December 22, 1999



SUBJECT: Readiness Review Program Follow-up Actions

Attached is the report prepared by the Headquarters review team from the results of the individual site assessments of the status of implementation of DOE O 425.1A, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities. The report was prepared in response to my memorandum of October 19, 1999, subject: Readiness Review Program. The entire effort is in response to a letter from the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) that identifies several issues with the status of implementation of DOE O 425.1A.

The report contains recommendations for actions to improve the status of implementation of the Readiness Review Program across the DOE Complex. The reports of the individual site assessments identified local issues and provided corrective action plans. It is my intention that these site-specific issues be managed, tracked, and closed by local site management, and Lead Program Secretarial Officers (LPSOs) will oversee this process to assure its effectiveness. The purpose for this memorandum is to address the recommendation in the attached report for Headquarters action, including those actions that are common at all sites with nuclear facilities.

I approve the recommendations in the report and direct the following actions and responsibilities:

Promulgate a revision to DOE O 425.1A and the associated standard, DOE-STD-3006-95 to:

Promulgate a revision to DOE Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual (FRAM) to clarify the expectations for DOE review and approval of Startup Notification Reports (SNRs) and EH responsibilities for oversight of the Readiness Review process, and reiterate the requirement to oversee field execution of delegated functions through DOE P 450.5 oversight processes. Action: EH, Due next annual revision.

Provide a briefing to the responsible line managers at the next available Field Managers' meeting to provide the information contained in this assessment to the appropriate decision-makers and highlight resulting changes in requirements. Action: Headquarters review team, Due 6/00

Each LPSO and Cognizant Secretarial Officers (CSOs) if appropriate, oversee the field office processes for correcting the deficiencies identified by their reports. Conduct an oversight review upon completion of the corrective actions, but not later than 09/00. Document these results and make them available to EH-2 during the next Safety Management Evaluation (SME). Action: LPSOs/CSOs, Due 09/00.

Each LPSO and field office manager implement the guidance and interpretation associated with Startup Notification Reports and Readiness Assessments Graded approach contained in the attached white papers in anticipation of the updates to the Order and Standard. Action: All, Due 3/00.

MA take over administrative control of the ORR training course. MA should ensure this course meets Technical Qualification Program guidelines and that its availability is known throughout the complex. I expect DP to provide MA assistance in this ORR training. LPSOs and field personnel are encouraged to utilize this resource as the need is identified. Action: MA lead, DP, due 6/00.

All sites conducting startups or restarts of nuclear facilities are reminded of the requirement in DOE O 425.1A to forward required documentation to EH-2, Headquarters. Action: All, continuing.

EH will evaluate organizational priorities to assign greater priority to the oversight of startup and restart activities, to monitor ORR schedule adjustments and better support schedule changes, and review restart documentation in a more timely manner. EH will assess oversight protocol to ensure consistency with the upcoming changes in the FRAM, the Order and standard. Action: EH, due 3 months following next annual FRAM revision.

I am confident that the conscientious effort of all addressees to implement the actions discussed above as well as complete the corrective actions identified at the individual sites will result in the process improvement in the Readiness Review program that is required.


Note: These attachments are available in [PDF].