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This blog was the first in the nation created by an editorial board to give readers a behind-the-scenes view of the discussion that goes into crafting the newspaper’s daily editorials. It includes updates on the work of the editorial staff and debates on general news issues.

We welcome and read all letters from readers. Letters are selected for publication based on their clarity and brevity. They also are chosen to represent a diverse set of views on as many issues as possible.

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Three Cheers! Have something positive to say?

5:45 PM Mon, Mar 08, 2010 |  
Michael Landauer/Editor    Bio |  E-mail  |  Suggest a blog topic

We and our readers treasure the letters that remind us that there are things about life in North Texas worth savoring. You know, the kind of letters that point to events and people who are making a positive change in the lives of others. The ones that trumpet simple acts that have profound meaning. That tell positive stories our readers haven't heard before.

That's why we publish Three Cheers, a collection of positive letters that offer more reason for hope than despair. This feature runs on Mondays and includes the three best examples of letters that inspire readers to think and act positively.

Consider this your invitation to share your own timely, positive letter. Send it to "Three Cheers" at letters@dallasnews.com. And maybe you'll see it spotlighted on Monday ...

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