Flatbed Press, fine art print studio in Austin, Texas Flatbed Press, Austin, Texas

Collections, Cultures and Collaborations with Flatbed Press

Jan 19, 2010 - Feb 13, 2010

Organized by the UNT Art Gallery with Flatbed Press

Opening Reception
Tuesday 1/19, 4:30-6:00 PM

Graduate Lunch Lecture Series, Noon in the Gallery
Wesley D. Chin, Tues 1/26
Valorie Fair, Thurs 1/28
Lexie Ettinger, Tues 2/2
Casey Wilson, Tues 2/9
Joe Hartman, Thurs 2/11

  • Exhibition installation view
  • Exhibition installation view
  • Exhibition installation view
  • Exhibition installation view
  • Linda Ridgway, I Dwell, 2008-2009, Bronze, unique
  • Exhibition installation view


This exhibition features collaborative prints from the Flatbed Press Collection in Austin, Texas, by six artists who live and work in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington. Exhibited alongside these prints are works from the artists’ ongoing studio practices, selected by participating graduate students, in an exploration of the relationship between artist and master printer. Participating artists are Billy Hassell, Celia Alvarez Muñoz, Laurence Scholder, James Sullivan, Linda Ridgway, and Joan Winter.

The Collections Series engages with students enrolled in CVAD’s graduate-level course “Methodologies of Art History and Visual Culture” taught by Dr. Jennifer Way, associate professor in art history. Students studied the artworks first hand and developed teaching tools and scholarly methods of examining the works throughout the fall 2009 semester. Excerpts from their research are shared in extended label texts throughout the exhibition and reprinted in the exhibition brochure.

Exhibition Brochure [PDF] forthcoming