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Agency Information
Agency Information Areas of General Interest Our Services to Librarians Our Services to Government Agencies Catalogs and Searches Our Publications Our News and Events TRAIL: Texas Record and Information Locator

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Contact Us
Includes descriptions of our programs and divisions complete with telephone and e-mail listings.

Visit Us
Maps, directions, addresses and parking information for each of our three locations.

Renovation Information
Check out the latest information on the renovations to the historic Lorenzo de Zavala building and how it may affect your visit.

Hours of Operation | Holiday Closings | Calendar of Events

What you'll find on this page:
Texas State Library and Archives Commission - General Information
Our Commission and Advisory Boards
Customer Services and Information
Budget Information
Strategic Plans
Biennial Reports

The Texas State Library and Archives -
General Information

Welcome from Our Director
Director and Librarian Peggy D. Rudd welcomes you; includes our vision, mission and philosophy.

Vision, Mission, Philosophy

Calendar of Events
Check upcoming meeting dates for our commission and advisory boards in addition to other agency happenings and holiday closings.

News Releases
Read all about of our latest events and happenings.

Employment Opportunities
Link to job opportunities in our agency and across the state.

Volunteer Opportunities
Learn how you can make a difference to library patrons across the state.

Our Agency History
Our history from its roots in the Republic to the present day.

Our Organizational Chart
An overview of our agency's divisions and their directors.

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Our Commission and Advisory Boards

Our Agency Commission Members
Meet our seven-member commission that sets policy and oversees the operation of our agency.

Our Commission Meetings and Agendas
Review the agendas and minutes of our previous commission meetings and preview agendas for our future meetings.

Our Advisory Boards
Acquaint yourself with the many advisory boards that help us fulfill our mission.

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Customer Services and Information

Our Customer Service Policies
Learn about our service commitment to you. Includes:

Agency Report on Customer Service, June 2008

Web Policies and Disclaimers
Link to our Web privacy policy, and an outline of our responsibilities to you.

Web Site Statistics
View our monthly Web site statistics.

Texas Comptroller's Where the Money Goes database

Report on Procedures for Charging and Collecting Fees for Providing Copies of Public Information

Sale of Government Records

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Budget Information

Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) for FY2010-2011

Information Technology Detail (ITD) for FY2010-2011

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Strategic Plans

Strategic Plans

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Biennial Reports

Biennial Reports

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Comments? E-mail webmaster@tsl.state.tx.us

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Texas State Library Home PageContact Us Site Index Policies and Disclaimers