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Technology Transfer
The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 and a series of subsequent legislation recognizes transfer of Federally owned or originated technology to be a national priority and the mission of each Federal agency. Accordingly, NASA is obliged to provide for the widest practicable dissemination of information concerning results of NASA's activities. The legislation specifically mandates that each Federal agency have a formal technology transfer program, and take an active role in transferring technology to the private sector and state and local governments for the purposes of commercial and other application of the technology for the national benefit. In accordance with NASA's obligations under mandating legislation, IPP, on behalf of NASA, facilitates the transfer of technology to which NASA has title for commercial application and other national benefit. IPP seeks out potential licensees and negotiates license agreements to transfer NASA technology. IPP typically facilitates over 50 new licenses with the private sector each year. More than 1500 such technology transfer successes have been documented in NASA's Spinoff Magazine over the years.

Over the past fifty years NASA had peformed some amazing feats and made many powerful discoveries. However, we are very aware that we don't have all the answers. Therefore, NASA continuously looks for partners to help develop new technologies, inform the public about our advancements, or to take our existing business practices to a new level of effectiveness. If you have an idea that you think might help NASA advance its missions, then please contact us.

NASA Spinoff
A service of the NASA IPP, providing NASA's premier annual publication of successful commercial and industrial applications of NASA-sponsored technology.
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New Air Pollution Control Technology for the Removal of Nitrogen Oxides from Stationary Combustion Sources
This innovation is a new nitrogen oxide (NOX)-control technology using hydrogen peroxide in high-temperature flue gas streams for stationary combustion sources.
+ View Fact Sheet

Smart Current Signature Sensor
The Smart Current Signature Sensor and software were designed and developed to be utilized on any application using solenoid valves.
+ View Fact Sheet

Federal Lab Consortium (FLC) National + View Site
The FLC is a national organization, established by Congress through the 1986 Federal Technology Transfer Act, to foster the transfer of technology from federal research laboratories and agencies to other agencies, state and local governments, academia, and the private sector. This Consortium has both a national organization and region structure.

FLC Far West Region + View Site
(Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington)

FLC Mid-Atlantic Region + View Site
(Delaware, Pennnsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington DC)

FLC Mid-Continent Region + View Site
(Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming)

FLC Mid-West Region + View Site
(Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota)

FLC Northeast Region + View Site
(Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico)

FLC Southeast Region + View Site
(Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee)

+ View Goddard Tech Transfer News

Upcoming Event
May 4-7, 2009: Federal Laboratory Consortium National Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC

During the conference, Robert Starr from NASA Langley Research Center, will participate in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics/S.T.E.M. session where he will display a NASA Digital Learning Network.

IPP staff will be involved in three conference sessions: IPP staff will be on a panel describing a unique approach to licensing: auction of federal lab licensing rights; will participate in a "Human Interest" panel highlighting how technology transfer has a direct benefit to individuals, in NASA's case the use of cabling technology to develop an improved medical walker; and several NASA IPP center staff will participate in a "speed networking" session where attendees can do a round of brief discussions with various agency reps on their respective organizations; NASA will have representatives from Ames Research Center, Dryden Flight Research Center, Glenn Research Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, and Stennis Space Center in the "speed networking events'.

During the FLC awards ceremony, a number of awards will be presented to NASA. Ames' Dr. Simon (Pete) Worden is this year's recipient of the FLC Laboratory Director of the Year for his leadership and outreach in fostering technology transfer. Ames Research Center and Dryden Flight Research Center will be among the agency recipients of the "Interagency Partnership Award" involving NASA, USDA Forest Service, FAA, and the National Interagency Fire Center in the development and operational use of unmanned aircraft to monitor and track fires. NASA is also receiving several FLC "Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer": Glenn Research Center for advancing technology in the use of atomic oxygen-textured surfaces for improved blood glucose monitoring, and Marshall Space Flight Center for its contribution to an improved friction stir welding process over conventional fusion welds.
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Jan 19, 2009 - Testing When Eyes Become Vulnerable to Cataracts
Space shuttle science may soon come to an eye doctor near you: Researchers are using a NASA gadget to finally tell if a cataract is brewing before someone's vision clouds over.
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Official:Janelle Turner
Last Updated: April 29, 2009
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