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Recycling for Business and Communities


Jobs Through Recycling The Universal Waste Rule picture of recycling sign with the caption jobs through recycling underneath it
Recycling Economic Information Study State Recycling Resources
Recycling Measurement

Jobs Through Recycling

Jobs Through Recycling

The goal of the Jobs Through Recycling Program (JTR) program is to build an infrastructure to foster recycling/reuse businesses that increase the use of recyclable, or reusable materials and contribute to job creation and economic development. The JTR program brings together the economic development and recycling communities through grants, networking, and information sharing. JTR builds recycling expertise within economic development agencies and places business development tools -- technical assistance, financing, and marketing -- in the hands of recycling professionals.

Economic Impacts of Recycling picture of image stating recycling is working

U.S. Recycling Economic Information (REI) Study. - To assess the economic impact of reuse and recycling on the nation's economy, EPA commissioned this study which was prepared by the National Recycling Coalition.Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer The study indicates that despite the economic slowdown, the financial and employment benefits of the recycling industry appear to be at an all-time high. The study participants have developed an outreach toolkit, to promote the results and increase investment in this sector.

REI Outreach by the Mid-America Council of Recycling Officials (MACRO) The 14 MACRO states are promoting the results from the U.S. Recycling Economic Information (REI) Study to state government leaders, financial institutions and the recycling industry. In addition to state-specific outreach efforts, this project has developed Public Service Announcements,Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer a brochure showing how the Midwest leads the nation in Recycling Economic Activity, and a portable booth display on the strength of the reuse and recycling industry in the Midwest.

The Iowa Department of Economic Development's Recycle Iowa Office has finished the Economic Impacts of Recycling in IowaExit EPA Click for Disclaimer study. The study objectives included measuring the current economic impacts of recycling activities (collectors, processors, end-users, and recycling equipment manufacturers) on Iowa employment, income and tax revenue. The study also identified specific recyclable material market development opportunities that maximize beneficial economic impacts upon the state of Iowa's economy.

Recycling Measurement

picture with recycling measurement on graphic

The Recycling Measurement web site, provides information to help state and local government officials learn more about a voluntary, standard methodology for measuring recycling rates. Learn how to develop a measurement program including worksheets, sample survey forms, community examples, and other useful tools.

Several states and municipal recycling programs track recycling rates for municipal solid waste annually. To track the progress of recycling, EPA supports data collection efforts to measure the amount of waste diverted from landfills and the amount of waste recycled, known as a recycling rate (usually shown as a percent). EPA is also interested in the measurement of the economic impacts of recycling, specifically, the size of the reuse and recycling industry.

The Universal Waste Rule is designed to reduce the amount of hazardous waste items in the municipal solid waste stream, encourages recycling and proper disposal of certain common hazardous wastes, and reduce the regulatory burden on businesses that generate these wastes.

Universal wastes are generated by small and large businesses that are regulated under RCRA and have been required to handle these materials as hazardous wastes. The Universal Waste Rule streamlines the requirements related to notification, labeling, marking, prohibitions, accumulation time limits, employee training, response to releases, offsite shipments, tracking, exports, and transportation.

State Recycling Resources for Business

Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Land Quality and Waste Management Assistance Division Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Recycle Iowa administers the Iowa Waste Exchange (IWE) program and the Buy Recycled, Iowa! program.

Iowa Materials Testing Service assists Iowa manufacturers in the research and development of products containing recycled content materials through the Materials Testing Service (MTS), a program developed in cooperation with Recycle Iowa and located at the University of Northern Iowa.

The Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC), Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer is an interdisciplinary research, education and outreach center at the University of Northern Iowa. It serves university researchers and students, Iowa citizens, business, and industry. The RRTTC's goals include the development of economical approaches to solving intractable solid waste problems and providing research and technical assistance on public health concerns as they relate to solid waste concerns.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Kansas Don't Spoil It Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer Solid Waste Management Program.

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer Integrated Waste Management Programs and Integrated Waste Planning and Aid Programs

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