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COL Daria Wollschlaeger, Deputy Chair for the U.S. Naval War College's International Law Department, and MAJ Jeff Thurnher, faculty member in the Department, were among the team who developed the Department's recently launched Stockton e-Portal.  Stockton is intended as an easily accessible research tool for scholars and practitioners working on law of armed conflict issues. The e-portal compiles key LOAC documents, including treaties, frequently referenced case law, military manuals, ROE, other military operational documents, expert reports, investigation reports and IGO and NGO documents. It is already being accessed regularly by many researchers in the field, and Judge Advocates are encouraged to use it and to provide the Department with suggestions for how it might better serve your research needs.  The e-portal can be found at http://usnwc.libguides.com/LOAC-IHL.   Pictured from left to right: Professor Michael Schmitt, Department Chair; MAJ Jeff Thurnher; Ms. Sasha Radin, Chief e-Portal Developer; Professor Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Stockton Professor of Law; COL Daria Wollschlaeger, Deputy Department Chair.

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Over 100 soldiers and families participated in the 3rd LSO's Battleroad Memorial March on 13 Oct. Guest speakers included Congresswoman Nikki Tsongas, MG Rice, State Rep Kaufman, Secretary Coleman Nee,  and Wounded Warrior Kevin Lambert. Soldiers carried bricks of 138 Fallen Massachusetts Soldiers on the Battle Road from Lexington to Concord.

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SFC Raphael Johnson (2nd from Right), 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), is inducted into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club by Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III and CSM David Turnbull, U.S. Army Military District of Washington CSM at the National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC. The induction and membership into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club is a reward for NCOs whose leadership achievements and performance merit special recognition.

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CPT Paul Arentz, International Law Officer, 416th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne), walks off of Fort Benning's Fryar Drop Zone, after conducting a heritage parachute jump from a vintage C-47 aircraft with members of the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team on 12 October 2012.  The team, along with paratroopers from the 75th Ranger Regiment, jumped for veterans, family members, friends and supporters of the 317th Troop Carrier Group, “Jungle Skippers,” to celebrate the group's 70th anniversary.  The WWII Airborne Demonstration Team was formed to remember, honor and serve those who fought and died during WWII, and serves that purpose by conducting parachute jumps in the style of the WWII airborne soldier throughout the United States and in Europe.

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The Center Judge Advocate office at the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) Fort Bragg, North Carolina were recognized as the team of the month for the month of September. The team was recognized for its outstanding contribution and unwavering commitment to the WAMC's mission. FRONT Row L to R: Mr. David Chatham (CJA), CPT Julie Waters (Asst CJA), Ms. Gina Feist (Medical Claims Investigator), Mr. Perry Wadsworth (Deputy CJA), Mr. Carl Garner (Medical Affirmative Claims Paralegal), CSM Michael Brooks (WAMC CSM). BACK Row L to R: COL Steven Brewster (WAMC CDR), SSG(P) Dejan Pajic (CJA NCOIC), Mr. Keith DeBarge (Medical Affirmative Claims Paralegal)

-- Photo taken on 20120906 --


Quarterly WORLDWIDE OPLAW Secure Video Teleconference (SVTC)
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The Judge Advocate General's Corps' Pre-Deployment Training (JPT)
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Selection for Resident Attendance at Command and General Staff College
20121009 - On behalf of The Judge Advocate General, please join in congratulating the following officers selected for resident attendance at Command and General Staff College in Academic Year 2013. CHRISTOPHER J. O'BRIEN, COL, JAG, Chief, Personnel, Plans, and Training Office
2012 Holiday Deployment Deliveries Project
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PCLAIMS Announcement - Special Code for Typhoon Jelawat
20121001 - ATTENTION:  A special PCLAIMS code, “JEL”, has been established to identify and account for property damage resulting from Typhoon Jelawat.