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    This page last updated Thursday, January 31, 2002

  • December 30, 1999, Department letter enclosing a preliminary list of root causes of problems in safety management and technical safety issues, and assessment of the hydrogen fluoride supply system line item project.  It is also requesting for an extension on the reporting requirement established on the Board's letter dated November 9, 1999 regarding the corrective actions on the Integrated Safety Management practices at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 23, 1999, Board letter regarding the seismic design spectrum of the Tritium Extraction Facility project at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 22, 1999, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 2, 1999 regarding increasing concerns on Building 9206 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding report on the implementation status of DOE Order 425.1A, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 22, 1999, Department memorandum regarding Readiness Review Program Follow-up Actions. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding closure of Recommendation 94-2, Conformance with Safety Standards at Department of Energy Low-Level Nuclear Waste and Disposal Sites. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 21, 1999, Board announcement of a Public Hearing on Recommendations 95-2 and 98-1 scheduled for January 20, 2000 at 9:00 A.M. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 21, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on Electrical, Instrumentation and Control, and Fire Protection Systems and Year 2000 Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 21, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the status of Implementation Plan for Recommendation 97-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 20, 1999, Department letter forwarding report providing the completion status of the commitments in Implementation Plan for 94-2, the rationale and proposal for closing this recommendation. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 16, 1999, Department letter forwarding revisions on the operations requirements project plan for the W76 and W88 Disassembly and Inspection at the Pantex Plant in response to Board letter dated November 22, 1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 16, 1999, Department letter responding to Board letter dated October 5, 1999 regarding Integrated Safety Management (ISM) progress at the Nevada Test Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 16, 1999, Board letter forwarding closure of Recommendation 95-1, Improved Safety of Cylinders Containing Depleted Uranium. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 15, 1999, Department letter responding to Board letter dated November 22, 1999 relative to the safety analyses for the Replacement High-Level Waste Evaporator at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 14, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of progress on the  implementation of Recommendation 94-1 at Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 13, 1999, Department letter enclosing the compliance evaluation and the disposal authorization for SWSA-6 low-level waste disposal in Tumulus I & II and IWMF at Oak Ridge Reservation in completion of commitments VII.B.5.b.1, 2, 3 relative to 94-2 and proposing closure of these commitments. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 10, 1999, Department letter forwarding revised DOE-STD-3015-97, Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Process, in completion of sub-recommendation 5 of Recommendation 98-2 and proposes closure of this sub-recomendation. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 7, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the design review for the Tritium Extraction Facility to be constructed at the Savannah River Site next year. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 6, 1999, Department letter enclosing DOE Orders 452.1B and 452.2B, the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Group (NESSG) implementation guidance, and a letter requesting assistance in recruiting a senior panel to enhance the quality of nuclear explosive operation review process. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 6, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report and action plan addressing issues raised in the Board's Technical Report 23 regarding HEPA Filters Used in Department of Energy's Hazardous Facilities. Corrective actions will be tracked in CATS. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding acceptance of the proposed revisions to DOE's long-term plutonium storage standard, DOE-STD-3013-99, Stabilization, Packaging, and Storage of Plutonium-Bearing Materials. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding Technical Report-24 regarding Safe Handling of Insensitive High Explosive Weapon Subassemblies at the Pantex Plant.   It also establishes a 90-day reporting requirement on the technical safety basis for handling composite IHE/CHE weapon assemblies. [HTML]
  • December 1, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on welding quality deficiencies at the Department of Energy's sites. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 1, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on hazard identification at Hanford 233-S plutonium concentration facility and establishes a 60-day reporting requirement on the decommissioning process at the 233-S Facility. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 1, 1999, Board letter forwarding two staff issue reports on the review of status of W62 Disassembly and Inspection Program relative to Recommendation 98-2 and review of Transportation Basis for Interim Operations Module at the Pantex Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • November 24, 1999, Department letter forwarding the revised Maintenance Guide for the Department of Energy's Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility Performance Assessments and Composite Analyses. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 22,1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the safety analyses for replacement high-level waste evaporator at Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 22, 1999, Board letter regarding increasing concern on two problems that threaten the schedule for stockpile stewardship that affects the operations at the Pantex Plant and the Y-12 Plant at Oak Ridge. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 17, 1999, Department letter forwarding a compilation of the current research activities of the Office of Science and Technology to implement the Low-Level Waste Research and Development Plan developed by the Department in response to Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 15, 1999, Board letter closing Recommendation 93-5, Waste Tanks Characterization Studies. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 15, 1999,  Board letter responding to DOE's reply to the Board's letter dated September 22, 1999 regarding issues discussed during the recent public meeting on Recommendation 94-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 12, 1999, Department letter forwarding response to the Board's request for information on the Department's radiation protection programs for work with special tritium compounds at Mound. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 12, 1999, Department letter forwarding a follow-up letter on the Savannah River Site (SRS) actions taken to increase seismic safety margin. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 9, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the hydrogen fluoride supply system project and conceptual design of a highly enriched uranium materials facility at the Y-12 Plant. It also establishes a 30-day reporting requirement to identify and address the root causes of the problems associated with the execution of safety management principles and technical safety issues at the Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 9, 1999, Board letter accepting proposal to close Recommendation 93-3, Improving Technical Capability in Defense Nuclear Facilities Programs. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 5, 1999, Department letter forwarding report on the early completion of Commitment 302 found in Implementation Plan 94-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 4, 1999, Department letter forwarding deliverables due for the month of October in relation to Recommendation 98-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 4, 1999, Department letter forwarding fourth quarter status report on Recommendation 97-2 for fiscal year 1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 3, 1999, Department memorandum regarding nuclear criticality self-improvement initiative. Corrective actions will be tracked in CATS. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 3, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on weapons dismantlement preparations at Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 2, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff review on Building 3019 ventilation systems required for safe uranium-233 operations and long-term storage. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 2, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff review of Building 9206 deactivation and risk reduction activities at Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant.  It also establishes a 30-day reporting requirement detailing the path forward to achieve a more timely hazard reduction in B9206. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 2, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on work involving stable metal tritides at Miamisburg Environmental Management Project (MEMP). [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • October 29, 1999, Department letter relative to the Board's recent visit to Savannah River and enclosure of Seismic Issue Resolution - Issue 3a. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 29, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal to close Recommendation 93-5 and enclosure of justifications for this proposal. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 29, 1999, Department letter informing the Board on the developments relative to the issues raised on the review on chemical hazards assessments at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 28, 1999, Department letter informing the Board of its plans to review the fire department staffing needs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on November 15, 1999 and the composition of the team performing the review. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 27, 1999, Department letter forwarding quarterly report for July through September 1999 on Recommendation 93-5 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 27, 1999, Department letter forwarding quarterly progress report on Board Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 25, 1999, Department memorandum regarding Integrated Safety Management. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 25, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal to close commitments VII.B.5.b.1., 2., and 3. in Recommendation 94-2 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 19, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal to close Commitments 5.1.2 and 5.2 in Implementation Plan for Recommendation 98-1 in relation to the revision of the DOE M 411.1-1A and DOE O 414.1A. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 19, 1999, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 26, 1999, requesting a report regarding the adequacy of implementation of DOE Order 425.1A, "Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities". [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding replies to questions relative to issues discussed during the 94-1 Public Meeting held on September 9, 1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 15, 1999, Board letter acknowledging receipt of Deliverable 5.5.1(c) for Recommendation 98-2 which documents DOE's proposal on changes to the membership and structure of Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Groups (NESSGs). [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 13, 1999, Department letter forwarding report providing the completion status of the commitments in 93-3 Implementation Plan, the rationale for closing Recommendation 93-3, and the Department's plan to continue the Federal Technical Capability Program. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 12, 1999, Department letter acknowledging receipt and acceptance of the Board's Recommendation 99-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding Staff Issue Report relative to the recent upgrades to the safety basis for defense nuclear facilities at Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 5, 1999, Department letter providing detail on the deliverables due within the month of September relative to Recommendation 98-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 5, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal on closure of Commitment 5.3.3 relative to Recommendation 98-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 5, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report which documents the review of fire protection for Uranium-233 Inspection and Repackaging Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 5, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding progress on implementation of Integrated Safety Management at Nevada Test Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • September 29, 1999, Department letter regarding RFETS PuSPS's ability to meet the DOE-STD-3013-96 requirement to limit the contamination level of the outer surface of the inner can as defined in 10 CFR 835. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 28, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal for closure of Commitment 5.4.4 per Board Recommendation 93-3. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 28, 1999, Department letter enclosing the compliance evaluation and the disposal authorization statement for the SRS E-Area Vaults and Saltstone disposal facilities. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 24, 1999, Department letter forwarding milestone per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 24, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments regarding the Department's Facility Representative Program and its recipient Mr. Michael Glasman. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of electrical, instrumentation and control, and fire protection systems at Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of weapon safety specifications for the W76, B83, and W56 nuclear weapons program. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the necessary actions to resolve issues hindering implementation of recommendation 94-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 21, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on lightning protection for nuclear explosive operations at Pantex. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 20, 1999, Department letter responding to a July 8th Board letter concerning completion of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 17, 1999, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 104 per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 15, 1999, Board letter regarding the Department's contractual arrangements with CCPS and INPO. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 10, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.6.1, Pantex Plant ISMSV Phase I Review Plan per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 9, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding the Fifth Integrated Safety Management Lessons Learned Workshop held in Atlanta, GA. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 8, 1999, Board announcement of a public hearing scheduled for 9:00am, September 29, 1999, on the status of progress of activities associated with the Department's implementation plans for the Board's recommendations 95-2 and 98-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 7, 1999, Department letter forwarding detail on deliverables for the 98-2 Implementation Plan due within the month of August. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding the revised TQP implementatio plan (commitment 5.4.3) per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report on the on-schedule completion and proposed closure of Commitment 310 per the 94-1 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • August 27, 1999, Department letter forwarding a quarterly progress report for the period April 1 through June 30, 1999, per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 27, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on plutonium stabilization and packaging system review. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 26, 1999, Board letter establishing 60-day reporting requirement on the state of implementation of DOE Order 425.1A. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 23, 1999, Department letter forwarding a decision report required in deliverable 5.5.1(c) per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 23, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the Department's Program Execution Plan for the U-233 safe storage plan per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 19, 1999, Department letter forwarding the 3rd quarter status report per the 97-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 11, 1999, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 99-1, safe storage of fissionable material called "pits." [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 11, 1999, Department letter forwarding report on plans and schedule addressing issues identified during the Los Alamos National Laboratory Safety Management Assessment and for establishing an Authorization Agreement for the TA-18 site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 11, 1999, Board announcement of a Public Hearing scheduled for September 9, 1999, 9:00am regarding the status of the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 94-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 10, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report summarizing recent observations made during an in-progress review of the W79 Dismantlement Program at the Pantex Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 6, 1999, Department letter forwarding additional information on Issue project plans and BIO improvement initiative per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 6, 1999, Department letter forwarding details on the four remaining deliverables  due for July per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 3, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Technical Leadership Development Program Implementation Plan pursuant to commitment 5.3.3 per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • July 30, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 301 per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 30, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the status of W62 disassembly and inspection program at the Pantex Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 29, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for April-June, 1999, per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 26, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of worker protection practices at LANL. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Integrated Project Management Plan per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 22, 1999, Department letter extending an invitation to the Hanford Site Integrated Safety Management Workshop. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 20, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the Building 9206 Complex Phase Out/Deactivation Program Management Plan at Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 16, 1999, Department letter notifying Board of Ted Wyka replacing Dick Crowe as SMIT Director. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding the revised Office of Oversight ES&H Appraisal Process Protocols and associated revision report per the 98-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding its final quarterly progress report per the 94-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 12, 1999, Board letter granting 60 day extension to submit a report detailing plans and schedules relating to the path forward to address the LANL Safety Management Assessment and the Authorization Agreement issue at TA-18. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 9, 1999, Department letter forwarding the PEP for the U-233 Safe Storage Program and TBD/TBR Resolution Plan for U-233 Safe Storage Requirements Document per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 8, 1999, Department letter forwarding milestone per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding two staff issue reports regarding chemical hazards assessments, chemical safety review, and lithium operations at Y-12. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the Department's final draft guide DOE G 421.1-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the design and safety analysis issues associated with the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding Board comments on the implementation guide for DOE Order 420.1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 7, 1999, Department letter requesting a 60-day extension to complete the report on plans and schedule for addressing issues at the TA-18 site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report on issues related to material stabilization activities at Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • June 30, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Albuquerque Operations Office deliverables per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 30, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Final Site Assessment Report per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 28, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Development & Production Manual Chapter per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 23, 1999, Department letter forwarding the revised W88 project plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 23, 1999, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement on actions to complete the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 18, 1999, Department letter regarding resolving the benzene generation issues associated with the ITP Process at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 16, 1999, Board letter accepting the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 14, 1999, Department letter forwarding completion of a commitment per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 11, 1999, Board letter regarding the inconsistency of readiness reviews conducted at the Pantex Plant relative to DOE Order 425.1A and with the principles of ISM. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 10, 1999, Board letter closing of Recommendation 94-5. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 10, 1999, Department letter forwarding response to Board's letter dated April 29, 1999, regarding appropriate radiation protection measures for detecting, controlling and monitoring metal tritides. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding DNFSB/Technical Report 23 regarding restoration of HEPA filters used in the Department's Hazardous Facilities and establishing a 60-day reporting requirement outlining steps to resolve this issues. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding DNFSB/Technical Report 22 regarding a processing alternative for disposal of aluminum spent nuclear fuel at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 7, 1999, Department letter regarding the Board's letter concerning the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program Failure Data Experience Award. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 3, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitments per the 98-2 implementation plan and proposing closure of commitments. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 3, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.6.3 per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • June 2, 1999, Department letter regarding corrective actions taken to address the negative trend in control of work and operations at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • May 27, 1999, Board letter closing of Recommendation 94-3. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 27, 1999, Board letter providing expectations for the Department to further address stabilization plans for neptunium solutions, plutonium metals and oxides. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 26, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.3.2 per the 93-3 implementation plan and proposing closure of commitment. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 26, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly status report for the second quarter, Fiscal Year 1999, per the 97-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 26, 1999, Board letter regarding the Department's Integrated Project Management for the PFP Stabilization Stabilization and Deactivation Project (IPMP). [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 20, 1999, Board letter announcing Mr. Sautman's as the 1999 recipient of the John W. Crawford, Jr. Award for Staff Excellence. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 19, 1999, Department letter providing commitment 5.3.1 per the 93-3 implementation plan, and proposing closure of the commitment. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 19, 1999, Department letter proposing closure of commitment 5.5.2 per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 18, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on observations of readiness reviews at the Pantex Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 14, 1999, Board letter regarding the consruction of the Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility at the Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 11, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 5.1.4 per the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 11, 1999, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement on plans and schedule for addressing the issues in the LANL safety management assessments and for establishing a TA-18 Authorization Agreement. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 10, 1999, Department letter regarding construction at the SRS of the Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 7, 1999, Board letter forwarding summary information on representative occurrences during 1999 at Savannah River Site. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 7, 1999, Board letter regarding the EH Criticality Workshop for Senior Managers. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on observations of first waste receipt and disposal placement at WIPP. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding a report summarizing observations made by the Board's staff during a review fo the resumption of operations at Building 332 at LLNL. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 4, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the draft of Order 435.1 in regards to Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • April 30, 1999, Department letter regarding Year 2000 (Y2K) Issues. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 29, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of deactivation and decommissioning of Tritium Facilities at MEMP. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 29, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 29, 1999, Board letter commending Mr. Thomas Rotella on his efforts regarding suspect/counterfeit parts. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 28, 1999, Board announcement scheduling a Public Hearing regarding Recommendations 95-2 and 98-1 on May 25, 1999, 9:00 a.m. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 28, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 27, 1999, Remarks by Joseph DiNunno at the Department's Project Management's Workshop in Denver, Colorado. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 27, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on radiological engineering during deactivation and decommissioning activities at RFETS. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 27, 1999, Board letter granting closure of Recommendation 93-6. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 26, 1999, Board letter forwarding Technical Report 21 on the status of emergency management at defense nuclear facilities. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 23, 1999, Department letter issuing several new Chapters to AL Supplemental Directive 56XB. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report per the 94-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 19, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 13 per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding milestones,, and per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding comments to the Board's comments on Integrated Pit Storage Program Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 14, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Low-Level Waste Management Research and Development Plan per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 13, 1999, Department letter forwarding the project plans for W62 and W88 at Pantex. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 12, 1999, Department letter forwarding completed commitments per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 8, 1999, Department letter forwarding a listing of assessments performed for Hanford site activities by Richland during the first quarter of CY1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 7, 1999, Department letter forwarding an updated listing of safety-related systems and their Y2K status. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 6, 1999, Department letter forwarding milestone per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 2, 1999, Department letter proposing closure of recommendation 93-6. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • March 31, 1999, Remarks by Joseph DiNunno at the Energy Facilities Contractors Group Executive Council Meeting. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 29, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of technical issues related to the SNFP. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 26, 1999, Department letter forwarding response to Board letter dated January 28, 1999, regarding the conditional acceptance of the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 26, 1999, Department letter forwarding the I-CAM Team Charter identifying membership, roles and responsibilities per the 98-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 25, 1999, Board letter granting closure of Recommendation 93-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 25, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding the schedule progress for the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 25, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding lightning protection for nuclear explosives areas at Pantex. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 25, 1999, Board letter accepting the recommendation 98-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 24, 1999, Board letter forwarding the staff issue report regarding alternatives to the ITP Facility at SRS. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 19, 1999, Board letter forwarding DNFSB/TECH-20 Report on Protection of Collocated Workers at the Department of Energy's Defense Nuclear Facilities and Sites. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 18, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report documenting observations resulting from its review of the Consolidated Tritium Safety Analysis Report. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 18, 1999, Board letter forwarding a list of 93-3 implementation plan commitments accepted for closure. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding four chapters to the AL Supplemental Directive 56XB. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 12, 1999, Board letter granting closure of Recommendation 94-4. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 12, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the Integrated Pit Storage Program Plan and establishing a 30-day reporting requirement detailing actions taken to address its' letter dated December 31, 1997. [HTML]
  • March 12, 1999, Board letter forwarding three (3) staff issue reports regarding certain elements of the integrated safety process at Pantex per the 98-2 recommendation. [HTML]
  • March 10, 1999, Board letter forwarding its Ninth Annual Report to Congress on its activities relating to the Department of Energy. [HTML]
  • March 10, 1999, Secretary Memorandum forwarding the 98-1 implementation plan to the field elements. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 10, 1999, Department letter forwarding the 98-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 10, 1999, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to transmit the 98-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 5, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report compiled by ES&H identifying the safety-related systems at defense nuclear facilities, and their schedule for Year 2000 remediation. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 3, 1999, Department memorandum regarding safety enhancements establishing the basic elements of meaningful oversight, enforcement and accountability. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 3, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the restart of thermal stabilization at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • March 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding directives, implementation guides, supporting technical standards, and public rule, and proposal of closure of Recommendation 93-1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • February 26, 1999, Department letter regarding commitment to remove uranium deposits from the Auxiliary Charcoal Bed of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment per the 94-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 23, 1999, Board letter commending Mr. Tarter on the safety management upgrade program at LLNL. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 23, 1999, Board letter commending Lockheed Martin on its Integrated Safety Management Workshop. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 23, 1999, Board letter commending Mr. Parks on his retirement. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 23, 1999, Department letter forwarding a quarterly status report for the first quarter FY1999 per the 97-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Technical Leadership Development Program Guidance Framework as a deliverable pursuant to commitment 5.3.3 per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 19, 1999, Department letter forwarding completion of the commitment regarding reservoir storage in HIVES. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 17, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Recommendation 97-1 Annual Report. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 17, 1999, Department letter forwarding Quarterly Report 16 and proposing closure of Recommendation 94-4. [HTML]  [WP] [PDF]
  • February 16, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Strategy for Managing Risks at the Chemistry Metallurgy Research (CMR) Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 16, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Manager's Guide to Administrative Flexibilities per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 16, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment per the 93-3 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 12, 1999, Department letter regarding Y2K compliance. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 8, 1999, Department letter forwarding comments on the Board's review of draft standard DOE-SAFT-0067. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding its' response to the Board's letter of December 1, 1998, on the CVD Facility at Hanford. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 1, 1999, Department letter forwarding its Annual Report to Congress on its activities relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. [HTML]
  • February 1, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • January 29, 1999, Department letter forwarding milestone per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 29, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report per the 93-5 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 28, 1999, Board letter forwarding two staff issue reports on recent reviews at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 28, 1999, Board letter accepting the 94-1 implementation plan with conditions, and establishing a 60-day reporting requirement on the effects of delays in construction of the Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility at Savannah River. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 25, 1999, Department letter forwarding a summary report regarding Fire Safety Programs. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding a deliverable for commitment 10 per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 21, 1999, Board letter establishing "The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Safety Leadership Award." [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 15, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on technical project management of upgrades to nuclear facilities at LANL. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 15, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on readiness review programs at Pantex Plant. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 14, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Site Assessment Report per the 97-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding staff issue report on Phase I verification review of Hanford Tank Farms ISMS (95-2). [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 8, 1999, Board letter establishing 45-, 60-, and 90-day reporting requirements on Year 2000 compliance. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • January 6, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments regarding the Hazard Analysis Report per the 93-1 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

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