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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CONTACT: Aoife McCarthy
Phone: 202-606-6944


Corporation for National and Community Service Committed to Recruiting Veterans


Agency Kicks Off Participation in 100 Hiring Our Heroes Career Fairs Over 5 Years

Washington, D.C. – The Corporation for National and Community Service today announced its participation in 100 Hiring Our Heroes job fairs over the next five years, part of the federal agency’s commitment to recruit more veterans and military families to lead national service initiatives that solve problems and strengthen our communities.

The first fair, focused on military and veteran spouses, will take place this Friday, January 13 in Washington D.C. Representatives of CNCS will host a booth and share information about opportunities to serve in AmeriCorps and other agency programs.

Service members and their families make tremendous sacrifices and learn invaluable skills while protecting and serving our nation. Yet many veterans face challenges in translating those skills into meaningful community engagement, and too often, our business leaders fail to make strong connections to one of America’s greatest assets. As America’s heroes return from war zones and transition back into civilian life, many are facing challenges finding work. Last month, Post 9-11 era veterans had an unemployment rate of 13.1 percent, and military spouse unemployment has been double that rate last year.

“Supporting and engaging veterans and military families is one of our top strategic priorities,” said Robert Velasco II, acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. “Through their service, veterans have gained extraordinary skills and leadership abilities that are needed to tackle problems on the homefront. We are pleased to support these career fairs and look forward to sharing our message that AmeriCorps is recruiting our nation’s heroes to continue their service here at home.”

CNCS is not only committed to support veterans and their families, but to engage and learn from them for the betterment all Americans through their active participation and leadership in innovative initiatives, grants, and volunteer programs that span the nation.

“In addition to the well-documented benefits of service to the community itself, connecting veterans to national and volunteer service opportunities can help them successfully transition back to civilian life,” said Koby J. Langley, Senior Advisor to the CEO for Wounded Warrior, Veterans and Military Family Initiatives and a veteran of Iraq and Kosovo. “Volunteering in national service areas like disaster response, national conservation, and improved access to healthcare for veterans can provide motivation, direction, and purpose. Our service to nation can continue, and with AmeriCorps, it will.”

All of the partners in this unique career fair are committed to making this forum and hiring fair a win-win for employers and veteran and military spouse job seekers. In addition to highlighting potential employers, the fair will also feature free makeovers, resume and interview coaching prior to the hiring fair, and national employers with open positions and interview space on-site.

CNCS is partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NBC4, NBC News, Joining Forces, Capital One, Events DC, the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, HandsOn Greater DC Cares, Operation Homefront, and Fashion Delivers. It will be held January 13 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. More information and registration details can be accessed at The last day to register as an attendee is Tuesday, January 10.


The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. CNCS engages more than five million Americans in meeting pressing community needs through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and other programs, and leads President Obama's United We Serve initiative. For more information, visit

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