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Spinoff is NASA's annual premiere publication featuring successfully commercialized NASA technology. For more than 40 years, the NASA Commercial Technology Program has facilitated the transfer of NASA technology to the private sector, benefiting global competition and the economy. The resulting commercialization has contributed to the development of commercial products and services in the fields of health and medicine, industry, consumer goods, transportation, public health, computer technology, and environmental resources. Since 1976, Spinoff has featured between 40 and 50 of these commercial products annually. Spinoff maintains a searchable database of every technology published since its inception. If you think you have the makings of a spinoff, please contact us through the contributor form.
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  Technology Innovation
Technology Innovation
NASA seeks to create partnerships and cooperative activities with U.S. enterprises to develop technology that is applicable to NASA's mission technology needs and contributes to commercial competitiveness in global markets. Technology Innovation provides information about NASA's technology needs and opportunities, as well as interesting facts and feature articles about our successes.
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  Tech Briefs
Tech Briefs
Engineering Solutions for Design and Manufacturing
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  NASA Tech Tracs
NASA TechFinder
NASA TechFinder is a resource that enables commercial and private users to perform simple or advanced searches or request more detailed information for technology opportunities, licensing opportunities, past success stories, and featured technologies leads.
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  Partnership Portal
Partnership Portal
NASA has many technology needs, and most technologies have multiple applications. By working jointly with NASA to develop technologies to meet their needs, companies can also meet their own product development needs—faster, more efficiently, and with less capital. Take advantage of NASA's research and program funding to get your business off the ground, while also giving NASA the technologies it needs to reach its own goals.
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IPP Publications & Briefings

IPP Seed Fund Success
NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program (IPP) strives to facilitate partnerships with the U.S. private sector and leverage private resources to produce technologies needed for NASA missions. IPP's Seed Fund helps NASA realize its mission capability goals by providing leveraged funding to establish cost-shared, joint-development collaborations.
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The IPP Environment
IPP's Dynamic Innovation Process
IPP Technology for Mission Directorates
Partnership Model - Value Proposition

Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology Development and Training (FAST)
46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit
7-10 January 2008, Reno, Nevada
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Technology Development and Infusion from NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program
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Space Solutions to Earth's Global Challenges
International Space University 12th Annual Symposium
20-22 February 2008
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NASA's Legacy of Technology Transfer and Prospects for Future Benefits
AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference & Exposition
18 - 20 September 2007, Long Beach, California
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  Florida thumbnail
Florida Economic and Job Summit
Powering the Future Briefing
July 27, 2007
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  NIAC thumbnail
NIAC Fellows Meeting - Potential Source of Funding: IPP
March 7, 2007
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  FAA RESOURCES thumbnail
Funding Resources for Launch Vehicle and Spaceport Technology Research and Development
October 2006
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NASA 360° Videos

NASA 360 Program - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Methane Engine Test Fire
NASA Meets Photosynth
Earth Orbit 360°
360° View of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)
Erebus Rim - Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
Halo 3 - Elephant Launch
International Space Station Interactive Reference Guide
STS-117 Atlantis Undocked From ISS
International Space Station - Expeditions

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Features of Interest

Pirate thumbnail
Five Questions: Cabling to Space
Space Pirate breaks down NASA challenge.
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Art thumbnail
Goddard's 50th Anniversary Technology Spinoff Art Contest
Help us show how technology innovations from Goddard have impacted our lives here on Earth. Winning art will be used to promote Goddard's upcoming 50th Anniversary event!
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Cancer thumbnail
NASA Contributions to Cancer Research
Since its founding in 1958, NASA's exploration and research missions have benefited people around the world through the expansion of our civilization's horizons, the acquisition of knowledge, and the development of new technologies and applications that provide amazing new advances in the quality of human life.
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50th thumbnail
50th Anniversary Essay Competition Winners
The Innovative Partnerships Program at NASA Headquarters, in conjunction with the Office of Education, is pleased to announce the winners of the NASA 50th Anniversary Essay Competition.
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New Pathways to Prevention through Better Medical Imaging
NASA drives innovation, creating real benefits for a modest investment of less than six - tenths of one percent of the overall federal budget. Individuals with barely detectable diseases are likely to be new beneficiaries of NASA's healing edge.
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Kennedy thumbnail
Kennedy Technology Shines Light on Criminal Investigations
A technology developed at Kennedy Space Center for the space shuttle recently was used by the U.S. Navy during a criminal investigation in the Middle East.
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GSFC Video thumbnail
Goddard Space Flight Center Video Features
Check out the featured technologies video features from GSFC.
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NASA Home & City thumbnail
NASA Home and City
Discover how space exploration impacts your daily life.
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Create the future thumbnail
Create the Future - Design Contest
NASA Tech Briefs is a co-sponsor for the Create the Future design contest which rewards the best ideas for new products, and celebrates breakthrough thinking about problems of all kinds, large and small.
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NASA Contributions thumbnail
NASA Contributions
Interactive page featuring NASA-developed technologies that have "real world" applications.
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NASA Spinoff thumbnail
NASA Spinoff 2007 Highlights Space Innovation in Everyday Life
Spinoff 2007 highlights 39 new examples of how NASA innovation can be transferred to the commercial market place and applied to areas such as health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, homes and recreation, environmental and agricultural resources, computer technology and industrial productivity.
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NIH thumbnail
Medicine in Outer Space
Space-based medical research is bringing benefits to all Americans.
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Micro-fiber Composite thumbnail
'NASA Invention of the Year' Controls Noise and Vibration
Developed at NASA's Langley Research Center, the Macro-Fiber Composite (MFC) is an innovative, low-cost piezoelectric device designed for controlling vibration, noise, and deflections in composite structural beams and panels.
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AIAA thumbnail
NASA's Legacy of Technology Transfer and Prospects for Future Benefits
Over the course of its history, NASA has nurtured partnerships with the private sector to facilitate the transfer of NASA-developed technologies.
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How NASA Improves Our Quality of Life - Rewards From Space
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  NASA ANATOMY thumbnail
NASA Anatomy
How Space Technology Improves Human Health
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  High Frontier thumbnail
High Frontier - Journal of the Air Force Space Command - Volume 3, #3
NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program: Matching Technology Needs with Technology Capabilities
May 2007
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  GOOGLE thumbnail
Google's Nine Points of Innovation
August 13, 2007
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Official:Janelle Turner
Last Updated: May 6, 2009
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