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Friday, April 08, 2011

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


National Spotlight Shines on Georgia Youth Making a Difference through Service-Learning


New Usher PSA Highlights Power of Youth Service

Washington, DC— The power of Georgia's youth to transform lives and communities will be in the national spotlight as more than 2,000 service-learning leaders descend on Atlanta for the 22nd Annual National Service-Learning Conference (NSLC).

The conferences engages youth, educators, and nonprofit leaders who use service-learning to build academic skills and citizenship while addressing community needs. The conference is the largest gathering of youth and practitioners in the service-learning movement, drawing more than 2,200 participants annually.

“Service-learning is a proven teaching and learning method that strengthens academic learning and civic skills for millions of students across the country,” said Patrick A. Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. “Students benefit tremendously from hands-on learning that supports character-building, leadership, and academic success.”

A new national radio PSA by the founding chairman of Usher's New Look Foundation, Usher Raymond IV, will be unveiled at the conference plenary session on Friday, April 8. In the PSA, Usher calls on youth to stand up and get involved by serving their communities and be part of the solution. The PSAs are part of the “United We Serve” initiative, led by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which calls on everyday Americans to volunteer and make a difference in their communities.

“The solutions to the challenges that we face globally are in the minds of you – our youth,” said Usher. “This is about you. It's about your power. It's about creating change on your terms through the power of service.”

Usher's New Look Foundation, a Learn and Serve America grantee, was founded by Usher to mentor young people in four leadership pillars—talent, education, business & service—to ensure their success as worldwide leaders.

“Usher understands the power of youth to make a difference,” said Corvington. “We are thrilled he is using his voice – and what a voice it is – to call on more Americans to serve.”

Corvington will deliver a plenary address at the conference on Friday, April 8. He will honor the educators and students in audience for making a difference through service-learning, recognize value and impact of service-learning, reinforce CNCS's commitment to service-learning as a solution to critical problems and a transforming experience for those who serve, and challenge the audience to bring service-learning to scale and bring it to schools and communities that need it most.

Corvington will also present the President's Volunteer Service Award to four Georgia individuals and organizations that have promoted and implemented service-learning programs in local schools.

Recipients include:

· Atlanta – Dr. Myra Tolbert: A champion of service-learning, who has been instrumental in the implementation of service learning programs in over 100 schools in the state of Georgia.

· Atlanta – Brandon Hamilton: A member of Usher's New Look Foundation, the honors students at Georgia State University successfully utilized a Powered By Service grant from New Look to start a fundraiser at his high school, which raised funds and support for three families affected by the disastrous floods of 2009 in Atlanta.

· Roswell – Crossroads Second Chance North Alternative School: Educators use service-learning as a way to focus the energy and attention of the youth towards positive outcomes. Overall the school logged 4,000 hours of service-learning during the first semester.

· Valdosta – Valdosta High School: Students, teachers, and community leaders have worked together to incorporated the service-learning program, “Operation Disaster Preparation”, which helps young people prepare their families, schools, and communities for emergencies and disasters, including health and safety concerns and acts of violence.

Valdosta High School and Crossroads Second Chance North Alternative School receive grant support from Learn and Service America, a CNCS program. Learn and Serve America provides grants to schools, colleges, and nonprofit groups to engage more than 7,300 Georgia students through community service linked to academic achievement and the development of civic skills.


About the Corporation for National and Community Service:

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that engages more than five million Americans in service through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs, and leads President Obama's national call to service initiative, United We Serve. For more information, visit

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