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Saturday, September 15, 2012
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Spread the Word

We'd love for you to highlight your participation in the United We Serve initiative by sharing with your friends and peers how you made an impact. Here are just a few of the ways you can get involved online and spread the word about United We Serve:

  1. SHARE your stories of service - we want to hear how you or your organization is making a difference in your community.  Visit Serve.gov/share to share your story. Don't forget to include links to photos and videos, as well!
  2. UPLOAD your volunteer opportunities to Serve.gov.
  3. FOLLOW the United We Serve team on Twitter and Facebook.
  4. EMBED our volunteer search widget on your website or blog by clicking the "Get Widget" link below.

Link to Us

Use these web banners and buttons to link to us on your website and highlight Serve.gov. You may copy the image or the HTML code directly below the image to place a banner on your web site.

United We Serve - Serve.gov

United We Serve - Serve.gov


September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance


United We Serve - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance

United We Serve - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance

United We Serve - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance

United We Serve - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance

Additional size: 728x90 pixels


Veterans and Military Families


United We Serve - Veterans and Military Families

United We Serve - Veterans and Military Families

United We Serve - Veterans and Military Families



The Serve.gov logo and United We Serve logo are the property of the Corporation for National and Community Service, an agency of the federal government.  They may be used only in accordance with authorization provided by the Corporation.

Appropriate Use of the Serve.gov and United We Serve Logos

The Serve.gov logo and United We Serve logo may be used on informational materials describing Corporation and other Corporation-supported programs and in connection with volunteer and other community service programs.

The Serve.gov logo and United We Serve logo may not be used in the following ways:

  • Attempting to influence legislation;
  • Organizing or engaging in protest, petitions, boycotts or strikes;
  • Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing;
  • Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements;
  • Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office;
  • Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation or elected officials;
  • Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, engaging in religious proselytization; or
  • Supporting for-profit, commercial activities.

Available Formats

Each logo is available in six different file formats - GIF, JPG, EPS, Photoshop PSD, and TIF. The EPS, and high resolution (300 dots per inch) JPEG and TIFF files are for printed materials, and the GIF file is for web use and should be 72 DPI.

Download Web (GIF) version (200 x 56 pixels - 5 KB)

Download JPG version (600 x 169 pixels - 88 KB)
Download PNG version (600 x 169 pixels - 22 KB)
Download EPS version (scalable vector - 775 KB)
Download PSD version (600 x 169 pixels - 149 KB)
Download TIFF version (600 x 169 pixels - 408 KB)

Download Web (GIF) version (200 x 56 pixels - 6 KB)
Download JPG version (600 x 169 pixels - 87 KB)
Download PNG version (600 x 169 pixels - 43 KB)
Download EPS version (scalable vector - 3.4 MB)

Download PSD version (600 x 169 pixels - 266 KB)
Download TIFF version (600 x 169 pixels - 479 KB)

Serve.gov - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance Download Web (GIF) version (200 x 51 pixels - 5 KB)

Download JPG version (600 x 154 pixels - 111 KB)
Download PNG version (600 x 154 pixels - 99 KB)
Download EPS version (scalable vector - 1.6 MB)
Download PSD version (600 x 154 pixels - 439 KB)
Download TIFF version (600 x 154 pixels - 532 KB)

Download Web (GIF) version (200 x 43 pixels - 7 KB)

Download JPG version (600 x 130 pixels - 63 KB)
Download PNG version (600 x 130 pixels - 60 KB)
Download PSD version (600 x 130 pixels - 205 KB)
Download TIFF version (600 x 130 pixels - 379 KB)

Download Web (GIF) version (200 x 49 pixels - 9 KB)

Download JPG version (610 x 150 pixels - 63 KB)
Download PNG version (transparent background)
(600 x 130 pixels - 60 KB)
Download PSD version (610 x 150 pixels - 205 KB)
Download TIFF version (610 x 150 pixels - 379 KB)



Register Your Project
Have a service opportunity of your own? Learn more about how you can invite others to join.

Not Finding the Help You Need?
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help get you the information you need.

Share Your Story
How is your volunteer project coming together? How was your service experience? Let us know. We want to hear from you.

Stay Connected
Stay In Touch

Follow us on the following social networks, to ensure that you are always up to date!


Tell us how we're doing: serviceinitiative@cns.gov

National Service websites:
Additional Opportunities
Additional opportunities to serve include:

Terms of Participation: Find a Volunteer Opportunity | Register a Project
Content Notice

Corporation for National and Community Service | Contact Us | Security and Privacy
Link to Us / Logos | Accessibility | FOIA | No Fear Act | Site Notices | Federal Register Notices | USA.gov
This is an official website of the U.S. Government | Last updated: Monday, May 24, 2010