February 17, 1999

The Honorable John T. Conway
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004

Dear Chairman: (John)

Enclosed is the Department of Energy's Annual Report of activities related to the implementation of Recommendation 97-1, Safe Storage of Uranium-233. This report, covering the period January 1–December 31, 1998, presents the status of actions and milestones associated with the 97-1 Implementation Plan and describes activities underway to address issues associated with uranium-233 storage.

If I can be of further assistance concerning matters relating to Recommendation 97-1, please contact me or have your staff contact Mr. John C. Tseng, Director, Nuclear Materials Stewardship Program Office at 301/903-4482.


David G. Huizenga
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Nuclear Materials and Facility Stabilization
Office of Environmental Management


Note: Enclosure is available in [PDF].