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IPP Partnership Development
Technology Transfer
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New Innovative Partnerships

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Partnership Development
NASA's Strategic Plan calls for "development of portions of NASA's technology and capability portfolio by partnering with…the commercial, academic, and other external sectors…to expand the Agency's ability to identify new technologies and new technology sources…and gain access to a wider variety of technologies than the Agency could develop in-house." Consistent with the Plan, IPP engages a broad spectrum of entities from these sectors for the purposes of identifying and facilitating opportunities for partnering to develop dual use technologies, which provide technology alternatives for NASA's Mission Directorates. The technologies developed through partnerships are targeted to fill in gaps in Mission Directorate portfolios that are a consequence of diminished budget resources. Therefore, IPP acts as a catalyst for leveraging limited NASA resources with outside partner resources to provide a wide range of technologies important to NASA's missions. As a byproduct, IPP also provides all US citizens and entities with the opportunity to contribute to NASA's exploration mission. IPP typically facilitates over 200 new partnerships with the private and other external sectors each year.

Activity Measures Report on NASA's CRADA

NASA provides an accumulative look at the number of Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) collaborations.  Click here for a retrospective snapshot of activity in comparison to the past five fiscal years.

A Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) is defined as a written agreement between a private company and a government agency for the sole purpose of collaborating together on a project.

CRADA allows the federal government, together with non-federal partners, to optimize their resources, share technical expertise in a protected environment, share intellectual property which emerges from the effort, and expedite the commercialization of federally developed technology.  Due to CRADA, NASA can share patents and patent licenses, as well as provide provisions for a partner to retain exclusive rights to a patent or a patent license.

Technology Areas by NASA Field Centers
  • Aviation Safety: ARC, DFRC, GRC, LaRC
  • Fundamental Aeronautics: GRC, LaRC
  • Airspace Systems: ARC, LaRC
  • Aeronautics Test Technologies: GRC
  • Avionics & Software: ARC, LaRC
  • Sensors for Autonomous Systems: JSC
  • Environmental Control and Life Support: GRC, JSC, JPL
  • Extra Vehicular Activity: GRC, JSC
  • Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization: JSC
  • Structures, Materials, Mechanisms: GSFC, LaRC, MSFC
  • Lunar Operations: GRC, JSC
  • Energy Generation & Storage: GRC
  • Propulsion and Cryogenic Systems: GRC, MSFC
  • Protection Systems: ARC
  • Thermal Management: JSC
  • Exploration Crew Health Capabilities: GRC, JSC
  • Space Human Factors and Food Systems: JSC
  • Space Radiation: ARC, JSC
  • Sensors, Detectors, Instruments: GSFC, JPL, LaRC
  • Advanced Telescope Systems: GSFC, JPL, MSFC
  • Spacecraft and Platform Subsystems: GRC, GSFC
  • Small Spacecraft: ARC
  • Robotics: JPL
  • Information Technologies: ARC, GSFC, SSC
  • Space Communications and Navigation: GRC, GSFC, JPL
  • Space Transportation: KSC, SSC
  • Processing and Operations: GRC, JSC, KSC
  • Atmospheric Research: DFRC, LaRC
  • Launch Site Technologies: KSC
  • Space Transportation: MSFC
  • Rocket Propulsion Testing: SSC
  • Integrated Health System Management: ARC
NASA Technologies of Interest Links
NASA TechTracS/Techfinder
NASA SBIR/STTR Funded Technology Search
Search for Technology Partnership Opportunities with NASA
NASA Tech Briefs
NASA SBIR/STTR Technology Mall
Ames Research Center Technology Partnerships Division
Dryden Flight Research Center IPP Fact Sheets
Glenn Research Center Technology Opportunities
NASA Scientific and Technical Information
NASA Spinoff Online

Software Resources
NASA's Software Repository
GSFC Software Catalog
The Software Release Process
GRC Free Software
NASA Open Source Software
Other NASA Software
GSFC Software
ARC Software
GRC Software
GSFC Software
JPL Software
MSFC Hardware
COSMIC Software Collection

License Process
Licensing of NASA GRC Technologies
ARC Apply for a License
JSC Licensing Opportunities

Research Facilities Available for Commercial and Academic Use
Detector Development Laboratory
Environmental Integration and Testing Facility
Heat-Treating Furnace

Video Gallery
Small Business Program Hallmarks of Success Videos

The NASA Learning Technologies (LT) project supports the development of projects that deliver NASA content through innovative applications of technologies to enhance education in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
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Space Experiment Rack Receives Flight Time
A new space experiment rack under development by Kennedy Space Center and Space Florida recently received some flight time.
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Jan 19, 2009 - Testing When Eyes Become Vulnerable to Cataracts
Space shuttle science may soon come to an eye doctor near you: Researchers are using a NASA gadget to finally tell if a cataract is brewing before someone's vision clouds over.
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NASA Official:Janelle Turner
Last Updated: January 25, 2009
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