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Politics vs. policy: Do the ends justify the means?

Mark Halperin: How Obama is repeating Bush's mistakes

Barack Obama's stumbles atop the governing high-wire create perhaps the greatest danger to his presidency

Jacob Weisberg: Get behind limited government
David Ignatius: Shift debate to right vs. wrong

Marc Ambinder: Boxed in on terrorism trials

The Obama Justice Department's National Security Division has already given up hope

Kristen Breitweiser: Doesn't Obama have any convictions?
Eva Rodriguez: Obama shouldn't give in
Andrew C. McCarthy: Good and bad of Lindsey Graham

Mark Steyn: It's about government, not health care

Governmentalizing health care makes limited government all but impossible

Christopher Buckley: We'll ask questions - and answer them

Health insurance is well and good, but driving the country into bankruptcy isn't going to help anyone in the long run. And why we'd be better off with Warren Buffett as president

Frank Rich: The up-or-down vote on a presidency
Ezra Klein: Reconciliation, filibusters and a broken Senate
Mark Penn: Why reconciliation on health care is different
Marc A. Thiessen: How Pelosi will game the Stupak 12
WSJ: Are some House Democrats bracing for a double cross?
NY Times: What if reform fails?
Saturday Night Live: Reform bill gets the treatment

AP Photo

Barack Obama and Joe Biden have to consider the administration's path on several weighty issues, like health care reform, the economy and a nation at war


What's hot in Texas and Dallas-Fort Worth
Tim Cowlishaw: Every day feels like judgment day

Which came first, political commentators falling in love with the cliches of sport or sports reporters who felt compelled to politicize the landscape of sports? Either way, it's bad for both

Scott Stroud: GOP primary signals changing of the guard

A key difference between Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison was that she bowed out by thanking the Republican royalty that endorsed her. And Perry may pay a price for the shift in November

Todd J. Gillman: What if Hutchison had piped up earlier?
Fred Barnes: How Rick Perry adds to GOP's 2012 prospects
Jonathan Gurwitz: Conservative Texans want more than photo-ops
Jan Barboe Russell: Perry vulnerable, but White has work to do
Ken Herman: The truth about early voting
Mike Hashimoto: A final word about the primary polls

DMN: Hill and company a sad and not-so-sorry bunch

After months of defiant bravado, defendants in the City Hall corruption scheme seemed sorry, not for their misdeeds or for violating the public trust. They were sorry they got caught

DMN: Feds' streetcar grant boosts north Oak Cliff hopes

There's plenty of reason to cheer the choice of Dallas - particularly north Oak Cliff - as a place to invest in a streetcar line

SA Express-News: Move cautiously on streetcar plan

Austin American-Statesman: Long past time for a woman

Certainly there is reason to celebrate the historic selection of Colleen McHugh as the first woman elected to chair the prestigious UT System Board of Regents. What took so long?

And the best of the rest of the world

Mort Zuckerman: Deal with debt for future generations

The only question is whether our political leadership will act decisively before forced by financial markets

Bruce Bartlett: How much does the national debt matter?
The Daily Beast: 25 boom states and 25 in the wilderness
Josh Barro: 'Innovation' isn't enough to fix entitlements
Jay Ambrose: The PAYGO fraud

Andrew Lee Butters: Now, the hard part begins in Iraq

When gridlock in Baghdad was at its worst, Iraq went up in flames. Now it remains to be seen if its leaders have learned

Peter Beinart: Obama's Iraq dilemma


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