Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Who We Are

Fact Sheet
Refuge Map
Refuge History

What We Do

Moist Soil Management
Cropland Management
Grassland Management
Partners for Wildlife


Latest Bird Count
Resident Wildlife
Bird List

Public Use

First Fridays
Waterfowl Hunting
Deer Hunting
Wildlife Obervation



Small Wetlands Program

Contact Us

Phone: 660-856-3323
V/TTY: 800-735-2966
16194 Swan Lake Avenue
Sumner, MO 64681

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Logo The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides technical assistance to solve land management problems, identify partners, and coordinate restoration work on private lands. The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program concentrates on restoring degraded freshwater and saltwater wetlands, riparian (stream-side) habitat, and habitat for migratory songbirds, endangered and threatened species, and fishes.

Restoration costs may be shared by any combination of governmental agencies, private organizations, and the private landowner. Cost-effective restoration projects that provide the greatest fish and wildlife benefit for the least money are most likely to receive attention from the Partners program. The landowner must commit to maintaining restored habitat for a minimum of ten years.

We work with private landowners in Missouri to restore native prairie, floodplain forest, riparian corridors, and a variety of wetland habitats. We provide technical assistance, matching funds, and equipment to our cooperators as a means of realizing our mutual habitat restoration and enhancement goals.

Private landowners in Missouri who are interested in habitat restoration should let us know. Of course, not all projects qualify for assistance, but calling us for a site visit to your land is the first step. If you are interested in habitat restorations, please contact us.

Last updated: July 18, 2008