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Adopt, don't buy, a kitten

5:00 PM Mon, Mar 08, 2010 |  
Letter to the Editor    E-mail  |  Suggest a blog topic

Re: "Want to improve our democracy? Three local writers offer their ideas -- Forget your political troubles and just buy a kitten, says Edward Baca," Saturday Viewpoints.

When people are thinking about making a kitty part of their families, please consider adopting a shelter cat rather than buying one from a breeder. There are none more deserving of love and care than those who have been abandoned.

April Silber, McKinney


April Silber, I've adopted all of my cats except 2 from shelters, best cats I ever had. Not pure breds but, they aren't sissy cats, feed them anything, don't get sick, very low maintenance, smart and they keep the bug, mice and snake population in check.

I need to set the record straight here. Mr. Baca went out of his way to avoid the word "buy" in his column, and then we used the word in the headline. We should have said "get" if adopt wouldn't fit. Mr. Baca does not in any way support "buying" kittens instead of "adopting" them.

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