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Water: Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Fact Sheets and Other Publications

Fact sheets and other brief publications relate the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to various key topics. All documents are available below for free viewing and downloading in Portable Document File (PDF) format. Alternatively, printed copies are available as described in additional ordering information. For more information about PDF format, see EPA's "About Portable Document Files" web page.

Select a key topic below, or scroll to view the complete list of documents:

General CWSRF Information | Top of page

CWSRF Annual Reports - 2004 to 2009
SRF's UP - CWSRF Newsletter (Summer 2008) (PDF) (8 pp, 1746K)
Clean Water State Revolving Fund—General Information (PDF)
(2pp, 30K)
Financing America's Clean Water Since 1987: A Report of Progress and Innovation (PDF)
(20pp, 294K)
Report to Congress--Paying for Water: Managing Funding Programs to Achieve the Greatest Environmental Benefit (PDF)
(64pp, 563K)

Biosolids | Top of page

Funding Biosolid Projects Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (2pp, 19K) 

Contamination Cleanup and Remediation | Top of page

Using The CWSRF For Brownfields Remediation (PDF) (2pp, 1.2MB)
Brownfield Remediation through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF)
(6pp, 121K)
Funding Class V Injection Well Closures with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF)
(4pp, 226K)
Funding MTBE Prevention and Remediation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF)
(2pp, 36K)
Using The Clean Water State Revolving Fund For Watersheds Impaired By Mining (PDF)
(2pp, 21K)

Decentralized Systems (Septic Tanks) | Top of page

Funding Decentralized Wastewater Systems Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (6pp, 573K)

Drinking Water Protection | Top of page

Protecting Drinking Water with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (8pp, 197K)   

Nonpoint Source, Watershed Protection, and Estuary | Top of page

Funding Agricultural Best Management Practices with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (3pp, 99K) 
Funding Estuary Projects Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (4pp, 290K)
Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF)
(3pp, 39K)
Funding Shellfish Restoration and Remediation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF)
(3pp, 23K)  
Funding Wet Weather Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (4pp, 593K)   

Planning and Fund Management | Top of page

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Based Water Quality Standards and the CWSRF (PDF) (2pp, 22K)
Use of the CWSRF to Implement Security Measures at Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Works (PDF)
(4pp, 524K)
SRF Fund Management Handbook (PDF) (79pp, 751K)
State Match Options for the SRF Program (PDF) (21pp, 290K) 
Environmental Indicators for the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Program:
volume 1 (PDF) (41pp, 124K)
volume 2 (PDF) (118pp, 391K)    

Sustainability and Smart Growth | Top of page

Potential Roles for Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs in Smart Growth Initiatives (PDF) (15pp, 1.1MB)
Maryland Clean Water State Revolving Fund Sustainable Communities Pilot Project Report (PDF) (12pp, 228K)
Opportunities to Advance Sustainability in California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program (PDF) (43 pp, 764K)
Sustainability and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund: A Best Practices Guide (PDF)
(23 pp, 752K)

Water Conservation and Reuse | Top of page

Funding Water Conservation and Reuse with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (2pp, 41K)
Conservation Pricing of Water and Wastewater (PDF)
(26pp, 75K)  

Other Funding Resources | Top of page
Selected Financial Assistance Publications (PDF) (3pp, 89K)
Catalog of Publications for Financial Assistance (PDF)
(16pp, 45K)
Guidebook of Financial Tools | HTML
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) | HTML Exit EPA Disclaimer
Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection | HTML

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