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Saturday, September 15, 2012
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Articles 1-148

9/11/2012 Americans Mark September 11th Anniversary with Service
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced that hundreds of thousands of Americans are participating in service activities to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, paying tribute to and honoring the victims and heroes of that day.

9/5/2012 Americans to Mark September 11th Anniversary by Volunteering to Make a Difference in Their Communities
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today released an overview of how volunteers across the country will pay tribute to and honor the victims and heroes of September 11th.

8/16/2012 White House to Host AmeriCorps Alums Day
On Friday, August 17, the White House will welcome more than 175 AmeriCorps Alumni from 25 states and the District of Columbia for a day-long session celebrating national service as a pathway to opportunity and career advancement.

8/2/2012 Funding Available to Engage Older Americans in High-Impact Service
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) launched its 2013 RSVP grant competition today, encouraging nonprofits and public agencies across the country to learn how RSVP can help them increase their impact by engaging volunteers 55 years and older in service.

7/31/2012 Social Innovation Fund Awards Grants for Innovative Community Solutions
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today announced the results of its third Social Innovation Fund competition, selecting four experienced grantmakers with strong track records of success in expanding the impact of high-performing organizations in improving the lives of people in low-income communities.

6/29/2012 CNCS Launches Third Year of Let's Read. Let's Move.
Today, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) kicked off the third year of United We Serve: Let's Read. Let's Move., a summer service initiative designed to combat summer learning loss and childhood obesity through volunteer service. The program launched on serve.gov, the online home for Let's Read. Let's Move., with a video message from Wendy Spencer, CNCS CEO.

6/19/2012 CNCS Expands Support for Veterans and Military Families
The Corporation for National and Community Service announced that more than 1,000 new AmeriCorps members will deploy across the United States in 2012 to provide education, employment and other services to veterans and military families, the largest number in the agency's history.

5/11/2012 Corporation for National and Community Service Honored for Leadership in Disaster Assistance
Employees of Corporation for National and Community Service were recognized with two prestigious national awards this week for working with communities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters.

5/7/2012 Volunteers 55+ Are Meeting Critical Needs; Represent Powerful Resource for Communities
The Corporation for National and Community Service is joining with organizations across the country to honor the powerful impact of Senior Corps volunteers and encourage more Americans 55+ to serve their communities through the third annual Senior Corps Week, taking place May 7-11.

4/18/2012 Obama Administration Opens Together For Tomorrow School Improvement Challenge
Together for Tomorrow (TFT), the joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to spur community engagement in turning around our nation's lowest performing schools, today launched its School Improvement Challenge for the 2012-13 school year on http://tft.challenge.gov/.

4/17/2012 CADCA’S VetCorps Program Featured in Obama Administration's New Drug Control Strategy
Today, the Office of National Drug Control Strategy (ONDCP) released its 2012 National Drug Control Strategy, the Obama Administration's primary blueprint for drug policy in the United States. Featured prominently in the strategy is Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)'s VetCorps program, which is designed to help returning veterans and their families access the critical services and support they need to thrive in their communities – ranging from social, mental and physical health services to housing and employment assistance.

4/11/2012 National Service Agency Recognized at Joining Forces Anniversary for Commitment to Engaging and Serving Veterans
Today at the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden recognized the Corporation on National and Community Service (CNCS) and programs supported by the agency for improving the lives of veterans and military family members nationwide at the Joining Forces First Anniversary Celebration.

4/10/2012 Wendy Spencer Takes Helm as CEO of Corporation for National and Community Service
Setting a tone of confidence and excitement about the future of national service, Wendy Spencer began her tenure as CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service yesterday by outlining her goal of strengthening the impact of national service and volunteering in meeting critical community needs.

4/10/2012 Presidential Proclamation: National Volunteer Week, 2012
Our Nation has been profoundly shaped by ordinary Americans who have volunteered their time and energy to overcome extraordinary challenges. From the American Revolution and the Seneca Falls Convention to the everyday acts of compassion and purpose that move millions to make change in their communities, our Nation has always been at its best when individuals have come together to realize a common vision.

4/3/2012 Nominate National Service Superstars for 2012 Service Impact Awards
Today, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced that it is seeking nominations for the 2012 National Service Impact Awards to honor the best and brightest national service participants from around the country that are making an impact in their communities.

3/30/2012 Communities Commemorate Cesar Chavez through Service and Learning
Throughout the month of March, communities across the country have commemorated the life and legacy of civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez' work through education, celebration, and service projects.

3/23/2012 AmeriCorps Week Marked from Coast to Coast
Last week, thousands of Americans across the country participated in the sixth annual AmeriCorps Week, recognizing the quiet dedication of AmeriCorps members and alumni who are building stronger, safer, and healthier communities through service.

3/1/2012 AmeriCorps Responds to Midwest Tornadoes
AmeriCorps members from the AmeriCorps St. Louis Emergency Response Team have already been deployed to several sites in Missouri in response to the storms that tore through the Midwest yesterday, and more deployments expected in the coming days.

2/27/2012 A Billion + Change Mobilizes $1.6 Billion in Skills-Based Volunteer Services from the Private Sector
A Billion + Change, a national campaign to mobilize billions of dollars of pro bono and skills-based volunteer services, will announce today that 78 companies have pledged a total of $1.6 billion in skills-based volunteer service to nonprofit organizations across the nation.

2/24/2012 Obama Administration Announces Together for Tomorrow
The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, the U.S. Department of Education andthe Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced today Together for Tomorrow, a new initiative to spotlight existing and spur new community engagement in turning around persistently low-performing schools.

2/22/2012 Report on 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service
Dr. King believed that the work we undertake on behalf of others was the “new definition of greatness.” On January 16, 2012, hundreds of thousands of Americans of all ages and backgrounds demonstrated their greatness by joining in volunteer service projects across the country to honor Dr. King on the 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.

2/13/2012 President’s FY 2013 Budget Request for CNCS
Today President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2013 budget request to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.

2/10/2012 National Service Agency Requests Applications for Social Innovation Fund Competition
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) released a Notice of Federal Funding Availability (NOFA) today for the 2012 grant competition of the Social Innovation Fund. The deadline for applications will be 5:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. Successful applicants will receive grants of between $1 and $5 million per year for up to 5 years.

2/7/2012 National Service Agency Requests Applications for September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance Grants
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) released a Notice for Federal Funding Availability (NOFA) today for the 2012 grant competition for the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance grants. The deadline for applications will be 5:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of June, 2012.

1/31/2012 Missouri House Resolution No. 244
Whereas, AmeriCorps volunteers have been indispensable to the recovery efforts in Joplin and Duquesne, Missouri, following the tornado that killed 161 residents and destroyed over 7,000 homes, churches, schools and businesses; and

1/31/2012 Missouri House Honors AmeriCorps for “Indispensable” Role in Joplin Recovery
The Missouri House of Representatives today will pass a resolution honoring AmeriCorps members from across the country who have played an indispensable role in helping the city of Joplin recover from the devastating tornado that struck the city on May 22, 2011.

1/19/2012 AmeriCorps Alumni Sought for Prestigious Eli Segal Fellowship
The Corporation for National and Community Service is seeking applications from former AmeriCorps members who are interested in serving as the 2012-2013 Eli Segal Fellow, a year-long leadership opportunity to help advance national service policy, operations, and strategy at the Corporation for National and Community Service headquarters.

1/18/2012 Nation's Leaders Come Together to Promote Critical Investment in the Future at 2nd Annual National Mentoring Summit
National youth mentoring organizations, Administration officials, civic leaders, corporate executives and the country's foremost mentoring researchers will join together in Washington next week at the second annual National Mentoring Summit to promote a pathway for ensuring our nation's youth receive quality mentoring and guidance that will enable them to have a promising future.

1/17/2012 White House Council for Community Solutions Launches National Effort to Put Disconnected Youth on Pathways to Education and Work
In response to President Obama’s challenge to the nation to help every young adult find a pathway to long-term economic success, The White House Council for Community Solutions today announced it will join a diverse coalition of partners to launch a 100-day initiative to unite all citizens to go “All In” for youth.

1/16/2012 Companies Bolster MLK Day of Service Volunteer Efforts
For a growing number of U.S. companies, the MLK Day of Service is an opportunity to invest money, supplies, and employee time to make a difference in their communities and honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.

1/16/2012 President Obama, Cabinet Secretaries, and Senior Administration Officials Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service by Participating in Community Service Projects and Events Throughout the Country
To honor the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service and Dr. King's life and legacy, the President and Mrs. Obama, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden, Cabinet Secretaries, and other senior administration officials participated in community service projects and events throughout the country. Led by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the King Center, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is an opportunity for all Americans to come together to help meet the needs of their communities and make an ongoing commitment to service throughout the year.

1/16/2012 National Day of Service Honors the Life and Legacy of Dr. King
Today, in honor of the legacy and life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Americans across the country will unite in a national day of service, working together to address some of the nation's toughest problems.

1/13/2012 Presidential Proclamation: Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2012
On a hot summer day nearly half a century ago, an African American preacher with no official title or rank gave voice to our Nation's deepest aspirations, sharing his dream of an America that ensured the true equality of all our people. From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired a movement that would push our country toward a more perfect Union.

1/13/2012 MLK Volunteer Opportunities Across the Nation
On the MLK Day of Service and throughout the year, Americans are using the power of service to help families across the country. Led by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the organizations and volunteers it supports are helping families find permanent housing, providing financial education and job readiness supports, and mentoring students so they can succeed in school and life.

1/11/2012 White House Highlights Local Leaders As “Champions of Change” For Following in the Footsteps of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, January 12th, eight local leaders who are following in the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. will be honored at the White House as Champions of Change. These men and women, who include business and non-profit leaders and community volunteers, have each taken great strides to improve the lives of others through volunteerism and in providing economic opportunity to others in their community.

1/11/2012 MLK Day Will Be Marked as a National Day of Service
Momentum is building for the annual Martin Luther King Day of Service, as thousands of organizations across the country put the finishing touches on volunteer projects to bring Americans together to serve their neighbors and advance Dr. King’s dream of social justice and economic opportunity for all.

1/10/2012 Corporation for National and Community Service Committed to Recruiting Veterans
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced its participation in 100 Hiring Our Heroes job fairs over the next five years, part of the federal agency’s commitment to recruit more veterans and military families to lead national service initiatives that solve problems and strengthen our communities.

1/9/2012 Target Executive Laysha Ward Elected Board Chair of Corporation for National and Community Service
The board of directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) has elected Target executive and longtime service champion Laysha L. Ward to serve as chair.

1/5/2012 We Can't Wait: The White House Announces Federal and Private Sector Commitments to Provide Employment Opportunities for Nearly 180,000 Youth
Today, the White House announced Summer Jobs+, a new call to action for businesses, non-profits, and government to work together to provide pathways to employment for low-income and disconnected youth in the summer of 2012. The President proposed $1.5 billion for high-impact summer jobs and year-round employment for low-income youth ages 16-24 in the American Jobs Act as part of the Pathways Back to Work fund.

12/14/2011 White House Highlights “Champions of Change” Who Are Giving Back
Tomorrow, Thursday, December 15th, ten local leaders who are helping to give back to their community will be honored at the White House as Champions of Change. These men and women, who include non-profit leaders, community activists and mentors, have each taken great strides to improve the lives of others through charitable work, faith and advocacy.

12/8/2011 White House Calls on Communities and Organizations to Nominate Dedicated Volunteers
As the 26th anniversary of Martin Luther King Day approaches, the White House and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) are joining forces to recognize outstanding volunteers nationwide with the MLK Drum Majors for Service program.

12/8/2011 CNCS Convenes Leadership Gathering to Increase Disability Inclusion in National Service
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today kicked off a two-day conference bringing together more than 200 leaders in the disability and service communities to develop strategies to support the full inclusion of people with disabilities in national service.

11/10/2011 CADCA, National Guard and CNCS Announce Unique New Program to Help Returning Vets Access Key Services
Today, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), the National Guard Bureau and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced a unique new program called VetCorps to help returning veterans and their families access the critical services and support they need – ranging from social, mental and physical health services to housing and employment assistance.

11/3/2011 A Billion + Change Set To Mobilize Billions In Skills-Based Volunteer Services From Businesses
Today, nonprofit, corporate and government leaders will gather to mark a major milestone for A Billion + Change—a national campaign to mobilize billions of dollars in skills-based and pro bono volunteer services to help build the capacity of nonprofit organizations to effectively meet community needs.

10/21/2011 CNCS Joins HUD for Official Honor Roll Kick-Off
As part of the official kick-off for the 2012 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the Corporation for National and Community Service joined the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for discussion on the role that institutions of higher education play in stimulating local economies.

10/17/2011 President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Wendy Spencer as CNCS CEO
Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts.

10/13/2011 Application Process Now Open for 2012 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll
Entering its sixth year, the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll is now accepting applications for the 2012 season. The Honor Roll increases the public's awareness of the contributions that colleges and their students make to local communities and the nation as a whole.

10/12/2011 White House Council for Community Solutions Convenes to Address the Best Ways to Employ Our Nation’s Youth
The White House Council for Community Solutions will meet Friday to discuss the importance of cross-sector engagements as a means to advance communities in need, specifically looking at reconnecting youth to education and the workforce.

9/27/2011 National Service Agency Announces 2011 September 11th Challenge Grant Winners
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced $500,000 in grants to 14 organizations committed to the engagement of Americans in service during the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance 10th Anniversary Challenge.

9/27/2011 National Service Agency Awards Grants to Strengthen Nonprofit Capacity and Impact
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced Nonprofit Capacity Building Program grants totaling $998,000 to increase the capacity of nonprofits to improve lives in communities facing economic hardships.

9/19/2011 One in Four Older Americans Makes a Positive Impact in Local Communities Through Volunteering, Providing More Than $64 Billion in Annual Economic Benefit to the U.S.
New data released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service indicates that 18.7 million older adults – more than a quarter of those 55 and older – contributed on average more than 3 billion hours of service in their communities per year between 2008 and 2010. The yearly economic benefit of this service to the nation equals more than $64 billion.

9/15/2011 Report Shows Majority of Americans Civically Engaged in Their Communities
Between 2008 and 2010, a majority of Americans were civically active in a variety of ways, working with others to improve their communities, according to the 2011 Civic Life in America: Key Findings on the Civic Health of the Nation research released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC).

9/13/2011 National Service Agency Announces 2012 King Day of Service Grants
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) announced $700,000 in grants for six organizations to plan and carry out service projects to bring Americans together to meet community needs on the 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service.

9/9/2011 Americans Remember September 11th By Serving
On the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, hundreds of thousands of Americans will participate in service and remembrance activities to pay tribute to 9/11 victims and heroes and rekindle the spirit of unity and compassion that followed the attacks.

9/9/2011 AmeriCorps Stories: How 9/11 Changed My Life
In the aftermath of the tragedy that struck America a decade ago, hundreds of AmeriCorps members stepped forward to help, offering assistance to the injured, serving as family caseworkers, and helping those displaced from Ground Zero find housing and other services. For many, their service was a life-changing experience, inspiring them to pursue lives of public service.

8/27/2011 President Calls on Americans to Serve on September 11th
President Obama today urged Americans to come together in acts of service and remembrance to honor the victims and heroes of September 11th on the upcoming tenth anniversary of the terror attacks.

8/25/2011 National Service Agency Announces 2012 AmeriCorps Funding Opportunities
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today kicked off its 2012 AmeriCorps grant competition by releasing three funding notices for organizations interested in using national service as a solution to critical problems facing our communities and the nation.

8/4/2011 National Service Agency Announces Results of 2011 Social Innovation Fund Grant Competition
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced that five new intermediaries will be receiving grants from the Social Innovation Fund. Like the eleven organizations selected last year, these five outstanding organizations represent experienced grantmakers with strong track records of success who have proposed compelling, innovative programs to tackle some of our country's biggest challenges in our most needy areas.

7/14/2011 National Service Agency Announces Plans to Support 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance
Joining Congressional and nonprofit leaders at the U.S. Capitol today, Acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service Robert Velasco, II, announced the agency's plans to support a national effort to inspire millions of Americans to engage in service and remembrance activities on the upcoming 10th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks.

7/11/2011 National Service Agency Announces Funding to Help Nonprofits Strengthen Performance Management
The Corporation for National and Community Service has announced the availability of close to $1 million in funding to help build the capacity of small and midsize nonprofits to develop and implement performance management systems.

6/8/2011 AmeriCorps Grants Will Place 50,000 Members Across U.S. to Drive Impact on Critical Challenges
As thousands of service leaders and social entrepreneurs wrapped up the 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service here today, Corporation for National and Community Service Acting CEO Robert Velasco announced $216 million in AmeriCorps grants to strengthen the impact of more than 300 organizations across the country in tackling the most pressing challenges facing communities and the nation.

6/2/2011 AmeriCorps Hoopa TCCC on the Front Lines of Disaster Relief in Southeast Missouri
The AmeriCorps Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps (Hoopa TCCC) is currently hard at work in Southeast Missouri, helping residents recover and rebuild after devastating flooding in April.

6/1/2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service Showcases Innovative Solutions to Community Challenges
As communities across the country face challenges ranging from the dropout crisis to childhood hunger to natural disasters, and as Americans look for ways to give back, volunteer service has become an essential strategy for solving community challenges. Leaders from the service sector will come together to share solutions, best practices and lessons for achieving greater impact at the 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service (NCVS) in New Orleans, June 6-8.

5/27/2011 AmeriCorps Members Working Night and Day to Help Joplin Recover
In the wake of the nation's deadliest tornado in six decades, more than 80 AmeriCorps members are working night and day to assist first responders and victims in the recovery efforts in Joplin, Mo.

5/13/2011 AmeriCorps Week Spotlights AmeriCorps' Impact from Coast to Coast
Every day in communities across the nation, AmeriCorps members are improving schools, rebuilding after disasters, providing health services, preserving the environment, fighting poverty, and meeting other local needs. The fifth annual AmeriCorps Week, taking place May 14-21, honors these public servants, who work quietly and without fanfare across the U.S. to improve the lives of millions of our most vulnerable citizens.

5/6/2011 National Service Responding to Mississippi Tornadoes and Floods
With help already on the ground and more on the way, national service participants and volunteers have been working feverishly to help storm-ravaged towns in Mississippi rebuild and recover from the aftermath of last week's devastating tornadoes.

4/29/2011 AmeriCorps and Senior Corps Responding to Natural Disasters Across Southern and Midwestern U.S.
Washington, D.C. - AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers are helping communities respond in the wake of the devastating tornadoes and flooding across the Southern and Midwestern United States.

4/8/2011 National Spotlight Shines on Georgia Youth Making a Difference through Service-Learning
The power of Georgia's youth to transform lives and communities will be in the national spotlight as more than 2,000 service-learning leaders descend on Atlanta for the 22nd Annual National Service-Learning Conference (NSLC).

3/31/2011 Remarks by CNCS CEO Patrick A. Corvington at United Way National Education Town Hall
On March 31, 2011, Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Patrick A. Corvington discussed the critical role of national service in strengthening education at the United Way Education Town Hall at Trinity College in Washington D.C. At the event, the United Way Worldwide CEO Brian Gallagher announced a goal to recruit one million new tutors, mentors and readers.

3/17/2011 Veterans, Active Duty Military, and AmeriCorps Members Team Up to Build Habitat for Humanity Homes
Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake (HFHC) and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) are teaming up with more than 125 veterans, active duty military and AmeriCorps and Senior Corps members to help build and rehabilitate homes in Annapolis and Baltimore, March 17 - 18.

2/28/2011 National Service Agency Requests Applications for Social Innovation Fund Competition
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today released a Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2011 grant competition of the Social Innovation Fund. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, April 12, 2011.

2/14/2011 CEO Message to National Service Field on President's FY 2012 Budget Request for CNCS
Today President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2012 budget request to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs. You can read the complete budget request now on our budget page.

2/8/2011 National Service Agency Provides Funding Opportunity to Increase Academic Engagement Through Service-Learning
The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) today announced a funding opportunity to improve engagement and increase achievement in the nation’s most under-resourced school districts. The Learn and Serve America Youth Engagement Zones grants will fund schools and organizations to help students come to class eager to learn and graduate ready to succeed.

1/28/2011 National Service CEO Announces $1.7 Million in Social Innovation Funds to Greater Cincinnati Organizations
Patrick A. Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will announce more than $1 million in federal and private funds to Cincinnati organizations who implement innovative solutions to help local youth achieve academic and social success.

1/28/2011 Preliminary Report on 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service
Hundreds of thousands of Americans of all ages and backgrounds joined in volunteer service projects across the country on the 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama joined cabinet secretaries, governors, mayors, nonprofit and business leaders, students, families, and others in honoring Dr. King's legacy through service projects addressing a multitude of pressing social issues from poverty and illiteracy to hunger to homelessness.

1/25/2011 U.S. Corporations Join Administration to Curb School Dropouts and Juvenile Delinquency
At the first-ever National Mentoring Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama lauded the commitment of more than 17 U.S. corporations to expand or create mentoring programs that increase graduation rates among America's youth and position them for success.

11/15/2010 Annual Report Shows CNCS is Meeting Critical National Needs
Today, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) released its Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Financial Report (AFR), an overall assessment of the agency’s performance, including financial management and audit.

9/22/2010 National Service CEO Honored as Outstanding American by Choice
Patrick A. Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, was recognized as an “Outstanding American by Choice” by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) during a naturalization ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial today.

9/22/2010 National Service Agency Awards Grants to Increase Student Achievement in Underserved Communities
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced $5.4 million in new Youth Engagement Zone grants to improve academic and civic engagement for students in high poverty communities. In each zone, schools, community organizations, and community colleges will work together to engage youth in service-learning and to help set them on the pathway to college.

9/10/2010 Presidential Proclamation on Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Rembemberance, 2010
Nine years ago, the United States of America suffered an unprecedented national tragedy. On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 individuals from across our Nation and from more than 90 others, lost their lives in acts of terrorism aimed at the heart of our country. The Americans we lost came from every color, faith, and station. They were cherished family members, friends, and fellow citizens, and we will never forget them. Yet, against the horrific backdrop of these events, the American people revealed the innate resilience and compassion that marks our Nation. When the call came for volunteers to assist our heroic first responders, countless men and women answered with a massive rescue and recovery effort, offering hope and inspiration amidst tremendous heartbreak. Today we remember those we lost on that dark September day, and we honor the courage and selflessness of our first responders, service-members, and fellow citizens who served our Nation and its people in our hour of greatest need.

9/10/2010 Americans to Honor Sept. 11 with Acts of Service Across the Nation
This year's September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance will be marked by signature projects in six cities - New York City; Washington, DC; Boston; Arlington, VA; Los Angeles; and Philadelphia - and events taking place in all 50 states. Volunteers will participate in a range of service projects from emergency preparedness training and home repairs to neighborhood and school cleanups and assembling care packages for members of our armed forces. At least three communities will hold interfaith dialogues to help bridge the gaps of understanding.

8/31/2010 National Service Agency Announces 2011 AmeriCorps Funding Opportunities
The Corporation for National and Community Service today kicked off its 2011 AmeriCorps grant competition by releasing two funding notices for organizations interested in using national service as a solution to critical problems facing our communities and our nation.

8/26/2010 National Service Agency CEO Highlights Volunteer Contribution to Katrina Recovery on 5th Anniversary
Patrick A. Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will participate in a series of service projects, site visits, and commemorative events to highlight the critical role that national service has played in helping the Gulf Coast recover in the five years since Hurricane Katrina.

8/24/2010 National Service Agency Convenes Nonprofits and Government Agencies to Respond to Social Service Needs from BP Oil Spill
Today the Corporation for National and Community Service convened the largest strategy session to date to discuss a national service response to the mounting needs of Gulf residents affected by the Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill. As part of the Administration’s response to the oil spill, the Corporation mobilized federal, state and city officials, as well as social sector leaders to develop, coordinate, and execute strategies that leverage citizen service to address the devastating economic and health impacts inflicted by the spill.

8/24/2010 National Service Agency Announces Grants to Engage, Retain Volunteers to Tackle National Challenges
The Corporation for National and Community Service awarded its Volunteer Generation Fund grants totaling $4 million to 19 U.S. state service commissions to better recruit, manage, and retain volunteers to address pressing social challenges.

8/24/2010 9/11 Day of Service Organizers Launch Comprehensive Education Resource for Teachers, Families and Students Nationwide
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Leading 9/11 organizations and the national service community announced today that they have joined together for the first time to offer a comprehensive educational resource, introduced for this year's 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, to help America's children learn about what happened on 9/11 and why, and to inspire students to annually pay tribute through their own voluntary expressions of charitable service. Nearly 4,000 teachers have already signed up for these materials, with an estimated 10,000 expected to utilize them this year, according to the 9/11 nonprofit MyGoodDeed, which worked to bring these influential organizations together to support the education program.

7/22/2010 Inaugural Social Innovation Fund Grants Awarded to Experienced Innovators
In response to the increasing health needs, economic challenges and gaps in youth achievement facing low-income rural and urban communities, the Corporation for National and Community Service announced its inaugural Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grants today. The grants will target millions in public and private funds to grow effective solutions to persistent social challenges across more than 20 states.

6/30/2010 Gulf Coast’s New Orleans to Host World’s Largest Conference on Volunteering and Service in 2011
The world’s largest gathering of service and volunteer leaders will hold its 2011 conference in New Orleans, organizers announced today. With the Gulf Coast reeling from its second disaster-driven economic blow in five years, Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and Michelle Nunn, CEO of Points of Light Institute and Co-Founder of the HandsOn Network, declared that the region’s largest city was not just the natural choice to host the 2011 gathering—it was the only choice.

6/30/2010 Secretary Duncan to Deliver Keynote Speech on the Role of Service in Remaking American Education
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will deliver the keynote speech and participate in a panel discussion, “The Role of Service in Remaking American Education,” on Wednesday, June 30 in New York City.

6/29/2010 National Service Agency CEO Keynote at Conference Town Hall
Patrick A. Corvington, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service 2010 National Conference Town Hall Keynote, New York City, June 29, 2010.

6/29/2010 National Service Agency Announces BP Oil Spill Response Plan
Today the Corporation for National and Community Service announced its strategy to engage national service and voluntary assets in responding to the economic and environmental damage caused by the BP oil spill.

6/28/2010 National Conference Ignites Momentum for Service at Opening Session in New York City
MSNBC’s Morning Joe team Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski kicked off the “It’s Up to YOU” opening plenary session of the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service today at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, mobilizing a record attendance of more than 5,000 people at the world’s largest gathering of service and volunteer leaders.

6/28/2010 Corporate Pro-Bono Volunteering Campaign Tops $500 Million
As a national gathering of volunteer leaders got underway in New York City on June 28, 2010, Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Patrick Corvington announced more than $110 million in new corporate pro bono commitments to help nonprofits achieve greater scale, sustainability, and impact in meeting community needs.

6/28/2010 Outstanding Volunteers Honored at National Service Conference
The Corporation for National and Community Service will present three outstanding volunteers with the “Spirit of Service Award” at its National Conference on Volunteering and Service today. The awards are given annually to individuals representing each of the Corporation’s three national service programs – AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America – who have performed exemplary service in their communities.

6/15/2010 New Federal Report Shows Greatest Spike in Volunteers Since 2003
Despite difficult economic times, the number of Americans volunteering in their communities jumped by 1.6 million last year, the largest increase in six years, according to a report released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

6/8/2010 First Lady, Federal Agencies Launch Summer Initiative to Curb Childhood Obesity and Reading Loss
Washington, DC—First Lady Michelle Obama and four Cabinet Secretaries, joined Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service to launch United We Serve: Let’s Read. Let’s Move. today. The new initiative will get more Americans volunteering to combat childhood obesity and summer learning loss among youth.

6/7/2010 National Service Agency Announces 2010 AmeriCorps Grants
More than 325 organizations across the country will get a major boost in their efforts to address education, health, poverty, and other pressing social issues thanks to $234 million in federal AmeriCorps grants announced today by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

6/7/2010 First Lady, Federal Agencies to Announce Administration-wide Summer Initiative to Target Youth
U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan will join Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service to launch the United We Serve: Let’s Read. Let’s Move. summer initiative on a conference call on Tuesday, June 8 at 10 a.m..

5/27/2010 Social Innovation Fund Announcement: Remarks by Patrick Corvington
Good afternoon, and thank you all for coming. Thank you, Melody, for those kind words. Working with you, Melody, is a distinct pleasure and a real honor. Thank you for all the work you do to weave service more deeply into the fabric of our nation.

5/27/2010 First Lady Announces Foundation Commitments to Invest in Innovative Community Solutions
Today, First Lady Michelle Obama and Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Patrick Corvington announced the initial phase of philanthropic commitments totaling $50 million to match Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grants and to invest in other innovative community solutions. This also includes an independent consortium of more than 20 national and regional funders led by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) who have come together to create the “Scaling What Works” initiative, which will provide complementary funding for key initiatives to build the infrastructure needed for the long-term success of the SIF.

5/21/2010 AmeriCorps Week 2010 - We Got it Done!
The fourth annual AmeriCorps Week was a major success! Thanks to all the AmeriCorps members, alums, staff, partners, and friends who joined in us in shining the spotlight on the extraordinary service and accomplishments of AmeriCorps and in helping recruit more Americans into service.

5/20/2010 National Service Agency Awards $650,000 To Indian Tribes’ Service-Learning Programs
School-aged youth will be able to participate in service-learning projects offered by five Indian Tribes through grants awarded by Learn and Serve America, the Corporation for National and Community Service announced today. The five grants total $650,070.

5/13/2010 National Service Agency CEO: VISTAs Needed Now More Than Ever
More than 200 AmeriCorps VISTA members, alumni and supporters joined Congressional leaders and Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, at a Capitol Hill reception to laud VISTA's transformative impact on our nation's most vulnerable communities and those who serve.

5/12/2010 National Service Board Elects Bipartisan Leaders
Washington DC – The Board of Directors of the Corporation for National and Community Service has elected Mark Gearan to serve as Chair and Eric Tanenblatt to serve as Vice Chair, continuing a tradition of bipartisanship that has been a hallmark of the board since its creation.

5/11/2010 AmeriCorps on the Front Lines of Disaster Recovery
Nearly 150 AmeriCorps members are responding to natural disasters that have wreaked havoc in communities throughout the country – from the floods in Tennessee to the tornado in Mississippi and the oil spill in the Gulf Coast.

5/5/2010 AmeriCorps Week Shines Spotlight On Impact of AmeriCorps Service
Thousands of community volunteers will join AmeriCorps members and alumni to host more than 200 service projects, events, receptions, and presentations during the Fourth Annual AmeriCorps Week, May 8-15.

4/21/2010 Keynote Address by Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, on the One-Year Anniversary of the Signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Keynote address by Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, on the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act.

3/25/2010 National Service Agency Announces Funding to Expand, Retain Volunteers to Tackle National Problems
The Corporation for National and Community Service announced $4 million in funding to recruit, manage, and retain more volunteers to meet address pressing social challenges today. The Volunteer Generation Fund, a new program authorized under the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, is designed to expand opportunities for more Americans to serve while enhancing the capacity of nonprofits to have a sustained impact in local communities.

1/14/2010 Disaster in Haiti: How You Can Help
Message from Nicola Goren, Acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, on the disaster in Haiti and how Americans can help.

11/19/2009 National Service Agency Promotes Funding for Veterans Programs
On the heels of Veterans Day, the Corporation for National and Community Service hosted a conference call today to promote funding opportunities to support programs that leverage veterans’ skills and expertise to serve local communities through its Veterans Corps, a program authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. These funds are part of the $363 million requested in the President’s FY 2010 budget for the AmeriCorps program.

10/17/2009 Successful Kick-off of Learn & Serve Challenge Opens Year of Service for Schools & Communities
Nearly 80,000 students, parents and teachers from across 34 states participated in 178 events that marked the close of the week-long launch of the 3rd Annual Learn & Serve Challenge. The Challenge, led by the Corporation for National and Community Service and 100 national organizations, will continue through the remainder of the school year with the goal of engaging 1 million more students in service-learning.

10/16/2009 Remarks by the President at Points of Light 20th Anniversary
On October 16, 2009, the President spoke at the 20th Anniversary event for the Points of Light Institute in College Station, Texas.

10/16/2009 President Obama Joins President Bush in Call to Service
Calling service an integral part of how we meet the challenges of our time, President Barack Obama renewed his appeal for all Americans to make service a part of their daily lives in an address to 2,000 service leaders gathered at the Points of Light Institute’s (POL) “Presidential Forum on Service” at Texas A& M University here today.

10/5/2009 National Service Agency and Nonprofits Launch Challenge, Urge Student Service in Schools and Communities
The Corporation for National and Community Service and more than 100 national service-learning leaders, educators, and community advocates partnered today to kick off the 3rd Annual National Learn & Serve Challenge. The year-long Challenge will place students on the frontlines of efforts to employ innovative solutions to rebuilding and renewing their communities.

9/25/2009 National Service Agency Seeks Peer Reviewers
The Corporation for National and Community Service is seeking peer reviewers and facilitators to assist in the review of its competitive grant applications.

9/17/2009 Gobierno del Presidente Obama presenta Servir.gov para difundir su llamado al voluntariado.
Para informar a millones de hispanohablantes sobre el llamado a servir que hizo el Presidente Obama, su gobierno ha inaugurado hoy Servir.gov, una página web en español que facilita que los estadounidenses organicen voluntariados en sus comunidades.

9/17/2009 Obama Administration Launches Servir.gov Website to Broaden Call to Service
To carry President Obama’s call to service to millions of Spanish-speakers, the Obama Administration today launched Servir.gov, a Spanish-language website that makes it easy for Americans to find or organize volunteer projects in their communities.

9/11/2009 President Joins Volunteers Nationwide in Service to Remember 9/11
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama joined AmeriCorps members and volunteers in painting a Habitat for Humanity home in Washington DC this afternoon, joining Americans across the country who marked the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by participating in service and remembrance activities.

9/10/2009 Businesses Take Part in 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance
As the nation prepares to observe the first National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11, businesses large and small are planning volunteer events to help people in need in their communities.

9/10/2009 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance Projects Taking Place in All 50 States
The first officially-designated September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance will be marked by service projects in all 50 states, with tens of thousands of volunteers expected to turn out to paint and refurbish homes, run food drives, spruce up schools, reclaim neighborhoods, and support and honor veterans and first responders.

9/10/2009 MEDIA ADVISORY: Cabinet Secretaries to Participate in September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance
On September 11, more than a dozen Cabinet secretaries and senior administration officials will commemorate the heroism of those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, and remember their spirit of sacrifice by engaging in service and volunteerism as part of the first officially recognized September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.

9/10/2009 Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2009
On September 10, 2009, President Barack Obama proclaimed September 11, 2009 as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance.

9/9/2009 Penguins Take to the Ice for Service To Remember 9/11
Before the 2009 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins meet with President Obama at the White House on September 10, they will meet with another group, this one on the ice. Several members of the team will visit the Fort Dupont Ice Hockey Club, the oldest minority youth hockey program in the country, to offer a hockey clinic to the young players. The clinic is a central component of the National Hockey League’s partnership with United We Serve, the initiative established by President Obama to challenge all Americans to engage in sustained, meaningful community service.

9/8/2009 Americans to Remember 9/11 with Acts of Service
Americans across the country will honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy by serving their neighbors and communities as part of the first-ever federally recognized September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.

9/1/2009 United We Serve Marks Interfaith Service Week
President Obama’s United We Serve initiative has designated Aug. 31 through Sept. 6 Interfaith Service Week to honor the service efforts conducted through faith-based organizations working together across religious lines to strengthen our communities. Over the summer, interfaith volunteers have participated in more than 3,000 projects through the United We Serve effort, with numerous others scheduled this week.

8/29/2009 Volunteers Help Gulf Coast Build Stronger Future
On the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, there are strong signs of progress and renewal across the entire Gulf Coast, fueled in large part by an outpouring of volunteers and national service participants who’ve come from across the nation and globe to help the region rebuild stronger than before.

8/27/2009 Federal Employees Volunteer with New Orleans Organizations on Rebuilding Projects
Nearly 100 Obama Administration officials and federal employees are volunteering with New Orleans organizations over the next four days to mark the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The four-day effort was launched today in front of the Rebuilding Together New Orleans Community Center, one of several sites at which volunteers will be working. When it is completed, the center will house AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers serving New Orleans.

8/26/2009 Statement by Alan Solomont on the Passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Alan Solomont, Board Chair of the Corporation for National and Community Service, made the following statement on the passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy:

8/24/2009 American Legion Auxiliary Launches National Service Project Focused On Veterans And Service Members In Poverty
The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) launched today a national service project aimed at building volunteer capacity to alleviate poverty among veterans, military service members, and their families. The ALA announced the initiative, the American Legion Auxiliary Call to Service Corps VISTA Project, at its annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky, and as a component of the ALA’s observance of Safety and Security Week within President Obama’s United We Serve national service initiative.

8/24/2009 United We Serve Marks Safety and Security Week
This week President Obama's United We Serve initiative will spotlight the key role that volunteers play in supporting veterans and military families and in helping communities prepare for and recover from disasters as part of Safety and Security Week.

8/10/2009 United We Serve Announces Health Week
The United We Serve initiative is highlighting the efforts of Americans who volunteer to promote healthy living and expand access to health services across the nation during Health Week, August 10-16. In conjunction with National Community Health Center Week, United We Serve will focus special attention on grassroots health programs addressing community needs.

8/3/2009 United We Serve Highlights Energy and Environment Week
This week President Obama’s United We Serve initiative will spotlight the countless ways that volunteers promote energy efficiency, address climate change, and preserve our natural environment as part of Energy and Environment Week.

7/30/2009 Learn and Serve America Announces $20 Million in Service-Learning Grants
The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced 36 Learn and Serve America grants totaling nearly $20 million to engage students across the nation in service-learning projects that promote community service while enhancing students’ academic and civic skills.

7/30/2009 Recovery Act Brings 200 VISTAs to Fight Poverty in New York City
Help is on the way for more than 50 organizations fighting poverty in New York City, thanks to Recovery Act funding that is supporting nearly 200 AmeriCorps VISTA members who will engage New Yorkers in volunteer efforts to battle poverty in the nation’s most populous city.

7/29/2009 United We Serve Marks Education Week
United We Serve, President Obama’s call to service initiative, is marking July 27-August 2 as Education Week, highlighting the countless Americans who roll up their sleeves to read with a child, volunteer at a library, organize a book drive, and strengthen education and learning in other ways.

7/28/2009 Study Shows One-Third of America’s Volunteers Serve through Religious Organizations
Faith-based organizations have a profound impact on volunteering in the United States, according to a report released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

7/27/2009 In Tough Times, Volunteering In America Remains Strong
A new report released today by the Corporation for National and Community Service finds that even during a time of prolonged economic recession, volunteering has remained steady, fueled by a compassion boom led by young adults and a wave of do-it-yourself volunteers working with their neighbors to fix problems.

7/23/2009 NFL Players Association Joins President Obama in Call to Service
The NFL Players Association (NFLPA), which represents every NFL player, is teaming up with the Corporation for National and Community Service, to encourage Americans to answer the President and First Lady’s call to service and make a difference in their communities.

7/20/2009 United We Serve Kicks Off Community Renewal Week
Starting today and lasting through the rest of the summer, President Obama’s United We Serve initiative is kicking off a series of issue weeks that will shine the spotlight on Americans who are joining with their neighbors to tackle tough challenges through volunteer service.

7/14/2009 Major League Baseball Goes to Bat for United We Serve
Responding to President Obama’s call to service, Major League Baseball is making community service an overriding theme of the 80th All-Star Game and related events taking place in St. Louis this week.

6/25/2009 President Obama and the First Lady Pack 15,000 Backpacks for Children of Our Troops (Video)
President Obama speaks at Fort McNair, focusing on the importance of service to our communities and encouraged everyone to do their part this summer as part of United We Serve. The President and First Lady joined Congressional family members and five national nonprofit organizations to pack 15,000 backpacks full of books, healthy snacks, Frisbees and other items for the children of our servicemen and women.

6/25/2009 President, First Lady and Members of Congress Participate in Service Event for Military Children
On June 25th, 2009, President Obama and Mrs. Obama joined hundreds of Congressional family members and five national nonprofit organizations in a United We Serve event sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service. The project benefited the children of military families.

6/23/2009 The First Lady Kicks Off United We Serve
The First Lady marked the kick off of United We Serve on June 22nd, 2009, where she joined California’s First Lady Maria Shriver to build a playground at Bret Harte Elementary, a public school in San Francisco. The First Lady worked with KaBOOM!, an organization that aims to create safe and fun places for kids to play within walking distance of their homes. They have been building playgrounds in underserved communities for 14 years, relying on volunteers across the country.

6/23/2009 First Lady Michelle Obama Issues Call to Service to Nation’s Volunteer Leaders
Speaking to a record-breaking 5,000 attendees, First Lady Michelle Obama called on all Americans to participate in our nation’s renewal and recovery in a keynote address at the opening session of the National Conference on Volunteering and Service at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.

6/22/2009 First Lady Michelle Obama, Cabinet Members Kick Off United We Serve
First Lady Michelle Obama and Cabinet secretaries are fanning out across the country today to participate in community service projects as part of the launch of United We Serve, a national call to service by President Obama.

6/19/2009 First Lady Michelle Obama to Keynote National Conference on Volunteering and Service
Highlighting her commitment to community service, First Lady Michelle Obama will give the keynote address at the 2009 National Conference on Volunteering and Service in San Francisco next Monday, June 22.

6/17/2009 President Obama Calls on Americans to Serve
President Obama called on all Americans to help in our nation’s recovery by volunteering in their communities this summer in a video message released on June 17, 2009 by the White House and the Corporation for National and Community Service.

6/17/2009 President Obama Unveils ‘United We Serve,’ Calls on All Americans to Commit to Meaningful Volunteer Service in Their Daily Lives
On July 17. 2009, in a video message, President Obama unveiled United We Serve, an extended call to service challenging all Americans to help lay a new foundation for growth in this country by engaging in sustained, meaningful community service. The initiative will be led by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency dedicated to fostering service in communities across the country. Since his Inauguration, the President has called on all Americans to serve their communities and be a part of building a better future for our country.



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We’ve created a sample media advisory, press release, op-ed, letter to the editor, talking points, and a "Tips for Working with the Media" guide for organizations to highlight their participation in the United We Serve initiative.

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