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Procurement Policy & Regulations

DTAP Versions and Associated Acquisition Procedures Updates (APUs)


DTAP Version
Includes APU No.
Current DTAP​
DTAP was issued on 3/1/2012 and was modified by Acquisition Policy Updates (APUs) number
2011-11 through 2011-12​
2011-12 Department of the Treasury Procurement Support Services​
2011-11 Improving Acquisition Planning​
DTAP was issued on 8/1/2011 to incorporate formatting changes

DTAP 06-01-2011

DTAP was issued on 6/1/2011 and was modified by Acquisition Policy Updates (APUs) number
2011-8 through 2011-11​
2011-10 Meeting the Department's FY11 Socio-economic Goals​
2011-8,9​ Reserved​
DTAP 03-01-2011

DTAP was issued on 3/1/2011 and was modified by Acquisition Policy Updates (APUs) number
2011-4 through 2011-7

2011-7 Cancellation of AB 07-04 - Common Security Configurations​​
2011-6 Cancellation of AB 02-10 Implementation of Section 508 Rev. A
Cancellation of AB 10-09 - Identifying and Documenting Costs of  Government Contracts Related to the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill​
2011-4 Cancellation of AB 02-17 - "GSBCA Memorandum of Understanding"​
DTAP 12-01-2010 DTAP was issued on 12/1/2010 and was modified by Acquisition Policy Updates (APUs) number
2011-1 through 2011-3
2011-3 DTAP Part 1053 - Forms​​
2011-2 Approval of Sourcing Strategies​​​
2011-1 Cancellation of Acquisition Bulletins​
DTAP was issued on 10/1/2010 and was modified by Acquisition Policy Updates (APUs) number
2010-1 through 2010-6
Set Annual Due Date for BCA Reports
FAR Rule on Text Messaging While Driving
Simplified Acquisition Threshold Changes​
Acquisition Savings and Reduction in use of High Risk contracting Authorities for Fiscal year 2011 (Acquisition Improvement and Planning) ​
High Impact Acquisition (HIA) Reviews and File Documentation​
Department of the Treasury Acquisition Procedures​

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Last Updated: 3/9/2012 10:21 AM

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