December 22, 1999

The Honorable John T. Conway
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue, NW.
Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004-2901

Dear Mr. Chairman:

The Department shares the concerns outlined in your November 2, 1999, letter regarding the condition of materials stored in Building 9206 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant. The Department has approached Building 9206 risk reduction in a thoughtful and deliberate fashion. The Y-12 Site has prepared, and the Department has approved, the Building 9206 Phase Out/Deactivation Program Management Plan. The Plan was completed in February 1999 and was formally forwarded to the Board as an enclosure to a March 31, 1999, letter.

The facility Basis for Interim Operation and the Operational Safety Requirement have been revised to incorporate Department of Energy (DOE) comments and have been resubmitted to DOE for final approval. It reflects the best judgement of risks, in categories, relating to Building 9206. The 9206 Deactivation Plan addresses these risks, in a prioritized fashion, and the plan will be reviewed/revised as necessary. Risk reduction progress has been made in Building 9206, and more will be accomplished in Fiscal Year (FY) 2000. The enclosure details items that have been accomplished, or that are planned to be accomplished, during FY 2000, utilizing available FY 2000 funding.

The Department believes: 1) it is doing a credible job in the mitigation of the risks associated with Building 9206; 2) that it has made progress in reducing Building 9206 risks to date; 3) that additional significant risk reduction progress will be accomplished in FY 2000; and 4) that the funding for risk mitigation for Building 9206 is at the correct level in FY 2000, given the total national security demands on available Defense Programs funding for the Y-12 Site.

In summary, staying the course outlined in the enclosure to this letter for Building 9206 will increase the prospects for success in resuming the complete agenda of operations, which is our mutual objective, as the Board pointed out in their November 22, 1999, letter.

Detail of Building 9206 risk reduction items that have been accomplished, or that are planned to be accomplished during FY2000, utilizing available FY2000 funding

Please contact me if you have any questions or have your staff contact Phil Aiken at 301-903-4513.


Thomas F. Gioconda
Brigadier General, USAF
Acting Assistant Secretary
for Defense Programs

M. Whitaker, S-3.1