Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Who We Are

Fact Sheet
Refuge Map
Refuge History

What We Do

Moist Soil Management
Cropland Management
Grassland Management
Partners for Wildlife


Latest Bird Count
Resident Wildlife
Bird List

Public Use

First Fridays
Waterfowl Hunting
Deer Hunting
Wildlife Obervation



Small Wetlands Program

Contact Us

Phone: 660-856-3323
V/TTY: 800-735-2966
16194 Swan Lake Avenue
Sumner, MO 64681

Cropland Management

Cropland management is conducted on about 1,000 acres of the refuge. The refuge has converted to a modified biological farming program, in which inorganic fertilizers are used to supplement annual legume plantings.

All crops, which include corn, sorghum, clover, and wheat, are left in the field for geese and other wildlife.

Photo of a tractor in a refuge field - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Photo by John Guthrie

The goals of the refuge farming program are:

  1. To meet waterfowl food objectives

  2. To promote habitat diversity for both migratory and resident wildlife

  3. To demonstrate biological farming principles

  4. To build existing soil organic matter and nutrients depleted by past farming operations

  5. To compliment other refuge management programs for the benefit of wildlife and people

Last updated: July 18, 2008