and employment opportunities.

For more information on the program:

Faculty Collaborations

Dafatir: Contemporary Iraqi Book Artdecorative image

Dafatir (an Arabic word that translates as “notebooks”) was organized by Dr. Nada Shabout, a native of Iraq and Assistant Professor of Art History at UNT, who is recognized as a leading world authority on contemporary Iraqi art. All works were drawn from the collection of artist Dia al-Azzawi, London, who has had the greatest impact on the development of book art in modern Iraq.

The exhibition catalog includes essays by Iraqi art scholars Dr. Shabout; Venetia Porter, Curator for the Islamic Collections in the Department of Asia at the British Museum; Hashim Al-Tawil, Professor and Chair of Art History, Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Michigan; Sinan Antoon, Assistant Professor of Arabic Culture and Literature at the Gallatin School of New York University; Hana’ Malallah, lecturer at the Baghdad Institute of Fine Arts.


decorative imageMaterial Evolution: Ugandan Bark Cloth

Community Building 2008-2009
Research 2009-2010
Exhibition March 1 - 26, 2011

Material Evolution was a three-phase interdisciplinary project presented by the University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design and organized by Lesli Robertson, CVAD Senior Lecturer in Fibers, involving community events, collaborative research, and an exhibition. The project focuses on Robertson's artistic and academic research since 2005, during which she has studied the cloth created from the bark of the mutuba tree by the Buganda people of Uganda, Africa.




Collections, Cultures and Collaborations Seriesdecorative image

Organized in 2007 by Dr. Jennifer Way, UNT Associate Professor in Art History, the Collections Series engages with students enrolled in CVAD’s graduate-level art history and art education courses. Students study artworks first-hand from private, public, or corporate collections and develop teaching tools and scholarly methods of examining the works throughout semester. Excerpts from student research are shared in a catalog, in extended exhibition label texts, and through web-based, Pachyderm modules.

January 22 - March 1, 2008
Collections, Cultures and Collaborations featured previously unstudied works from the CVAD Permanent Collection including works by Sherri Levine, Philip Pearlstein, Karl Appel and Chryssa. Dr. Steven Conn, historian and professor at the Ohio State University presented on the collection in context.

January 20 – February 21, 2009

On the Body: Selected Works from the Rachofsky Collection was curated by Thomas Feulmer, Director of Educational Programming at The Rachofsky House. This exhibition included works by Janine Antoni, Felix Gonzales-Torres, and Annette Lawrence, among others, from the Cindy and Howard Rachofsky Collection.

January 19 – February 13, 2010
Collections, Cultures and Collaborations with Flatbed Press featured collaborative prints from the Flatbed Press Collection in Austin, Texas, by six artists who live and work in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington. Exhibited alongside the prints were works from the artists’ ongoing studio practices, selected by participating graduate students, in an exploration of the relationship between artist and master printer. Participating artists were Billy Hassell, Celia Alvarez Muñoz, Laurence Scholder, James Sullivan, Linda Ridgway, and Joan Winter.

January 18 – February 12, 2011
Collections, Cultures and Collaborations: Insirations from the Neiman Marcus Collection
, curated by corporate art curator Julie Kronick, with generous support from Neiman Marcus, featured works in various media from the studios of eight artists who are represented in the Neiman Marcus Art Collection and have a studio practice or gallery representation in Dallas-Fort Worth, highlighting developments in the artists’ works since joining the Collection in the late 1990s and early 2000s.



The UNT Art Gallery documents its curatorial projects in online exhibition brochures, available through a link on individual exhibition pages (see "Past Exhibitions" or "Search"). In addition, the gallery publishes original catalogues and makes available catalouges produced by other organizations that have partnered with UNT. A list of printed publications, both recent and historical, provides titles and purchase prices. 

List of Printed Publications [PDF]